Part 2

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Maive eagerly awaited the arrival of the collectors, she always new when they came, exactly every 100 days. She would go down to edge of the village were there were nothing but trees and grey bushes devoid of flowers or wild berries and she would peer over a clearing just far enough she could see them arrive in a giant cargo ship. She would get their early enough to watch it turn from a tiny dot floating above the horizon into a large intimidatingly bulky vessel filled with about 50 collectors. She would follow them through the thick tree line and all the way back to the heart of the villages center.

She never saw them as collectors really, to her they stole. Even if it was just an old rusty barrel or a piece of moldy wood. Of course this was not all they took, they would often take small trinkets from the homes of many. Maive wasn't totally sure what these were as they were always concealed by the "collectors". But who was she to judge as she basically did it everyday although she was much better at hiding it. And what could they possibly steal from her anyway, she literally had nothing, nothing but what she would carry with her which was a small dagger which she hid by strapping it under her garments. She knew that all though they would ask people to turn out their pockets for anything they could potentially "collect" they would never ask a women to reveal what was under her clothes. 

Maive gathered around the villages center street which was a large circle of gravel and old bricks, Maive's favorite hotspot to pick pocket. The collectors stormed in groups of 10, crates and swords in hand as they pushed their way through the crowd who were used to the aggressive nature of collectors. They dispersed into the different alley ways and paths that ran through the village, not one making eye contact with any of the village people. But something was different about this visit, the crowd of villagers seemed to be more on edge and their became a stir of whispers of concern. Maive tried hard to listen to the voices and what they were saying but they were to weak and mumbly for her to make out a comprehensible sentence. Then the whispers died down until their was silence and the crowd of people shuffled out they way when an extra large group of collectors strolled through lead by a large wide eyed man draped in a dark velvet cape. He was not large by means of being fat or tall, he was large as in he took up space. His walk and demeanor seemed to make people distance themselves from him, even the other collectors did not dare be so close to him. Was he even a collector Maive thought to herself, surely he was more than that. He was dressed much more elegantly than them but still had the same buzzed hair with a slight beard that looked as though it was only freshly cut that moment. Maive couldn't help but stare at his eyes, piercingly brown with a hint of orange. 

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