Part 22

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Maive eyes fluttered open as her hands reached up to his, still cupping her face which had now become completely flushed with a blushing pink colour. Although his kiss was enchanting Maive immediately begun to frown at the thought of his lips on hers. Not because she didn't enjoy it but because the weight of their circumstance seemed to pile up in her mind. Harlen's smirk faded too when he watched her face become overridden with guilt. She stepped out of his arms and felt the cold breeze wash over her face where his hands had been. Her body shivered at the sudden cold and stale air that racked her without Harlen's warmth. Before he could say anything to her she brushed passed him and headed straight into the tent. She threw her self down on the heap of soft fabrics and softly cursed herself, she hated Harlen's unflinching ability to render speechless, but she hated more that she didn't hate him. Her exhaustion soon got the better of her and sleep quickly took her away. 

The next morning was cold and crisp, she was awoken by chatter and the clanking of metal outside the tent. Maive threw on her jacket and forced herself outside when all she wanted to do was remain in the tent hiding away from the day ahead. To her surprise all the other tents had been packed away and the collectors were gearing up to start another tedious day of endless walking. She scanned the groups of collectors until her eyes landed on Harlen giving orders, he wasn't sporting his lush green cape today which further showed off his toned upper body. She looked longingly at him and silently wished that they were different people, that somehow in another life they could kiss and not be crushed by the weight of the world after. That perhaps in that life she would not care, not need to care about the consequences of a single kiss.  

As if Harlen felt Maive's stare he lifts his head to meet her dark brown eyes with his own honey orange ones. His expression changes as he can't help the small smile that spreads across his face when he sees her. He walks over and hands her the golden sword. His face suddenly becomes unreadable as he says plainly,

"As promised, today we train."

His head tilts towards the sword for emphasis.   

"Now?" she asks.

He simply nods, the unspoken words of their kiss hang between them.

After some food they head to a spacious bit of the forest still fairly close to the collectors who are still milling about, doing checks and sharpening swords.

Harlen begins with showing Maive the basic starting positions and how to properly hold the sword. Once he is pleased that she can remember them he draws his own sword and points at her own. 

"Is this the fun part" she asks mockingly.

"You could say that"

 He swings his sword and strikes hers in a fluid motion which she was not expecting. He strikes again and again until she is staggering back. 

"Remember stand your ground keep your shoulders up and don't loosen your grip." he says.

She huffs in frustration trying to remember the moves. Another clash of the blades sends her stumbling back once again. This time she returns with a mighty swing which Harlen easily ducks under and pushes her forward slightly. Maive quickly turns back around and readies her sword in front of her whilst grunting her frustration again. 

"Your not planting your feet, you're being sloppy, you're unfocused." he says gruffly to rouse her temper.

Maive slashes her sword down at Harlen's and holds her stance as she pushes against him with all her strength. Their eyes practically burning a hole into each others gaze. Harlen can tell that she feels guilty about the kiss, he can also feel the rising anger inside of her sizzling to the surface. He can only guess that the anger is partially at him and mostly at herself. 

"What, nothing witty to say today?" he says tauntingly trying to rouse her further. 

She only swings her sword again at him.

"This wouldn't have anything to do with last night would it." 

 Harlen gives Maive a wicked smile trying to make her push back.

Their swords clash in a series of maneuvers before Maive says, 

"I don't want to talk about it"

She swings and Harlen once again shoves her to the side after ducking.

"That's a first' he teases.

She swings furiously at him and lets out a angry grunt when she misses her target.

"Good. Use that anger"

The swords clash again.

"Harder" he shouts. 

They clash again.

"Try harder"

And again. Their fight intensifies and they fall into a lethal dance of clanging blades accompanied by the swift swinging of their swords slicing through the air. Soon they are both panting as they hold their swords against each other, strong and unflinching.

"Better, you need to focus on honing in your emotions and use them against your opponent. The enemy will always fight dirty. Find strength where ever you can." 

They finally push away with their swords and both of them stagger back to catch their breath.

After an uncomfortable silence falls upon them, there is only the sounds of their breaths and the forest humming its dangerous song.  

"I know you regret the kiss, but I want you to know that I don't." Harlen says in a soft tone.

"And when it happens again it will be because you want to kiss me as much as I want kiss you." he says.

Maive takes in his sweet words, her anger quickly dissolves but still faintly lingers.

"I don't regret the kiss you know." she says finally.

"Its just, what happens after, it complicates everything. Am I still just a piece of cargo to you, a distraction, or some twisted game or experiment, or maybe just something to cure the boredom on this journey to where ever the hell we are going. One minute your cold and the next your a perfect gentleman. I can't figure you out and honestly I don't know if I even want to. At the end of the day aren't all I am to you is a delivery-" 

"I think your stubborn, strong willed and wild, but your certainly not a just something to be delivered." Harlen cuts her off then continues.

"I think you are made for something far greater than any of us could ever imagine. . . But more importantly your unlike anyone I have ever met." 

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