Part 10

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Harlen firmly gripped the handle of the door and slowly turned his head away, looking back at Maive. She peered over his shoulder as he opened the door, suddenly the brisk morning air blew across her face. She breathed it in as it flew threw her hair and gently brushed over the surface of her cheeks. The sickly smell of salt hung around the ship and as they stepped out onto the deck the full force of it now encircled Maive's senses. Each and every one of the collectors was hard at work with some sort of job of sorting, cleaning, rearranging trinket after trinket, barrel after barbell, right down to the last broken damned bottle. The collectors although busy rolled their eyes towards Maive, their stern faces solid with blank expressions and narrowed eyes. 

She followed closely behind Harlen, every step he took was so intentional and powerful she had imagined that he was very used to standing on the uneven deck as he had probably dawned many voyages and treaded seas of the harshest nature. She on the other hand wobbled and spread her arms out in an attempt to balance herself. They eventually came to the front of the ship, he placed a hand on the wooden railing that was carved with emblematic symbols that swirled around the posts and the other he pointed straight out in the way they were going.

"In three days time we will reach a stretch of land that leads to Headings Forest" he informed her.

"It will be long trek from there, and I must warn you the Forest is not a safe place for man to casually stroll through. Darkness and ancient magic posses every corner and every stone. You must be prepared.

he looked at Maive with concern his eyes narrowed through her. His tone lowered. 

"Although my duties are clear I can not guarantee your safety, and I must strongly advise you to throw away whatever foolish plan you may have of escaping."

Maive lifted her brows.

"Understand" he grumbled.

"I understand, but I can take care of myself. I am not some fragile peace of clay" she said

He looked at her and let himself breath out out a chuckle.

"I am not certain if you or are brave or a fool." 

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