Part 4

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Maive hated all routine except for the collectors annual visits, but this, this was new. Maybe she should appreciate the routine of it more. She had never experienced this before, no one had ever been so threatening towards her. There she stood with a collector so close she could smell the fowl stench of his breath. 

"Well well" he said with a sleezy voice.

"The Superior is gonna want to take a look at you"

The collector once again tightened his grip around Maive's arm and started to pull her along the gravel path. Clearly over powering her Maive has no choice but go with him. Although her life dreary and dull she was safe in this village as far as she knew. Deep down Maive always longed for adventure, something that would take her away from the lonely life she had. The collectors always represented hope for Maive. Not for what they were but from where they came. She had know idea the kind of life they led beyond collecting from her village. Was there other places  than just her village that they went to, why were they even collecting things in the first place, why every 100 days. All these questions she had asked herself far too many times only to come up blank as she knew the collectors themselves would never tell. 

He took Maive over to another collector.

"She's got one" he mutters.

The other collector smirked at Maive with wicked intent. This collector was a woman, a tall pasty women with icy blonde hair. 

"Didn't know you were collecting people now" Maive snapped sharply.

The collectors smirk turned into a frown, she stood perfectly still and glared at Maive in disgust before winding her lanky arm back and socking Maive in the jaw.  She would have fallen to the ground if it had not been for the other collectors harsh grip on her. Maive stunned took a moment to feel around her mouth with her tongue. The taste of blood made Maive cringe, it begun to fill her mouth and trickle out making her teeth and lips red. She looked back at the collector eyes widened but determined to not give her the satisfaction of seeing her in pain. 

The female collector instructed the other one to follow her as they walked Maive down another part of the village where both collectors and other village people looked on. Maive scanned the faces looking back at her and noticed the shock and disbelief in their eyes. Partly because the collectors had actually detained someone and partly because Maive had blood smeared across her face. Maive could not help think that some of the villagers were glad to see her this way considering her acts of tom foolery and the disrespect she had for them. Their faces although not happy were not entirely sorrowful, so she gave them a slight smile as if to say 'yeah I know I messed up'.   

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