Part 12

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Maive had watched the sunrise that morning, she had watched the light pour through the room, through the stained glass and watched it dance around the walls and the desk as the ship still rocked back and forth. But just as quick as the light had poured into the room it quickly vanished again as the sun had now risen back into the clouds welcoming another gloomy and dull day. 

The door to the room slowly creaked open and there appeared Harlen with a fresh platter of exotic fruits and berries and a glass of water, he sat it on the desk and slightly nudged it in Maive's direction.

"Eat" he said sternly whilst he leaned against desk arms folded.

Maive hadn't realized how hungry she had been since the day before when he had only offered her a stale loaf of bread before locking her in the room. She wolfed down the berries as if she were devouring her very last meal and tore at the fruits with her teeth savoring the sweet juicy taste of them. She could feel his stare, his eyes watching her every move. She lifted her head and saw him with a half smile curved across his rugged face. 

"What" she said with a mouth fool of food.

"You eat as if you have never a had meal your entire life" he said.

"Well, I guess I'm not that interested in manners right now your majesty." he sneered back at him.

He only huffed a sigh in return.

She had literally licked the plate clean when she was done and had taken three large gulps of the water before it too was gone.

"Are you at least going to say thank you?" he said.

She paused for a moment before saying,

"Your right, thank you for... kidnapping me, and locking me in here while we sail further and further away from my home to heavens knows were. Thank you very much your highness-ness." 

Every word laced with sarcasm and bitterness.  

"I am only doing what I have been ordered to, but I have already given you quiet a bit more freedom than I probably should have." he hissed.   

"Tell me why I am so valuable to you." she said

"Not to me." he huffed

"Then to who?"  she asked.

"I... I cant tell you." he said hesitantly.

"You truly cant tell me anything?" she said as she her eyes narrowed.

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