Part 5

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The collectors took Maive into an old building slightly familiar to her, she knew the name of the place, Billius Bobs Bar. It sounded like a merry good time but it was just as dreary and sad as the the rest of the village. Maive supposed there was a time where folks would go and indulge in all kinds of beer and rum and sing songs of the glory days. But in truth the place had been almost completely abandoned. Maive figured that there was a time (long before her) where collectors didn't come every 100 days in fact didn't come at all. Supposed they collected every last bottle of Bobs liquor when they did. 

They pulled her up the mossy, cold steps and creaked open the large rotting wooden door. The door was so loud that it was hard to ignore their entrance by whomever was inside. Maive's eyes slowly adjusted to the harsh light of every wicker and wax candle burning brightly. Collectors of every size and dimension stood astonished. Her eyes sifted through the many faces then found themselves locked onto a single set that burned brown and orange. And that familiar face stepped forward to meet her gaze. Of course! Maive thought, it was that very same man with the velvet cape only she could see now in the light it was a rich dark emerald green color. He stood tall and upright, focusing purely on Maive. It was all most as if he was looking right into her soul and reading her thoughts which of course is when Maive became aware of his build. Muscles up and down his arms and his chest wide with a sharp jaw line that angled up right beneath his ears. Maive let out a small audible gasp and shifted her body weight.  

"Don't be so afraid" the man said with a deep course voice that melted away at the tongue.

"I am not afraid" Maive said firmly still trying to maintain her composure. 

The man in the cape took another few steps forward and stopped right at Maive's feet neither one taking their eyes away from each other. Hers burned with integrity and anger and his glistened with intrigue and fascination. 

"Why are you holding her so tightly" he said.

The collector let go of Maive's arm and pushed her towards the Superior. Her body collided with his yet still he stood firm. She lifted her hands to catch herself from falling as they landed right at his chest. For a very brief and tiny moment she kept them their until she snapped upright and stepped back. 

"She's got one Mr. Superior" said the woman collector. 

Maive swirled the remaining blood and saliva still in her mouth and spit it right at the ground. She wiped away the some the blood from her face onto her cotton blouse which was already covered in dirt, in an attempt to show her defiance.

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