Part 7

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They took Maive to the grand cargo ship that she had seen so many times from the safety of the small cliff but never up close and personal. She could now truly see the intricacy of every last detail, every square inch was carved with fine wood with bits here and there wound together with thick gold rope. The ship was a truly magnificent thing, as powerful and intimidating as the people it carried. The collectors were already loading it with stock piles of goods and the crates now full. It was almost mourning as the suns glow peeked ever so slightly over the horizon line, the sky glistened a striking dark amber orange.

The Superior offered his hand to Maive as they stood at the foot of a ladder leading up towards the ship. She looked at him displeasingly, lifted her head and walked right by his hand. She held tightly to the ladder and hoisted herself up one foot at a time. The ship gave off the sweet and salty aroma of sea water. Once she lifted herself up far enough that her head peeked over the side of the ship she stopped for a moment to take in the view of the ships giant sails that shot so far up in the air Maive could all most imagine they were touching the clouds. Big puffy pillows she thought to her self, they looked life big puffy warm pillows dancing in the sky. 

"We don't have all day you know" said the Superior raising his voice slightly so Maive could hear.

Maive scuffed under her breath and climbed up all the way to the top. The Superior followed after and soon they both standing above the ship. Many of the collectors had not even seen them bring Maive aboard the ship and they looked at her with blank expressions. Seeing her with the Superior they must have known that something about the tattoo of the symbol. Was it possible that every one on this ship knew what it meant but her, she wondered. 

"This way" said the Superior.

He walked towards a small door located near the front of the ship, she begrudgingly followed wanting desperately to look at every square inch of the ship in detail. He lifted up a chain around his neck which had a small key on it. He pulled it over his head and slot it into the door before turning it. The door clicked open to reveal a small room, this room was filled papers of parchment and large map sprawled over a table. There was a small bed and a tiny glass stained widow that looked out to the horizon. 

"Stay here for a moment" he said 

But before Maive could react he had left and shut the door behind him and locked it. She reached for the handle and jiggled it a few times before giving up.

"Great" she said to herself sarcastically as if somehow he could of heard it.

She scanned the room once more and slowly stepped towards the table. She looked down at the map and traced her fingers over the little drawings and words. The truth was Maive could not read, she could only recognize a few specific odd words she had learnt from her village. So the map and all the papers were basically mumbo jumbo to her, but she looked closely at the drawings trying to recognize her village and the tree line as well as the little cliff that overlooked the sea. But there was no luck, however something else caught her eye, it was a large castle with the letters formed in this way ( COSTOVIA KINGDOM ). 

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