Part 25

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The dragon rumbled its disapproval at Harlen as he stared intently at the beast, it's green eyes glassy and maddened.  

"Don't you idiot." Maive shouted as she steadied herself up.

"Stay where you are" he replied his voice as cold as ice.

The dragon took a swipe at an incoming group of collectors, all the arrows that came speeding through the air did nothing to the hard scales layered on the dragons skin. One collector after the other tried but failed to tame the wild beast. It kept creeping forward, easily knocking collectors out of its way. It's eyes were now on Maive as they glowed with intent. It picked up it's pace and started beelining in Maive's direction.

"Move." Harlen shouted whilst throwing his body in her direction just in time before the creatures large jaw could snap shut.

Harlen's large body covered Maive, he steadied his hand around her waist so that that he could pull her up onto her feet. But before he could she was being ripped away from beneath him. Maive shouted at the sudden blinding pain in her left leg, she could feel it in her whole body, hot, searing pain. The dragon had got a hold of her leg, It's teeth sinking into her flesh, not enough to crush her leg but enough to make Maive's stomach churn. Harlen lunged at the creature with his sword and managed to puncture a small tear in its side. The beast let out a low roar of anguish dropping Maive for a second long enough to swipe at Harlen. Harlen had put his arm up to shield himself but the claws of the dragon came down heavy on his large biceps leaving three gushing wounds in his flesh. Harlen stumbled to the forest floor and cursed the dragon whilst clutching his arm.

Maive watched in horror as Harlen held a large hand over the wounds, trying but failing to keep the blood from pouring out. His head shot up and his now glossy orange flecked eyes widened as they met Maive's. Maive saw the pure rage and hatred behind them but most of all there was fear, not for himself but for Maive. The sight of his mangled arm made her heart ache. If only she could get to him so she could heal him with her blood-

"Nooooo Maive!" was all Maive heard before she was once again being dragged away. The dragons mouth once again clamped around her leg and was starting to pull her in the opposite direction. The canopy of the forest became blurry as the large beast increased its speed and the world around Maive came out of focus. All she could do was shut her eyes and try to block out the pain in her leg and the rough sensation of the forests floor grating against her back. She listened to thunderous footsteps of the dragon matching the wild untamed beating of her heart. And the last thing she thought before the darkness enveloped her was of the heart aching, unbearable look of pain that was painted across Harlen's face before the beast took her and the painful sight of him covered in his own blood. 

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