Meet Rei

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Finding himself on his bed Jungkook is so confused, he searched his phone with one hand while rubbing his eyes with other, the room is dark, with only a dim light on. He unlocked his phone leaning on the head board, seeing the time is around 1 Jungkook jolted up. He then found the articles which are sent by Eun Woo, the elder is showing his happiness with some emoticons which the younger didn't understand 

He sleepily opened one of the Articles, the article opened with a big headline 'The caring Alpha' Jungkook frowned as he scrolled down reading it, his face reddened at the image of him and the True Blood, he is in the arms of Taehyung who is carrying casually without showing any discomfort and how he snuggled in the Alpha's embrace, some photos are zoomed too, they were clicked at different places, like in the company lobby, in the community lobby

The model wanted to open one more article but his stomach grumbled, he groaned throwing his mobile somewhere on the bed as he dragged his body to washroom, having a bath Jungkook went to the kitchen to find something to eat, but found a stick note on the microwave with 'heat it' written on it, blush automatically made it's way on Jungkook's face as his heart pounding at the warm gesture, wetting his lips he heated the food and devoured it while watching the TV in the middle of the night 

Taehyung came out of the room with bed hair, puffed face and pouty lips, if Jungkook is awake he sure would have taken a photo of the elder and will post it in the SNS but the boy is sleeping after completing his food in the middle of the night while watching TV, the True Blood grabbed the milk along with strawberries directly adding them into the blender after cleaning them with water, after making his strawberry milk Taehyung walked into the living room settling himself on the single couch as he drank his morning milkshake 

Tae can I come out Rei asked his human, No, you will embarrass me Taehyung replied back taking his phone out to read the news article, I won't I promise, I want to stretch my limbs too you dumb idiot it's been awhile Rei snapped, you know it's unhealthy for a wolf Rei used his last trick, Jungkook will freak out Taehyung said his worry, he won't, his Hyung and mom are also wolfs, if anything the boy will be delighted to meet me, unlike your grumpy moody ass Rei is sure an headache to Taehyung, the human massaged his temples you know what I am talking about Rei became silent for a while, I am sorry Rei, but lemme ask Jungkook too Taehyung only got a hum return 

Since it's a weekend, Taehyung doesn't need to bother about work same for Jungkook, the boy usually is busy in the weekends too but now it's an exception as he already finished his schedule before, Taehyung usually stays indoors in his wolf form in weekends for sometime but he haven't got shift in a while which will affect the wolf, it will suppress it's nature, it would be easy for Taehyung if he was a normal rank wolf, but him being a True Blood it almost impossible because his wolf is gigantic than other wolfs, it also emits a lot pheromones which can bring anyone on their knees 

Jungkook saw the elder playing with food while thinking deeply, he swallowed the food that's stuffed in his mouth before calling the older, "Tae?" yes, Jungkook calls him by this nickname, the said man hummed without glancing the elder, Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows licking the metal chopsticks he poked the elders shoulder with the same chopstick successfully gaining the attention of the True Blood, "The food is getting cold" Jungkook said pointing his chopsticks at the food, "right" Taehyung nodded as he started eating 

Jungkook shrugged as continued eating his food, "Umm Jungkook?" "Yes" "Will you meet Rei? my wolf" Jungkook eyes immediately sparkled, "yes, yes I would love too" the model enthusiastically nodded his head, Taehyung bit his lips contemplating, "Rei is actually wanted to shift, it's been a while so I am afraid that our wolf form might scare you" Taehyung can feel Rei getting gloomy, "No no I am fine, I would actually like to meet your wolf, I am used to wolves, you can shift into your wolf form and also your pheromones won't affect me like it did with other wolfs, I am human" Jungkook replied assuring the elder that it's completely fine,

He knows that wolves have to shift once in a while because it will affect the nature of the wolf if they won't shift which will eventually led to their sickness and some might die, though he knew that True Bloods are gigantic unlike normal ranks he never saw it, so Jungkook is excited though he is a bit afraid, "I will let you meet in human form first" Jungkook nodded as he waited there to meet Rei with his beautiful doe eyes as Taehyung closed his eyes,

A gasp left the model when he saw the Ruby Red eyes which are looking at him with fierce gaze, suddenly the temperature chilled as looked at those enchanting eyes, "Beautiful" Jungkook whispered "Aren't they?" the boy startled at the deep voice, he looked at the goofily smiling Taehyung with surprised eyes, "cute" Jungkook giggled "Ain't I?" Rei gave him a boxy smile as moved towards the younger,

"Hi, I am Rei, the True Blood wolf of this dumb Bitch" Rei excitedly introduced himself getting a laugh from Jungkook, "I am Jung--"My beautiful mate" Rei mumbled with a wink and a smirk looking at his beautiful mate, "You are completely opposite of Taehyung" Rei nodded his head with a smug face, "nothing like a True Blood I heard of" "I know, they all are bloody myths to scare people, my cute mate" myths my ass Rei heard the grunt of his human, so he pushed his human back and blocked him further

"Aww aren't you a cute bunny!" Rei squeezed Jungkook cheeks, lips forming a pout, earning a whine from the boy, "Oh my heart!" Rei dramatically gasped clutching his heart as Jungkook looked at him, tilting his head cutely with his doe eyes, "you are so cute for my heart to handle" it's good to call Jungkook a cherry, Rei dramatically fell of the chair "Oh my, are you okay?" Jungkook helped the wolf who is currently a mess of getting touched by his mate, "why wouldn't I be when I have you" Jungkook bit his lips as he helped the older back to his chair.

"So are you ready for my wolf form?" Rei asks as he stretched his body, "more than anything" Rei chuckles captivating Jungkook more into his trance, Taehyung would be so handsome if he behaves like Rei the model thought as he looked at the wolf, he barely saw the True blood all goofy, it's true that the true blood smiles in front of Jungkook, but it would be more beautiful if the elder does it all the time, instead of having his infamous poker face all the time, "I know right, my human is so boring" Rei threw him a wink before begin to shift,

The wolf growled in pain, bone cracking sounds resonated in the hall making Jungkook whimper, it felt so painful for the younger, clothes shredded on the floor, Rei is sure his Human would have killed him knowing the wolf has destroyed his favourite set of pyjamas, when everything went all silent Jungkook slowly opened his eyes to see the gigantic black wolf in their living room, the fur is so shiny, Ruby Red eyes glowed adding more beauty to the wolf,

with small steps Jungkook went towards the wolf who is busy scared of what his mate might be thinking, "you are so beautiful" with shaking hands Jungkook placed it on the head of the wolf rubbing it tenderly, Rei is beyond happy to have his mate petting him, same with Taehyung the human is delighted, the wolf purred in delight as Jungkook rubbed his soft ears with the biggest smile he ever has, the wolf tackled the model earning a yelp from him 

Jungkook giggled at the majestic wolf who is goofing around him, Rei nosed Jungkook with his snout, if anyone would look at the scene then they would only find the wolf because Rei completely covered Jungkook, "you are heavy" Jungkook grunted when he saw Rei is about to lay on him, with a huff the wolf moved onto his side and covered rubbing his head lovingly on the human while licking in the process

They spend the rest of the afternoon goofing with each other until Rei got enough of his time and changed before giving access to his Human leaving Jungkook to scream on top his lungs at the naked human standing in front of him with almond brown eyes before throwing a cushion on him and running towards his room with red cheeks, Taehyung is embarrassed to death,

Luckily, the apartment is soundproof!

Hey buns,

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