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Taehyung took his time this morning before he decided to wake Jungkook up, the Younger needs that sleep as he has to attend his appointment with doctor today, Jungkook is very reluctant to attend cause he is afraid, "Bun wake up" Taehyung gently shakes the younger who only whines and tugs the blanket up to cover his face from the light caused by the curtain open by the Alpha, "Go away! I wanna sweep more" the younger muffles through the blanket sleepily,

"We are getting late for the appointment baby" Taehyung tugs the blanket down but the grip on the blanket is too tight, there was no response from other side, but Taehyung knows better, his mate is already up! He sighs before applying his full strength to remove the blanket off the model who blinks at the sudden action clearing his throat, "I-I feel like I have fever Taehyungie" Jungkook says, coughing a little, sniffing a bit, not knowing how dumb of him to exclaim that he has fever right before the hospital appointment,

"Then we really shouldn't avoid the appointment" Jungkook internally curses himself for the shittiest idea he came up with, but he still tries "I-I can't even m-move Taehyungie, my body hurts, I can't bath like this" Jungkook dramatically sighs, Taehyung internally chuckles maintaing the strict posture outside, "there is no need for you to bath considering you did last night and I will just pick you up, it's not a big deal" Taehyung shrugs simply getting a huff from younger and a fierce glare,

"Fine" Jungkook grumbles in defeat before he stomps to the bathroom to freshen up, Taehyung just sighs before making the bed, he waits and waits for the younger to come out but Jungkook doesn't come out even after 30 minutes, "Jungkook come out!" Taehyung knocks on the door, Jungkook lazily eyes the door getting knocked before turning his attention to the mirror,

After 10 more minutes of taking his time, the model steps out like a fashionista he is leaving Taehyung speechless, "we--We are just going to hospital Kook" the attorney blinks in disbelief, "so? I am a model so I have to keep up with my appearance" Jungkook simply replies with a pout, "J-Just change already" Taehyung waves his hand airily, "I don't wanna" the model shrugs,

Taehyung just gives up at the end, atleast he is coming without throwing tantrums, anything is better than nothing, the older cheers himself, they both leaves after breakfast---

"Taehyung!! Leave me" Jungkook growls while glaring and honestly it's cute to see the human growling, the True Bloods lips curve up forming a smile, "don't laugh and I ain't coming in there!" "No can do Baby!" Taehyung tries his best to pry Jungkook off the car door which is clutching, "Koo, your stitches will be open if you do this and we have to get them pinned again" "then stop dragging me!" Jungkook huffs "We can't skip your appointment, kook" Taehyung shakes his head,

"But Taehyungie~" Jungkook pouts as he crosses his arms against his chest, they are currently in the parking lot and Jungkook is not ready for his appointment, they already did this in the home but it looks like Jungkook is still not tired of it, trying his best to avoid, actually he did tried but the younger just couldn't shake his fear off, "Bun please, I will be there with you all the time, I promise I won't leave you at all baby" Taehyung pulls Jungkook by the waist and caresses his cheeks, as he watches how the boy's cheeks turn red along with his ear tips, the older pecks those soft petals turning the shade darker "fine" Jungkook grumbles as he agrees, they finally goes upstairs taking the elevator, waiting in the VIP room for their name to be called,

"Jeon Jungkook" an attendant calls his name, taking the cue the couple goes inside the room to meet the doctor, "Good morning Mr. Kim and Mr. Jeon" the doctor smiles, "Good morning Doctor" the doctor nods before checking Jungkook files, "how are you feeling Mr. Jeon?" He checks the human breathing with his stethoscope, "I am doing good doctor" the model replies earning a nod, "that's good to hear"

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