Miss you like crazy!

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Coming to home, Taehyung felt immense void in his heart, looking at the empty halls, with no bunny hoping on his way to greet him, no cozy movie nights, he missed that cherry voice, that pouty bunny, adorable bunny smile, the way he felt like his whole life lit up just by seeing the models sparkling doe eyes, their cuddling night, bed felt so cold without Jungkook, their constant teases and fights,

At this moment, Taehyung realised how much impact that bunny human mate of his, had on him, he felt like the light in his life is snatched with no presence of Jungkook with him, it's been a week and a half since Jungkook went to Paris and there are still few days for it to get done and the model to return back, during the initial days, Taehyung is fine, they are having calls despite the time zone differences, messaging each other, but as days passed, its becoming difficult for him, but the only thing that's keeping him sane is the scent that still lingered in the house, more effectively in Jungkook bedroom,

But even now the scent is slowly getting worn out, it's getting hard to sleep at night with no warmth filling him up, not having his favourite human pillow to cuddle, sure affected his sleep cycle, most of the time Taehyung engaged himself in work, snapping easily at his interns and employees if they made any mistake, which got every employee to dread for their life's, knowing there is no Jungkook to tame his boss, his true blood side is getting effected by the separation from his mate, 2 weeks is very long, considering it's also the first time that they have been away from each other after meeting each other,

Taehyung lazily dragged his body inside the house with shoulder slumped, the aura around him radiating the loneliness, he left a sigh for the nth time of the day, he wouldn't come home if it was not for Jungkook who literally threatened him, after knowing the elder has stayed in the company for the straight two days, and from Jimin, he also got to know that Taehyung health isn't that great considering the Alpha is missing his meals, which is an affect from the separation, being only werewolf in a relationship is very hard, considering the separation wouldn't affect human as much as it did for,

Jimin who is leaning on the wall near the entrance, shakes his head at the lone Alpha, he is here to make sure Taehyung is having his dinner, upon request of the devil, who literally blackmailed him!!! The omega scrunches his nose as Taehyung nears him, the Alpha pheromones are also hitting him, "Tae! Stop doing that!" Taehyung with eyes filled with nothing looks up before leaving a sigh from his lips, making Jimin sigh, "Tae, I brought food for you, please take a bath and come"

Jimin watches the true blood dragging his body, with shoulder slumping, to the room, he can sure understand what the Alpha is going through, he feels worse when Yoongi has to leave for business trips just for a week, for Omega's it's more of a torment than it's for Alpha's,

Taehyung returns back, sitting in front of the plate that Jimin served him for, the Omega knows Taehyung's tendency for spicy food, so he made sure to keep it under control according to Taehyung's taste, "I made Japchae, Bulgogi, Kimchi Fried rice and Jajangmyeon, you need to complete everything, every single thing, because I need to send the evidence for Koo" Jimin says sitting beside Taehyung, he keeps a faint music behind,

"He is going to come back in a couple of days Tae, please stop pushing yourself, I know it's because of the separation, but you need to be healthy, have you seen yourself?" Taehyung nods, biting his lips, he takes chopsticks, digging into the food, he eats everything, knowing his baby bun would become so mad if he doesn't complete, Jungkook has told him enough this morning to keep him under control for the next couple of days,

After completing the dinner, Jimin starts cleaning the dishes, he literally cleaned the whole house which was literally a mess when he first entered, while Taehyung is attending call with Jungkook,

"I miss you Koo" a pout adoring the Alpha lips, which Jungkook wants to squeeze to death! "I miss you too Tae" the model says, he is actually getting ready for his shoot, "two more days Alpha, don't miss your meals, good that you finish today otherwise I would be very mad at you" the model huffs, glaring cutely, they are having a video call,

"did you have your lunch baby?" "Yes yes I did Alpha, I am getting ready for my next session, how is your day between?" Jungkook asks, applying lipstick by himself, "it is okay, nothing much just boring without you with me bun" there, Jungkook's heart is about to burst out, "my cuddly bear" "W-What?" Taehyung ear burns, as he felt this sudden rush of emotions in his heart, "I can't wait to return back, Alpha! Just a couple of days yeah?" Taehyung nods, "I should leave now, it's time, sleep properly and don't push yourself otherwise you know what I would do right?" Jungkook narrows his eyes, earning a hasty nod from Taehyung, "good, now bye take care"

Ending the call, Jungkook shoulder slumps, pout immediately forms on his lips, as eyes tear up, he missed Taehyung like crazy, never in his life, he thought he would miss a person this much, no warm cuddles, no body blanket to keep him warm, he himself is barely hanging, there is this change in his body which he couldn't point, he missed the scent of Alpha, the serenity that it brings for him, he missed those flirts, kisses, that cuddly cute Alpha!

Days passing, Jungkook felt like losing his appetite, he would from now on will think twice before agreeing for overseas schedule, Seulgi has to push the food down his throat, take care of him, giving him healthy juices and what not, the werewolf managers of him sure sensed the energy coming from him, it's anything but happy! He is feeling so lonely, and it was at this moment that Jungkook realised, how much impact the Alpha got on him, how he literally became Jungkook's life without their knowing,

That deep soothing voice, their times together while cooking, their dates, movie nights, continues teases, little fights, the sulking and possessive Alpha who made way into his heart without his knowledge, he realised his feeling for Taehyung is just not a mere infatuation or like, it's more than that, it may be fast but Taehyung is for him and only him!

Only the Alpha can tame and handle the double bunny, and same goes with Jungkook, only he and only him can tame the True Blood, make the Alpha go all soft and sweet, only for him!

Hey Buns,

I had a surprise waiting for you!

Ahhh Happy birthday to this cuddling, baby bearrrr, I wanna squeeze him!!! Mah cutie baby!!! That pout tho😭😭😭😭😭

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Ahhh Happy birthday to this cuddling, baby bearrrr, I wanna squeeze him!!! Mah cutie baby!!! That pout tho😭😭😭😭😭

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, please ignore the mistakes.

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