Chapter 4: Meeting the Crew Pt.2/The Angel and The Spider

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Where we left off, the rest of the crew arrived, and Peter noticed one of the crew and it's Angel Dust, the person they bumped into in Chapter One asking for directions on where they were. And now we are caught up.

Peter; Hey I know you!

Angel: wait a minute, I know you; Spider guy

Peter; Spider-Man

Angel; not in that onesie your not

Peter; it's not a onesie; it's my hero attire I wear to fight crime in...and to keep my identity a secret...

Angel; well one; you look adorable in it ♡.

Peter; ._.

Alastor; well now that we have these pleasantries done and over with; Peter I like to introduce you our other friends; Husker our bartender/Trainer in hand to hand combat, this little one here is Nifty our cleaning lady/explosives specialists, Vaggie one of our top staff/weapons specialists and logistics, and of course Angel Dust who you seem to be acquainted with all ready is our entertainer/sniper and our control freak on melee and gorilla warfare.

Peter; so basically the whole ticking time bomb wrapped into one whole single entity, right

Everyone: YEP!

Husker; Hey AL, who the hell is this creature staring at me like he wants to eat me

Venom; Hey Pete I wanna eat this kitty cat, I don't trust him.

Husker; land on tooth on me and I will make sure you have no teeth to eat with..

Venom; I like you...

Alastor; Peter we have a stealth mission tonight and with the amount of what I know about you so far as with the abilities you have, I've decided that you first stealth mission tonight is with Angel.

Peter and Angel; WWWWHHHHAAAATTTT!!!!

Later in the night..

Angel Dust; Hey Al were here at the warehouse off the abandoned boardwalk. (Alastor through the mic piece)*copy that Angel*. So "Spiderman" have you ever been on stealth missions before?

Spiderman; as matter of fact I have, plenty of time back in my universe.

Angel; well this is technically a stealth mission, but it's also a assassination mission too.

Spiderman; well that's great...WHAT!!!

Angel; yep....oh shit you don't kill down you?!!!

Peter; ._. (Nods his head)

Angel; motherfuck...

Peter; but I've killed people before for the right reasons. Well time to active the new suit.

Angel; new suit?!!

Peter telling Angel through a flashback of 5 hours ago back at the lair; "I have prepared some new modifications to your gadgets on your web wrist launchers, and here activates you new suit that comes with a new feature and that is to grant you to become a half human half demon and between you and me, I know that you would be the first human in succeeding on merging with demon blood. Peter activates the suit and the blood that successfully combines with his human and Spider DNA. Woah!

Angel watches Peter activate his new suit and we here a badass theme play as his suit is some sort of demonic nanotech suit.

Angel; woah♡♡♡♡...killer

Peter; you damn straight woah, now who are we targeting.

Angel speaking in his mind; (did he just get back to the subject in a matter of seconds....damn he's catching on quickly around here)
Angel: well one of the three V's; Velvet is said to be the ring leader of this illegal drug shipment. Now here's the plan, I will locate the position where to target our hit....and...where did you go?!

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