Chapter 9; The Beginning Of The End

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Where we left off, Valentino warns Peter that he will fight him in the future if watches what he says and does, but as soon Valentino leaves Pentagram City in his private limo, a underground earthquake begins to happen and Peter's spider sense goes off bad and an explosion happens and out of nowhere The deadly symbiotic duo; Carnage & Riot appear challenging Peter and his allies to battle for the city.

Peter activates a nanotech suit that alastor made for him for crisis like purposes and sees his enemies from the horizon of the Symbiote Army that has formed together to announce our two enemies. Riot and Carnage appear and they look highly advanced by their physique has taken another level.

Carnage; look over yonder Riot; if it isn't our old punching bag of organic flesh Spiderman.

Peter; Hey guys! Yall two look different, did you find a gymnasium around here because yall look fit.

Riot; We Klyntarians adapt to different environments that change our bodies to adapt to the certain environments around us to maintain alpha stance including in other worlds like here which we are here to now taking over instead of Earth and by judging what this place looks like and I hate to say it but Carnage I think we found a new world to call "New Klyntar"'s that sound, partner?

Carnage; fine by me as long as we take care of the problem that has gather before us; destroy what is preventing us from our goal.

Peter; I'd rather die fighting than let you two take over this place, this world, this universe that we ended up in. I've actually grown to accept this place as my home and if this place is home to me, Venom and your son Carnage...we are sure as fucking hell going to defend it from the likes of you both.

Carnage; then you have made your decision: die with the rest of the defending scum here. Alright my children, destroy Pentagram City.

Carnage and Riot give the signal to their army to charge at our heroes and Spiderman leads Venom, Toxin, the Happy Hotel crew and the rest of the demons that have joined the fight and a all out battle battle pursues as our heroes are getting the upper hand on the symbiotic soldiers.

Alastor; you know we should do this more often. I've grown to accept fighting villains again. Hahaha

Vaggie saves Alastor from being attacked.

Vaggie; your welcome!

Alastor; hm...dick!

Husker begins to attack alot of soldiers as he transforms into his true demon form and begins taking out enemies one by one and Charlie joins the fight as she activates her demon form as well and begins kicking ass. Everyone is fending off the soldiers as they give our heroes the chance to attack Carnage and Riot.

Vaggie; we got you, just defeats those assholes once and for all.

Peter; oh we will...guys let's go kick these guys out of this universe.

Venom; right behind you

Toxin; I'm coming after you pops. Your reign of terror is going to finally end.

All three charge after at Carnage and Riot. Venom and Toxin attack Riot while Peter pursues after Carnage.

Venom; I'm going to fucking kill you and end you.

Riot; don't you remember Venom, you were the weakest amongst the Klyntar Syndicate but yet Knull took a liking to you. He saw potential in you and I trained you to do what was best for our race to survive and you casted us out because of you wanted to protect some mere orgainc flesh life form who's only role for us is to survive as our host and nothing more. Man you have fallen amongst the weak.

Vemon; you know it's like you said we Klyntarians adapt to different environments and that makes us evolve even stronger...well your not the only one who has adapted with a host.

Venom; Eddie..prepare to fight!

Venom begins to transform but into a more flexible and faster form.

Riot; what the fuck...

Venom & Eddie together; I present to you "Superior Venom" and I am kick your tresstrial ass.

Venom gets the upper hand as he demolishes Riot with a new arsenal of symbiotic weapons.

Superior Venom; Go help Peter Toxin, I got him.

Toxin; got it!

Meanwhile Carnage and Spiderman our having a hellish brawl by throwing blow after blow of punches on each other until Carnage manages to cut Peter. Then Peter activates his Superior Symbiote form that he has mastered over time after the fight with Vox. He begins to get the upper hand on Carnage until Carnage begins to evolve even further and stabs Peter. Peter is down and hurt badly.

Carnage; *laughing sinisterly* you are out of tricks in your websack Spidey and now you die.

Toxin; PETER!!!!

Toxin leaps in to prevent from Peter being killed.

Peter sees Toxin being stabbed through the chest as Toxin reveals his host's face; Patrick Mulligan.

Toxin/Patrick; I'm sorry for believing you were not a hero.

Carnage tosses Toxin away

Peter; PATRICK!!!!

All of the Happy Hotel crew are captured and beaten but they see Toxin layed out bleeding to death and they begin to cry. Venom let's go of the beaten Riot as he sees Toxin layer out bleeding.

Superior Venom; Toxin! Are you okay?

Toxin/Patrick; let me see Eddie Venom!

Eddie; Hey bud how you holding up?

Patrick; not so good!

Eddie; your going to make it out of this

Patrick; not this time bid!

Patrick begins to fade away as he draws his last breath.

Eddie; Pat! Pat! *begins to cry*

Carnage; well well I guess Spiderman can't save everyone after all.

Peter fades into his subconscious as we hear an echoing heart beat pumps and begins to fade as it stops and Peter reaches for the toxin symbiote remains as he slowly slithers and begins merging with him. The ground begins to shake as the debris around Peter begin to rise up.
Lighting falls from the sky as something is happening to Peter.

*in his subconscious* "Peter it's me Toxin. Patrick wanted me to do this as a final last resort to ending these two for good in cade of his death. Peter we are going merge together along with the remains of Venom your wearing. Peter just to remind you...Patrick believed in you all those years. When I merged with him, I wanted to use him to get revenge on Venom and you for killing my father but after so many years I learned that my father was the one I should have stopped and not you and Venom. I've grown overtime to be acquainted with you and Venom and Eddie. You were Patrick's hero, so let's make sure that his dream of Spiderman becoming a true hero happens."

Peter; Let's do it.

Peter completes his transformation with the merging of Toxin. The smoke clears as we see the new form.

Angel; Peter!

Everyone looks at Peter as he stands there in a new form that had taken over.

Carnage looks distraught and spooked.

Carnage; *frightened* two merged!

Peter; "Carnage....get ready for world of pain."

Peter powers up and Carnage still looks distraught and spooked as he is going to face this new form of Spiderman that was years in the making. What is this new form of Spiderman and can this new Symbiote form defeat the sinister Carnage once and for all? Tune in for the next chapter, Chapter 10: The Superior Klyntarian.

To be continued....

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