Epilogue: Book 1

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After the battle, years later Pentagram City had begun rebuilding and our friends have gotten stronger and healthier. Peter obtained a new Symbiotic form that he has yet to control ever since he defeated Carnage and killing Riot.

Charlie; I just hope that this city regains its strength before the clock resets for more souls to bre brought and other souls to be redeemed.

Alastor; the city will be restored.

Charlie; I wonder if Peter is okay after what happened to him especially what he transformed into because he lost his senses when that happened and Angel had to snap him back to reality so he can gain consciousness.

Al: He'll be alright besides he's able to maintain and control these forms now that he's now become Pentagram City's new watchful protector now that some of us have consider retirement front he fighting and just focus on the hotel, including me.

Charlie; wait...why you retiring?

Al; Well as far as I can tell Peter has become a more powerful person than I thought he would be.

Charlie; wait...your praising him

Al; better than praise Charlie....I come to the fact to that he needs to be acknowledge as he's more powerful than I am, but he can become reckless if he can't control his new forms and that is why I'm going to train him to master them.

Charlie; train him uh?!! Well if anyone can do it, it's you Al.

*Al in his mind*( I felt a power beyond within Peter when he transformed I to the Poison Widow, felt God like. Well he needs to be trained if he needs to the new protector of Pentagram City.)

Meanwhile in his room...

Peter glances through the window as he watches the city being rebuilt and thinking about the future as him being the new watchful protector. Some one knocks on the door as he tells the person to come in and it's Angel.

Peter; Hey

Angel; hey...how ya doin?

Peter; eh...reflecting!

Angel; on what exactly?

Angel walks over to Peter resting his head on Peter's shoulder and cuddling with him as he explains what he's reflecting on.

Peter; with these newly found powers and not knowing how to control them, I don't know if I can be this city's new protector.

Angel; well suga if there's anyone that can do it, it's you. I believe in you as you sacrificed for me. You make feel like I belong and for what it's worth I'm happy that you ended up traveling from another universe and end up here because this place is your home and you are apart of the family. And well I have something to tell you that I've been wanting to say but I couldn't explain because I didn't know how I felt before but I do now...Peter, I love you!

Peter looks back at Angel blushed and suprised as he heard Angel confess his love for him.

Peter; you...you love me?

Angel blushes and looks up at Peter as he says it again

Angel; Peter...I love you!

Peter leaps in to kiss Angel and Angel loves it.

Peter; well as long as I am there for you and protecting me, I can accomplish anything especially mastering these new forms.

1 hour later on top of Vogitek Towers..

*mic*(you ready Peter?)

Peter; I sure am!

*mic*(how you like the new suit)

Peter; love it! I like how my new spider symbol has the City's star.

*mic*(well being the new protector, your not only Spiderman, but your the City's new hero of Hell, so adding the city's pride: The Pentagram Star, it's huge honor for you to represent as a new soldier of Hell.

Peter; just spotted a high speed gun chase. Time to go to work!

*Angel through the mic*(go for it tiger!)

Peter leaps as he narrates our closing sequence; *(HI my names Peter Parker, I was bitten by a radioactive spider, saved the city, falled in love, stopped a alien invasion on earth, traveled through a portal that brought me to another universe to a city with living demons who were once human, saved the city, stopped two overlords, gained two godly forms, stopped two powerful symbiotes from ending the universe, and falled in love again, and now I'm this new world's protector this city's soldier of Hell. Whenever someone's in trouble, I'll be there to help, whenever a god like enemy decides to end this world, I'll be there to end them. To answer the question; who am I? I'm Spiderman, the Vengeful Protector of Pentagram City and Soldier of the Nine Rings of Hell.)

The End

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