Chapter 8: Valentino's Arrival

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Where we left off, Peter went through a hellish fight against Vox. Vox pushed Peter to his limits by unleashing a electrical surge strike, shocking Angel to be unconscious. This pushed him to tapping into a power hidden within the Symbiote and his demon form together, thus the DemiSpider was born, and it was a big mistake for Vox as Peter unleashed hell on him and almost killing him, but Vaggie prevent Peter from doing so, thus Peter was able to snap back into reality and control this new form that he can tap into at anytime. He let Vox go and retreat back to his headquarters.

Now we are back at the Happy Hotel where Peter is waking up from the fight he had.

Peter; *waking up* ugh; what happened?

Charlie; Oh hey i was wondering when you awake; you lost consciousness after the fight with Vox.

Peter; oh *hurting bad as he sits up*.

Charlie; Oh let me help you with that.

Peter; thanks, means a lot. Where's Angel, is he going to be okay.

Angel; *opens and walks throught the door* Hey suga, how you doin'?

Peter; Never better! To be honest I don't know what happened to me after the fight.

Angel; wait.. you don't remember. Before I gained consciousness, Vaggie told me that you went on a rampage beating Vox's ass. You don't remember that? Anything?

Peter; well I remember fighting him and he launch an attack on you with his Eletrical Surge and the next thing was I woke up with Vaggie and seeing Vox beaten to near death.

Charlie and Angel look back at each other concerned

Peter; wait..what happened to me?

Angel; I think we need Vaggie to explain what happened because she saw what happened.

Meanwhile back at Votika Headquarters...

Vox; that irritating low life scumbag piece of shit Spiderman...HE'S GOING TO PAY WHAT HE DID TO ME I MEAN LOOK AT ME VELVET; IT'S GOING TAKE WEEKS FOR ME TO GET MY FACE FIXED, AT LEAST 3. UGHHHH!

Velvet; well I tried to warn ya and you didn't listen.

*random voice out of nowhere* oh yes he didn't listen and look what happend to him...broken piece by piece, looks like now I have to pick up after yall after all.

broken piece by piece, looks like now I have to pick up after yall after all

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Vox: VAL...VALENTINO!!!! I didn't expect you to return so soon. was your trip sir?

Valentino; Oh it was perfect thank you for asking.

Velvet; we tidy the place for you sir while you were gone

Valentino; thank you guys, I appreciate it. The place looks better than before.

Vox and Velvet look act happy dripping in cold sweat knowing not what's coming to them from Valentino.

Valentino; is there something that yall should tell me.

Vox & Velvet; I mean what do you want to know, sir?


Vox & Velvet scared as they don't know what to say.

Valentino; you two have officially for the last have pissed me off. You two are so darn powerful that you got your ass kicked in two. You haven't lost since That daughter of Lucifer and the Radio Demon worked together and now it's a mere mortal that kicked both of y'alls ass. Am I here this right?

Both of them nodded yes quietly.

Valentino; well I guess I'm going to have a little one on one conversation with this "Spiderman".

Vox; your not going to fight him?!!

Valentino; Oh no no no...he's been through a whole lot kicking y'alls ass. I just wanna talk with him. Let's go!

Meanwhile back at the hotel..

Angel; well at least your okay suga, don't wanna lose someone important to us....especially me.

Peter and Angel both blush at the same time.

Peter; umm.. *throat clears* yeah I'm glad I didn't worry you.

Angel; *throat gulping* um yeah I'm glad.

Vaggie; guys you gotta come see this.

Peter; What is it?!!

They go downstairs with everyone and they notice a limo outside with a licensed V on the front.

Alastor; Oh shit not him.

Valentino; Oh yes Al, it's me

Alastor; what do you want

Valentino; I want a one on one conversation with your boy over there.

Peter; you wanna talk to me huh? And I see you brought your posse with you; dumb and dumber.

Vox; Oh why you....

Peter; hey how was that ass kicking for you? Did it knock your ai back to shape?

Vox looks at Peter with a mean face and growls.

Valentino; yes I'm here to talk with him maybe go out for lunch. I don't wanna fight, just talk.

Peter agrees to talk with Valentino as long as he doesn't hurt and Valentino agrees to not hurt them, so thet both leave and they find a private restaurant to eat and talk.

Peter; Okay let's talk!

Valentino; Okay let's start off with asking with the basics; where did you come from and what the hell are you?

Peter; well if you must know; I'm a human. And second I'm not from here, i ended up here from another universe by mistake.

Valentino; fascinating! Okay next; why are you so powerful to take out my associates?

Peter: well I wish to not say my name, but I go by a codename and that name is "Spiderman". When I was young I was bitten by a radioactive spider and that radioactive bite merged with my DNA granting me the different characteristics of each spider, basically the abilities.

Valentino; hmm..look you are a good kid and I respect that you wanna protect people and I get that but you are making me and my organization looks like a joke.

Peter; well your bitch Velvet started it first by that illegal drug trade.

Valentino; ahh you wanna play that way, well I advise you leave.

Peter; I don't think that's going to happen because I just considered to protect this city now.

Valentino; look why are you defending these people.

Peter; because that's who I am.

Valentino; fine!! you win but just to let you know what ever happens in the future I hope your prepared to face the King of Hell when he finds out about you.

Peter looks at him intimidatingly as he leaves.

*in his mind*(who is the King of Hell?)

The end

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