01 : new school

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A TIRED KURISA opened the door to her sisters car, allowing herself and her younger sister to get in

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A TIRED KURISA opened the door to her sisters car, allowing herself and her younger sister to get in. she sighed as she put her head against the window.

"kurisa. i know your sad but i promise everything should go just right."

"but it's not, i loved japan. i don't want to be here. my friends are all in japan. i don't even know korean, akari."

"i know you don't, i don't either. we will get through this all together." her older sister ruffled her and her younger sisters hair.

"i miss home." her younger sister mumbled.

akari sighed, this was her older sister of two years. she didn't know what to do. ever since she and her sisters got on the flight to korea, they have not stopped complaining.

she understands their pain. she can't shut them down, they've been through a lot, but it's hard. she can't do anything about the past. she doesn't know korean either. she just wants everything to be alright.

she stared back at her younger siblings, both were now fast asleep with their heads against the windows.

she forced a smile as she began to drive to their new school.


"i love you girls so much, i hope you guys have a great day, tell me all about it when you arrive home."

her sisters forced a small smile, leaving their sisters car and entering their new school.

kurisa was 17 years old, she was a senior. she had to help her 15 year old sister, mariko, get to class, then get to her own. all in the time span of 20 minutes.

she sighed as she adjusted her bangs.

she looked around as she heard many people bursting into laughter, all speaking korean.

she met eyes with her younger sister, who too heard all the people speaking korean. they held hands anxiously and walked a bit faster to get in the building.

they immediately walked to the front office.

"oh hello, you must be kurisa and mariko fujimura!" their new principal spoke happily.

they looked at eachother and back at the principal, only understanding their names and "hello."

kurisa opened her mouth to speak but quickly shut it, she tried hard to take a guess at what he said.

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