09 : bus ride

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IT WAS finally friday, the last day of her first week of school

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IT WAS finally friday, the last day of her first week of school.

the week had went much better then she thought, and everything was actually surprisingly easy for her.

even more fortunate for her, next week was the last week before christmas break, which meant she had a week off of school.

she stepped out the car, saying goodbye to her sister and walking towards the school building per usual.

she saw jungwon and ni-ki talking to an unfamiliar male.

she walked up to the two boys with mariko, "good morning!"

the three boys shifted their gaze towards the two girls, all waving.

"good morning." they all said.

the two girls looked at the third male confused.

"sorry, we never introduced him to you! this is our friend sunoo!" jungwon apologized.

"it's fine! hello sunoo!" the girls said, switching to korean.

he gave them a welcoming smile before the bell rung, and immediately the teenagers began rushing to get to their class.

"bye!" kurisa said quickly, kissing mariko on the forehead as always, and mariko always gave the same reaction.

"stop doing that!" she screamed.

she giggled as she walked away with jungwon.

"how close would you say you are with your sisters?" he randomly asked.

she looked up, "i'd say i'm very close with them, like on a scale from 1 to 10, i'm probably 10."

he smiled widely, "that's cute. i actually have a sister too."

"oh really? i would've never believed you. you don't talk about her." she shrugged.

"well because i'm not really the type to overshare. i don't know, i don't talk much about myself." he frowned.

"well then we're complete opposites, as you can tell i like sharing about myself a lot." she smiled.

"i can definitely tell." he chuckled a bit.

"anyways, are you excited for break after next week?" he changed the topic.

she nodded quickly, "i can't wait!"

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