Entry 1157: Wednesday 27th November 2019

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Entry 1157
Wednesday 27th November 2019

It's been a very solemn sort of a day.

I got some sleep but not much. I just kept hearing Michael's and Richard's blood curdling yells, and seeing Blade and Gary get gorged upon by the infected masses. I was glad Naomi stayed over. It was nice to cuddle up with her and talk about what happened.

When Naomi and I got up and got dressed we picked up Leo and the three of us walked downstairs. We entered the living room and saw Tinsley sat with Mum and Auntie Meryl. He looked stressed but also pretty p*ssed off. "Oh..." I said, sounding a bit surprised to see Tinsley. "Get the kid out of here," Tinsley said firmly, "He doesn't need to hear this." "I'll take him into the kitchen," said Mum, as she collected Leo off me and exited the living room leaving me, Naomi and Auntie Meryl with Tinsley. "What the f*ck happened yesterday?" Tinsley asked in a firm tone with a tense look on his face as he stood up from the sofa and looked me right in the eye. "What do you mean what happened?" said Naomi, "People died. Blade..." "I didn't ask you," Tinsley firmly said, extending his arm and pointing his finger at Naomi. Strangely I didn't feel intimidated by Tinsley like I usually do. I think I just felt tired and fed up and so I ended up speaking to him like I didn't care. "What do you want me to say?" I snapped, throwing my hands in the air, "Blade escaped and ended up at The Hive. He walked out into the containment area, got himself killed and in all of the chaos that followed Richard, Michael, Gary and another one of your men died. I don't what else you want me to say? Why are you here? What do you want from me?" Tinsley clearly wasn't happy with my tone but I didn't care. "I want some f*cking answers you limp d*cked piece of sh*t," Tinsley angrily said as he took a step loser to me. "Well, that's not very nice," said Auntie Meryl. "If you want answers maybe you should look in the mirror," Naomi said in a firm voice. "And what the f*ck does that mean?" snapped Tinsley. "You're the one that authorised visits to The Hive," said Naomi, "You're the one that – according to Blade, was torturing him." "Are you blaming me for what happened at The Hive yesterday?" Tinsley asked in an intimidating tone. "It sounds to me like Jon was the one to blame," said Auntie Meryl, "If he hadn't walked into The Hive everything that followed wouldn't have happened." "Well, I'll tell you who wasn't to blame," I said, looking at Tinsley, "And that's me. So, if you've come round here to have a go at me. Fine. Get it over with and then leave, but what happened yesterday was not my fault." "Finally found some balls have you, Warm?" Tinsley said to me to with a scary smile on his face, "Got the guts to stand up to me now have you, eh?" "I'm not standing up to anyone or anything," I said, "Right now, I just don't care. People I care about died yesterday. I care about that." "Well, from what I hear you were with Blade before he walked out into the containment area," said Tinsley. "Yeah," I said, "He was hiding in the cleaning cupboard." "How the hell did he get from GRID HQ to the f*cking cleaning cupboard in The Hive?" snapped Tinsley. "I don't know," I said, giving a deep sigh, "I was just getting some stuff to clean the walkways with and then all of a sudden Blade appears." "Why didn't you tell one of the GRID soldiers as soon as you saw him?" asked Tinsley. "He grabbed hold of me, dragged me into the cupboard and then knocked me out," I said, pointing to lump on the side of my head. "I don't know why you've come round here having a go at Luke?" said Naomi, "He's done nothing wrong. In fact, he tried to help save Gary and the others. Maybe you're just p*ssed off because Blade told everyone to get rid of you as Commander." The anger on Tinsley's face intensified, as he took a step closer to Naomi. "You seem to have a lot to say for yourself," said Tinsley, "If I were you, I wouldn't p*ss me off any further. "Look, just bugger off," Auntie Meryl firmly said to Tinsley, "The poor lad's been through enough. He doesn't need you coming round here acting like cock of the walk swinging your willy around like some wannabe gangster. Go on sod off." "Stay out of this old woman," said Tinsley. "You cheeky little bleeder," exclaimed Auntie Meryl, "Old woman! I'm as old as you'll be when you're my age!" I frowned with confusion. I had no idea what Auntie Meryl was going on about but It was good to see Tinsley being told to shut up. "What did Blade mean when he talked about Experiment One?" Tinsley asked me, completely ignoring Auntie Meryl. "Oh, I forgot about that," I said, "I don't know." "You don't know?" said Tinsley. "No," I said, "Probably some weird secret code or something. Everyone on this island seems to be involved in lying and keeping secrets. I don't know what he was on about. To be honest, I don't care. People have just died and my attention is on that right now."

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 1158 - 1358Where stories live. Discover now