Entry 1176: Monday 16th December 2019

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Entry 1176
Monday 16th December 2019

OK... It's all happening! There's some serious sh*t going down.

I met up with Sci-Fi Cyn at Sails Café as usual. There was no Mike (he was back at The IEC kicking the cr*p out of the infected), and there was no Naomi (she was at home stressing about the current situation that at this point I was unaware of) so it was just me and Cyn. She asked me if I'd gotten to the bottom of why Naomi didn't want to go to Gurnard yesterday. "No," I said, "She was really rude and snappy, like REALLY blunt. I don't know what I'm supposed to have done." "Luke, stop thinking that it's all about you," said Cyn, "It's not." "You don't know that," I said, "I could have done something and she could be in a mood with me." "We both know Naomi's not the sort of woman to sit around sulking," said Cyn, "She'll tell you if she's p*ssed off with you. Anyway, it might not have anything to do with you." "Yeah, but it might," I said. "Then go and find out what's going on," said Sci-Fi Cyn in an assertive tone. Feeling re-energised I stood up, left the café and made my way round to Ash and Naomi's.

When I arrived at Ash and Naomi's house, I confidently knocked on the door, adopted an assertive look and took a step back. A flustered looking Ash answered the door. "Oh, not now, Luke," he said, sounding stressed. Ash started to close the door, but I pushed it open and stopped Ash from closing the door, to which he responded by looking rather shocked. "No," I firmly said, "Something's going on and I want to know what it is." I barged past Ash, entered the house and stormed into the living room where Naomi was sat on the sofa with her head in her hands, crying in floods of tears. I froze to the spot, looked down at Naomi and observed her as she sobbed into her hands. "What is it?" I gently asked. "Oh, Luke, go away," said Naomi, wiping the tears from her face, "Just please go away." "No," I calmly said, as I sat next to Naomi and put my arm around her, "You're upset. Don't shut me out. I want to help you." "You can't help me," sobbed Naomi. "Well, why don't you let me try?" I said, "Come on. We're supposed to be getting married. We said we wouldn't keep secrets from each other remember?" "Just tell him," Ash bluntly said. "No!" snapped Naomi. "Tell me what?" I asked. "Naomi, we need to tell someone," said Ash. "But we can't..." said Naomi as she started to sob again. "Will, someone please just tell me what the Hell is going on?" I asked. "It's Tara," said Ash, "She's come back." "Tara?" I said, "Tara Kate from ACROBAT?" "Well, I don't mean Tara King from The Avengers, do I?" exclaimed Ash, "Of course Tara from ACROBAT. My old colleague you spent time in Egypt with. She's come back." "How the Hell did she get back?" I asked. "Well, we didn't sit and have tea and talk about travel arrangements," said Ash, "She's taken Sophie." "What!?" I gasped. "I left her upstairs having a nap," said Naomi, as she wiped away her tears, "I was down here doing some stuff and then all of a sudden I turned round and Tara was there. She was just stood right here in the living room. She told me that she'd taken Sophie, put her somewhere safe and that I'll get her back if I get her the virus." "What!?" I gasped in horror. "She said if I told anyone I'd never see Sophie again," said Naomi, followed by more tears. "I don't believe this," I said, "Why does she think you can get her the virus?" "Harold lives in the next street to us," said Ash. "She was the one behind Sophie being taken before," said Naomi, "Remember? I ended up killing Troy to try and get her back. Tara knows that I will do anything to get Sophie back." "So, what does she think you're going to do?" I asked, "Go round to Harold's, politely ask for a vial of the virus and hope that he'll hand it over?" "We tried that," said Ash. "What? You've spoken to Harold?" I asked. "We went to see him yesterday," said Ash, "He said he's not handing over any copies of the virus." "You told him about Tara coming back?" I asked. "No," said Naomi, "Tara said we wouldn't see Sophie again if I told anyone. I've already told Ash, and now you know. I'm worried what she might do to Sophie if she knows I've told anyone else." "That b*tch is playing on your emotions," I firmly said, "Harold might be many things but he's also a dad. You need to tell him the truth and talk to him parent to parent." "What if Tara does something to Sophie?" asked a worried Naomi. "She won't know," I said, "Anyway, just think about it? Does the silly cow really expect you to get the virus WITHOUT telling Harold the truth? I know you're upset, but we need to try and think about this logically. Come on." I held Naomi's hand and dragged her up off the sofa. "Where are we going?" she asked. "We're going to see Harold," I said, "We're going to tell him everything and tell him we need a copy of that virus." "Yeah, but he'll probably just want us to tell Tinsley," said Ash. "That might not be a bad idea," I said, "Tinsley managed to get hold of Blade; him getting hold of Tara might be a good idea, especially as Tinsley seems to be in a good mood at the moment." "Oh, I'm not sure about this," said Naomi. "I am," I confidently said, as I guided Naomi to the front door, "That b*tch Tara has caused too many problems. We're going to speak to Harold, get Sophie back, and sort this out now."

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 1158 - 1358Where stories live. Discover now