Entry 1164: Wednesday 4th December 2019

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Entry 1164
Wednesday 4th December 2019

I am so happy!

What started out as a very stressful and embarrassing day has ended in the best way possible. I think this might be the happiest day of my life! It's certainly the happiest I have felt in a very long time.

After spending the morning telling Mum and Auntie Meryl about my confrontation with Naomi yesterday, and making it clear to them that we were definitely over, I did a bit of shopping in Sainsbury's, took Leo to the park, and then met up with Mia to see how she was doing.

I left Leo with Mum and Auntie Meryl, and walked with Mia to Sails Café where she planned to join Mike, Sci-Fi Cyn and I for our usual bi-daily catch up. On our journey to the café she was telling me all about how she is getting on with Harold, and how she is still seeing Tinkerbell at GRID HQ. "Must be hard for you seeing your daughter infected and all that," I said. "Yeah, but I'm just glad that she's still here and that Dad might be able to use her blood to help us get a vaccine or maybe a cure." "Yeah, well, he hasn't come up with anything yet, has he?" I said. "It won't happen overnight Luke," said Mia, "It'll take a while. You still don't trust Dad, do you?" "No," I said, "I don't like him, and I don't trust him. Mind, you after what happened yesterday, I'm not sure I trust anyone." "What do you mean?" asked Mia. I told her about me and Naomi splitting up and about her and Roz getting it on behind my back. "Oh my God!" gasped Mia, "That's awful. I can't believe Naomi would do that to you. How did you find out? What did she say when you confronted her?" "I'll tell you when we get to the café," I said, "I'll only have to tell Mike and Cyn again if I tell you now." At that point I stood in some dog sh*t. "Oh for f*cks sake!" I angrily snapped, stopping looking down and lifting my shoe up. "Isn't that supposed to be good luck?" asked Mia. "Oh, shut up," I bluntly said, as I took my shoe off and started scraping it on the side of the curb, "F*cking dogs. Why can't people clean up after their animals. There should be a sign around or something." "Yes, but signs need to be clear," said Mia, "Because they can confuse matters. I remember when I was a teenager and I was walking our dog in the park... There was this sign that said 'If your dog poops, pick it up.' I don't know why I had to do that? Picking up Max and carrying him all the way through the park didn't make much sense to me. He was a big dog so picking him up wasn't easy." "Great Scott!" I said, rolling my eyes. "No, he was a Great Dane," said Mia, "His poos were always a bit big. We thought there was something wrong with him. My Dad – my other Dad, said a vet needs to see the poo... Mind you, there was a little girl who lived next door to us and when I showed her Max's poo, her Mum went mad." "Why was you showing your dog's poo to a little girl?" I asked. "Her name was Yvette," said Mia, "I didn't realise that Dad said A VET. I thought he said Yvette." "Why would you Dad ask you to show a little girl your dog's poo?" I asked. "Yeah, I thought it was a bit weird," said Mia. I took Mia shoe off as I couldn't get all the sh*t off it and I ended up walking with a weird limp, wearing only one show to the café.

When Mia and I arrived at the café, I left the show outside and walked inside with my strange limp, over to the table where Mike and Sci-Fi Cyn were waiting for us. "What's with the limp?" asked Cyn. I stood in sh*t," I said, "I've left my other sh*tty shoe outside." Mia sat down and I plonked myself down hard on the chair, but as my arse made contact with the chair, I didn't notice that Mike had placed the door knob to his bedroom door there and I hurt my arse cheek as I sat down. "OUCH!" I loudly said, grabbing hold of Mike's knob and handing it to Mike with an angry look on my face. "Oh, sorry," said Mike, "That's my knob." "That hurt my arse," I firmly said, "I wish you'd get that knob back on the door where it belongs." Cyn handed me a cup of tea she'd just bought me, and once Mia bought herself a drink, she joined us at the table and we started talking about recent events. "So, come on then," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "What's happened." "Him and Naomi have split up," said Mia. "Really?" said Mike. "It happened yesterday," said Mia. "Yesterday," said Mike. "Yeah," said Mia, "He went round to Naomi's and told her it was over." God..." said Mike, sounding like he was enjoying absorbing the gossip. "Can I tell my own story please?" I bluntly said to Mia. I wriggled around on my chair, squirming as I felt the pain from sitting on Mike's bedroom door knob and told my story.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 1158 - 1358Where stories live. Discover now