Sick Day

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Third Person POV
Takes place in Season 3
It had been a long day at Anchor Beach for Connor Stevens. His best friend, and now boyfriend, Jude Adams-Foster hadn't come to school today. Connor didn't have any classes with Jude's siblings, so he couldn't ask them where he was, and Lena was busy all day. Connor sat on a bench outside of the school, and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He turned it on, and went to his text messages, pulling up his conversation with Jude.

Start of Text Convo
Connor: Hey, where were you today?
Jude: Home. I'm sick :(
End of Text Convo

Connor remembered that he didn't have too much homework, so he decided to go and visit Jude. He started on his way to the Adams-Foster home. Since he'd walked there with Jude on countless occasions to study, or just hang out, he knew exactly where he was going. After about ten minutes, he'd gotten to the front porch. He rang the doorbell and waited. After a few seconds, the door opened up, revealing Callie.

"Hey Connor," Callie greeted.

"Hi, Callie. Is Jude here?" Connor asked, already knowing the answer to his question.

"Yeah he is, but he's sick," Callie answered.

"Could I maybe visit him for a few minutes?" Connor asked. Callie smiled, knowing their current situation.

"Sure," Callie replied, moving, so Connor could enter the house.

"He's up in his room, right?" Connor asked. Callie simply nodded. Connor smiled to thank her, then walked up the stairs. Once he was up, he walked to Jude's room. The door was cracked open, so he just walked in. Jude was laying in his bed under a big stack of blankets.

"Jude?" Connor said, trying to get his now-boyfriend's attention.

"Connor?" Jude asked in a very congested voice.

"Hey," Connor said, giving Jude a small smile.

"What are you doing here?" Jude asked.

"Well, I figured that you were bored, and I don't have a lot of homework, so I decided to come over here for a little bit," Connor replied.

"But what if I get you sick?" Jude asked. Connor smiled at Jude's curious nature.

"Well, then both of us will be sick, and I won't have to be all bored in school tomorrow like I was today," Connor replied. Jude thought about this for a minute. He told Connor okay by smiling at him. Connor sat down at Jude's desk, and put his back pack on the floor. "So, what have you been up to today?" Connor asked his sick friend.

"Not much, I've been laying here for the whole day. But, I finally got past that really hard level in MindCraft!" Jude replied.

"Awesome! You're almost where I am in it!" Connor joked.

"Shut up. How was school?"

"Very boring. Daria sat in your seat in science, and she was trying to "fix" our relationship,"

"What did you tell her?" Jude asked. He wasn't really ready to tell their peers about their new relationship yet. All of the Adams-Fosters knew, as well as Connor's father, and Jude wanted to keep it that way for a little bit.

"I told her that I moved on. I didn't tell her about us, don't worry," Connor replied, making Jude feel a lot more comfortable.

"How'd she take it?"

"Well, she called me a heartless bastard for not seeing the "great chemistry" between us," Connor replied, making both of them laugh. Once they stopped, Jude spoke.

"Thanks for not telling her about us yet," he said in a quiet voice.

"No problem, man. I don't want anyone to know until you're cool with that," Connor replied. Jude coughed a bit.

"Are you okay? Do you need some water?" Connor asked, concern clear in his voice.

"I'm fine," Jude said before starting to shiver.

"Do you have another blanket?" Connor asked. Jude shook his head. Connor stood up, walked over to Jude's bed, then got in it.

"What are you-"

"You're cold," Connor said, cutting Jude off. Connor snuggled up next to Jude.

"Thanks," Jude said with a smile. Connor smiled back.


A/N: Hey guys! I hope you liked this one shot! I'm still new to writing these, so if you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments!


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