Bad Memories

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Third Person POV

Connor really did love Jude. He could always tell if Jude had finally leveled up in a video game, because of how happy he'd be. He could even tell if he had gotten into an argument with Callie, because Jude would be really sad, and keep to himself. Right now, the two of them were at the Adams-Foster house, playing a driving game. Jude was being oddly quiet, leading Connor to think that he had gotten into an argument with Callie earlier. Connor finally paused the game, and looked over to Jude.

"Jude, you're being very quiet, what's wrong?" Connor carefully asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine," Jude replied, a bit too quickly.

"Jude, come on, I'm your boyfriend, please tell me," Connor pleaded, grabbing Jude's hand.

"Okay, fine," Jude paused for a minute. "I started thinking of the night in my old foster home when Callie got sent to juvie," Jude confessed.

"What happened?" Connor asked, realizing that Jude had never told him about that. Jude took a deep breath before beginning his story.

*Start of Flashback*
"Jude, go to bed soon, okay? I'll come see you one more time," Callie told her younger brother.

"Okay, I'll get in bed at nine-thirty," Jude replied, seeing that it was currently eight forty-one.

"Okay, that's fine. I love you," Callie smiled at her younger brother.

"Callie, put these dishes away!" Their foster father bellowed. Jude shuddered upon hearing his voice.

"It's okay, Jude. I'll come back soon," Callie said, walking out of the living room, and into the kitchen. Jude walked out of his living room, and to his bedroom. When he passed his foster father's room, he saw a beautiful gown that belonged to their foster father's ex-wife. Jude had always been curious as to what he would look like in a dress. He wasn't really sure if this was a normal thought for him to be thinking. He couldn't ask a boy his age, because his only real friend was his sister. He was afraid of his foster father, but that fear went away as Jude walked into his bedroom.
'If girls can wear these things, then I think I can, too' Jude thought to himself as he took off his shirt and jeans. He took the gown off of the hanger, and slid it on. Since he was only ten, and on the shorter side, the dress was way too long for him. He picked up the skirt, and walked over to a mirror leaning up against a wall. He looked at himself at many different angles. He really did kind of like it. He liked the freedom that he felt with it on. Jude thought he could hear footsteps, but decided that he was wrong. The steps got louder, and Jude realized that he was wrong. Seconds later, his foster dad's head appeared in the doorway.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jude's foster dad asked, making Jude's heart feel like it was beating at a million miles a minute. His foster dad started walking towards Jude.

"Um, I don't know," Jude weakly replied.

"I was going to sell that! Why the hell would you put that on?" Jude didn't answer. "Well, I'm not raising a gay kid! Take it off!" Before Jude could even begin taking it off, his foster dad struck him. Jude tried his hardest to not to cry. "That was for ruining this dress. Are you sorry?" Jude quickly nodded. "I don't think you are," Before Jude could even blink, he was slapped again. Suddenly, Jude could hear running. The next thing he saw was Callie's head in the door.

"Get away from my brother," Callie said through gritted teeth.

"I don't take orders from you. Would you like to be next?"

"Sure, if that means you don't touch my brother again," Callie replied. Their foster father smirked, then hit Jude for a third time. Callie stepped in front of Jude, who was now crying.

"Get away from my brother!" Callie yelled. Their foster dad said nothing before punching Callie in the stomach.

"Don't hit her!" Jude squeaked.

"Shut the hell up, kid!" Their foster dad screamed.

"Jude, go to your room, I'll be fine," Callie quietly told Jude, who quickly ran off. "I'm sick of you mistreating us. People like you shouldn't even be allowed to be foster parents. I think it's about time that someone hits something that you love," Callie said in an angry tone.

"What's that mean, bitch?" Callie saw a baseball bat near her foster dad's bed. She quickly grabbed it, then ran outside, which her foster dad on her heels. Callie ran outside, and over to his car. She began to hit the car with the bat. "You're done now, girl," Callie's foster dad pulled out his phone, and called the police as Callie continued hitting the car. After he was finished with his call, he ran over to Callie, and begin to hit her. Jude watched all of this from his bedroom, with tears running down his cheeks. Eventually, a police car pulled up, and Callie was put into it.

"I'll come back for you, Jude, I promise!" Callie yelled, loud enough for Jude to hear it in his room. After the police car pulled away, their foster dad began walking inside. Jude braced himself for his next interaction with his foster dad. He eventually burst into Jude's room.

"All of this was your fault. I don't want to hear anything else from you tonight. Stay in here and shut up," Jude's foster dad hit him one last time before leaving the room, and slamming Jude's door. Jude quickly turned his light out, and got into bed. He got under his covers, and cried himself to sleep.
*End of Flashback*
Connor was beyond shocked by Jude's story.

"Wow, Jude. I'm so sorry that happened," Connor said, hugging Jude. "That's never going to happen again. Stef and Lena would never do that. If they did, they'd have to go through me first," Connor declared. Jude gave Connor a small smile.

"Connor, thanks for listening. You're the only person who knows that whole story, aside from Callie," Jude shared.

"No problem. I'll always be here for you. I love you, Jude," Connor said, smiling at his boyfriend. Jude returned his smile.

"I love you too, Connor,"

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you all liked this story. Honestly, it was kind of hard to write, because of how sad it was. But, I got this idea a few days ago, and I really wanted to try it out. Also, I apologize for the curse words, but I honestly saw the situation having curse words in it. Originally, there wasn't going to be any Connor in this story, but then I got the idea to make Connor comfort him in it. Anyway, same sex marriage is now legal in all 50 states! I'm so happy about that. As always, if you have a story request, comment them, and I'll write it! Thanks for reading, and I'll see you guys next time!


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