You're Perfect To Me

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Takes place in season 3
Third Person POV
Jude Adams Foster always knew how lucky he was that he got to call Connor Stevens his boyfriend. He still didn't know why Connor, someone so kind, thoughtful, handsome and perfect, would ever want to be with someone like himself. Both boys were very excited, because Connor had gotten his boot off the day before, and the two of them decided to celebrate by going swimming at the beach. Jude was beyond excited that he could finally do fun things with his boyfriend, but he was also a bit nervous. He'd always felt s bit insecure around Connor, even before they were dating. Jude had been in his room, trying to find the best outfit for twenty minutes before Mariana came in.

"Oh hey, Judicorn. I'm just grabbing some headphones that Jesus took from my room," she said, walking over to Jesus' side of the room.

"Okay," Jude said, looking at himself in the mirror that leaned up against the wall. Mariana noticed all of the clothes that surrounded Jude on the floor.

"Um, Jude, what are you doing?" Mariana asked, walking over to her brother.

"Connor got his boot off yesterday, and we're celebrating by going swimming at the beach. I'm just trying to find a good outfit," Jude explained.

"Just throw on a random shirt. You're going to take it off when you swim anyway," Mariana suggested.

"Well I don't really want to take it off," Jude said, sitting down on his bed. Mariana walked over, and sat next to Jude.

"Why not?" Mariana questioned. Jude sighed before speaking.

"Well, you know how Connor is more muscular than me?" Jude asked. Mariana simply nodded. "Well, I feel a bit, you know, insecure, when I'm around him,"

"You shouldn't, Jude! He's a little more built than you, sure, but that shouldn't matter. Remember when I had blonde hair?" Jude nodded, looking into Mariana's eyes. "I dyed it blonde to fit in with the other girls on my dance team. I felt insecure about being the only Latina on the team. Eventually, I learned that it shouldn't matter, and now my hair is dark brown again. Connor really likes you, Jude. He couldn't care less if you're as built as he is or not,"

"Thanks, Mariana. That really did help me,"

"No problem, Judicorn. Now, if I were you, I'd keep those blue trunks on, and maybe put on this white t shirt," Mariana said, grabbing one of the many shirts off of the floor.

"Okay," Jude said, putting on the new shirt.

"That looks perfect!" Mariana exclaimed.

"Thanks, Mariana," Jude said, giving his sister a hug.

"Jude, Connor's here!" Stef yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Have fun, Jude! Remember, Connor really does like you," Mariana said in a reassuring tone.

"I will. See you later!" Jude said. He grabbed a towel from his desk, and exited his room, then darted down the stairs.

"Hey!" Connor said with a smile once Jude reached the bottom step.

"Hey!" Jude said back.

"You boys have fun! Jude, your curfew is nine," Stef said.

"Okay. See you later. Ready to go?" Jude asked. Connor nodded with a smile. Jude and Connor walked out of the Adams-Foster house, and to the beach, with intertwined hands. Once they got to the beach, both boys set their towels down. While Jude wasn't looking, Connor took off his shirt. When Jude turned around and saw his now shirtless boyfriend, he started to feel insecure again. Connor could see a look of discomfort in his boyfriend's eyes.

"Jude, are you okay?" Connor asked.

"Yeah, it's nothing," Jude replied.

"Jude," Connor tried.

"I'm just a bit insecure," Jude said, forgetting everything that Mariana had told him earlier. Connor could tell what Jude was talking about.

"Jude, you could be all muscle, or all bones. You could be fit or fat, and I wouldn't care. I love you for you," Connor said, making Jude smile. He slowly removed his shirt.

"Let's go in," Jude said.

"Alright. Looks like I get to show my handsome boyfriend off to the whole beach," Connor said, grabbing Jude's hand, then walking into the ocean.

A/N: Hey guys!!!!! So, I got the idea for this story from Tumblr, and I thought I'd write it. I know that Connor saying 'I love you' at this point in their relationship might be too much for some of you, so if it is, then think of it in a friendly way. Anyway, I have a couple more one shots that I intend to post very soon. If you liked this, please vote and comment; it really does mean a lot. I'll see you guys next time!!!!


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