I'll Be There For You

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Third Person POV
Takes place in Season 3
"Okay kids, lets go home so we can get ourselves ready for the reception. Connor, you can go ahead and come with us," Stef Adams-Foster told her four kids and Connor. Just days ago, Mariana, Jesus, and their pregnant biological mother, Ana, were involved in a terrible car crash. The other car hit Jesus' side of the car, killing him. They all had just been to his funeral service, and they had to get home so they could get everything ready for the reception that followed. Obviously, Jesus' death affected everyone in the Adams-Foster family, but it had the biggest affect on Mariana and Jude. It had affected Mariana for obvious reasons; Jesus was there for her when their own mother would go off to get high, before they entered the foster system. She felt like she had lost her other half. Jesus' death also had a big impact on Jude, though he tried not to show it. He didn't want his family to be giving him a lot of comfort when Mariana needed it much more than he did. But, he was very sad to learn that his brother had died. He still had Brandon as a brother, but he'd always been closer to Jesus, because of the age difference. Jesus had been his roommate, and basically showed him the ropes when he first got to the Adams-Foster house. Jude thought about how much he already missed Jesus on the car ride home.

"Jude, you can go up to your room with Connor if you want until people get here," Lena said as they pulled into the driveway.

"Okay, we'll do that. Connor, do you need help getting out?" Jude asked. Connor was on crutches from when Taylor's dad shot him in the foot that night that they all broke into her house.

"I'm good, but thanks," Connor said, getting out of the car.

"I'm so glad that he's got Connor," Stef said to Lena in a quiet voice. Jude assumed that he wasn't supposed to hear that for whatever reason, so he said nothing about it. They all walked into the Adams-Foster home. Jude and Connor slowly walked up the stairs, and into Jude and Jesus' room. Well, it was only Jude's room now. Just thinking of that brought a few stray tears to Jude's eyes. He quickly wiped them away as Connor and himself entered his room. Connor sat on Jude's bed, so he could elevate his foot, and Jude sat on the chair at his desk. He looked down at his thumbs, and wasn't talking.

"Hey Jude, are you okay?" Connor asked. Jude just shook his head, still looking down. Connor got up, limped over to where Jude was, and sat on the floor. He took Jude's hand, automatically getting his attention. "Jude, I know that this is hard for you, and I want to help you get through this. Please talk to me," Jude could hear the genuine concern in his best friend, and now boyfriend's, voice. Jude sighed before speaking.

"I guess I didn't realize how close I was to him. I didn't realize how much of an influence he was on me. I've grown up with Callie my whole life, which has been great, but Jesus was closer to me in age, and was really my first male role model," Jude admitted.

"Did you tell your moms that?" Connor asked. Jude shook his head. "Why not?"

"Mariana grew up with him, and took his death harder than I did. My moms had to help her grieve, and I didn't want to take away the attention from them that she needed,"

"Jude, you need to talk to them, because clearly this really has affected you. Maybe after everyone leaves the reception, you talk to them. If it makes you feel more comfortable, I can stay, and help as much as possible,"

"Okay, you're right. After everyone leaves, I'll talk to them with you. Thanks," Jude said giving Connor a small smile, which he returned.

"Boys, can you come down now? People are starting to arrive," both boys heard Lena yell from the bottom of the stairs.

"You ready?" Connor asked, looking into Jude's eyes. Jude smiled a confident smile.

"Yeah, I think so," Both boys stood up, and Jude gave Connor his crutches. They shared one more quick smile before walking downstairs to see their friends and family.

A/N: Hey guys! So, I wasn't feeling quite as confident about this one shot as I was about my first, one reason being that it talks about the (possible) death of Jesus, and no one really knows how it will be taken. I guess I just thought I'd goof around, and try to write this topic. The next few stories will be like a trilogy talking about the last episode of season 2. I have one part written, and can't wait to share it with all of you guys. Please comment any suggestions that you guys have, your feedback really does help. I'll see you all next time!


P.S. I hope you guys liked the Friends reference in the title!

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