Love Me Like You Do

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Third Person POV
"Class, please do problems one through twenty nine odd tonight for homework. See you all tomorrow," Connor Stevens' math teacher announced to his class as the bell rang. Connor put his books into his backpack, grabbed his crutches, and headed to the courtyard, since it was lunch time. Connor hadn't been able to think about his school work today. Today was the first day that Connor had been to school since getting shot, and his first day back since Jude and himself had officially started calling themselves each other's boyfriends. Before class had started, Connor asked Jude about telling their peers about their new relationship. He was hoping that Jude would be all for it, because he'd already told his father, which was the scariest thing he'd ever experienced. It even topped getting shot. Jude's response was not at all what he expected to hear from he kid who painted his nails blue, simply because he liked it. Jude had said that he wasn't sure about telling their peers, because it wasn't her business. Connor knew that there was more to it than that, but he just wasn't sure what. When he finally got outside, he saw Jude sitting at their usual lunch table. Connor walked over, and sat down next to Jude.

"Hey, how's the first day back?" Jude asked.

"It's been pretty good so far," Connor replied.

"That's good," Jude said before taking a bite of his sandwich. After a few more seconds of silence, Connor spoke.

"Why don't you want to tell people about us?" Jude shifted around in his seat.

"It's just none of their-"

"I know it isn't technically people's business, but what's the real reason? Please tell me," Connor interrupted, grabbing Jude's hand under the table.

"Fine. Remember the first time that I wore blue nail polish to school, and those kids made fun of me?" Jude asked. Connor remembered, then nodded. He still hated those kids to this day. "Well, I went home that day, and tried to remove the nail polish. Lena found me, and started helping me. Eventually, she started talking about how in some parts of town, she doesn't hold Stef's hand. I realized that she doesn't, because some people can be mean," Jude explained.

"Hey, if people start to bully you, I'll stick up for you. If they bully me, I'll deal with it," Connor said.

"It's not just that," Jude said.

"What else is it?"

"People aren't just mean with their words. Some mean people are violent. Some carry weapons," Jude replied.

"What exactly are you saying?" Connor asked.

"What if someone were so homophobic that they actually tried to hurt us? That's why Lena and Stef aren't affectionate in public," Jude confessed.

"Jude, if that ever were ever to happen to us, I'd try to protect you as much as I can," Connor said, gripping Jude's hand tighter.

"I don't want you to get hurt," Jude quietly admitted.

"Jude, I don't even care if I do. I'm completely obsessed with you, and I want to show you off to everyone as mine. I'm proud that you're my boyfriend. I want the world to know how lucky I am to have you in my life. But, I also want you to be comfortable with our peers knowing about us, and will wait until you're totally fine with this," Connor said, looking at Jude in his eyes. Jude took a deep breath before speaking.

"You're absolutely right. I'm lucky to have you in my life. I think we should tell people," Jude said.

"Are you sure? I only want people to know if you're totally fine with it," Connor said. Jude squeezed Connor's hand.

"I'm positive," Jude said. The two boys smiled at each other, and put their intertwined hands on the lunch table proudly.

A/N: Hey guys! I wanted to post this before season three aired, so I did! I'll have the final part of the other story posted ASAP!!! Thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment, and I'll see you all next time!!


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