The End of the Beginning P3

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Connor's POV
I open my eyes, and see a white ceiling. A boring, white ceiling. It's been a couple of days since Taylor came here to visit me. Daria still hasn't come here, which I'm honestly fine with. She's really the last person that I want to see right now. Taylor's not been back since she came. My dad got upset, because she's 'the daughter of the man who shot me'. Basically, he thinks her whole family is crazy. One major downside of this is that I've not been able to communicate with Jude. When I texted him on Taylor's phone, it was the happiest that I've felt since the accident happened. I get pulled away from my thoughts by my dad coming in to my room with a worried look on his face.

"What's the matter, dad?" I ask.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," he replies.

"What is it? I'm just going to keep asking until you tell me," I say in a stern tone.

"Jude is outside," he replies.

"Can I see him?" I ask, trying not to get my hopes up.

"No. I told you that you two can't hang out anymore. Did you think I was kidding?"

"No, but I didn't think that you'd take the one person who makes me genuinely happy out of my life," I reply.

"It's for your own good. You'll find someone else who makes you feel that way. A girl, hopefully," dad replies.

"Keeping Jude away won't change who I am, you know," I reply. Dad takes a deep breath.

"I'll be back. I have to call Jude's mother," dad says, before stepping out of my room. I try not to think about all of the hateful things that my own father just said to me, by turning on the TV. I channel surf for a little bit until I find something that looks sort of interesting. I get so invested in the show, that I don't even realize that an hour and a half passes by. I hear a knock at my door, then watch it open. My dad walks in, and I try to not roll my eyes at him. Before I can ask him why he came in, he steps over, and Jude walks past him. I smile, and sit up in my bed. My dad walks out, shutting the door behind him. Jude walks over to me silently. When he gets next to my bed, I take his hand. I look down, and notice that his nails are blue.

"What's this?" I ask.

"Warpaint," he replies. I scoot over, and he lays down next to me. After a couple of minutes, I speak. M

"How'd you get in here? My dad said that he wasn't letting you see me anymore," I ask.

"I came here almost two hours ago. I told the lady at the desk that you were my cousin, so she would let me walk over here. Your dad stopped me, and said that I couldn't see you. I just sat down against a wall. Your dad called Lena, and she talked to me, then your dad," Jude explains.

"You sat out there for that long?" I ask in disbelief. Jude just nods.

"Wow. I'm so lucky to have you in my life," I reply.

"I'm lucky to have you," he says, smiling at me. I smile back. "Wait, so what are we?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, are we friends, or," Jude trails off. I know exactly what he's asking.

"Jude Adams-Foster, will you be my boyfriend?" Jude nods and smiles. I smile too, realizing that I'm free. My dad knows who I truly am, and is clearly sort of okay with it, because he let Jude into my room. I smile even bigger, before kissing Jude on the cheek. Jude looks over to the clock on the wall after smiling at me.

"Connor, I have to go. Everyone in my family promised Mariana that we'd be at her dance competition. I'll come back here as soon as I can," Jude explains. I get a small feeling of sadness, because I don't want Jude to leave, since I can finally see him again.

"Okay. Have fun," I say, after taking a deep breath. He gets up, and we share one more quick smile before he walks out of my room, shutting my door. I reposition myself in my bed, and feel as happy as I did the day I met Jude.

A/N: Hey everyone!! This is the final part of the three part story!! I'm sorry that I posted that other one shot in between parts 2 and 3, but I really wanted to post other story before the season premiere. What did everyone think of that episode? I thought Mariana and Wyatt hooking up was insane!! I also wanted more Jonnor! But, there's supposed to be more in the next episode!! So, if any of you guys have a prompt that you want written, comment it on here, or PM me. I'll give you credit for the prompt. I just think it'd be fun to get you guys involved in these somehow!! Also, I have a jonnor Instagram and tumblr. The usernames for both are jonnorismylife Thank you guys so much for reading! Like and comment, and I'll see you all next time!!

P.S. The photo attached is the tweet I got from Gavin when he live tweeted during the premiere!

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