The End Of The Beginning P1

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Connor's POV
"Connor, you're going to go to surgery in about five minutes. I'm going to give you a couple of minutes to talk to your father while I make sure that everything is ready in the operating room," a young female doctor, named Dr. Anderson, tells me and my father.

"Okay, thank you so much," dad says as Dr. Anderson walks out of my room. He then turns to me with a disappointed look on his face. I give him a confused one in return. "Sneaking out? Drinking? What were you thinking?" My dad asks me. Ah, there's the reprimanding that I hadn't gotten. Last night, I snuck out with Jude, Taylor, and Daria. Taylor and Daria wanted to TP some girl's house for a reason that I can't remember. I told Jude that he should come with us, so that the two of us could hang out after. My dad doesn't like Jude, because he thinks Jude's gay, and he doesn't want me to be like that. But, I think I am, but I can't tell my dad, because then I won't be able to be around my best friend anymore.

"I don't know, dad," I finally reply.

"Was it that girl you've been hanging out with? That girl Daria?" My dad questions.

"No dad, it wasn't," I honestly say. It was more to see Jude than her.

"What was it then?" I open my mouth a little, but nothing comes out. "What was that? Are you sure it wasn't that girl?" After he says that, something just snaps, and I can't hold it in anymore.

"I did it so I could see Jude, alright?" I say in a loud voice. Now my dad has the confused look on his face.

"What does that mean?" He asks in a much quieter voice. I know that he's not really calm, though. I take a deep breath.

"I like Jude," I admit. My dad's facial expression changes into a look of disbelief.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Dad asks, looking at me dead in the eyes.

"Yes, I am dad. I'm gay. You don't have to like it, but you do have to deal with it. I'm not going to change," I say in an unwavering voice.

"You're not gay, Connor. That Jude kid might make you think you are, but-"

"Jude didn't turn me gay," I say, interrupting him.

"You're not, I know you're not," my father says as he walks out of my hospital room.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"I've got to fix something," he says. As soon as he walks out, Dr. Anderson walks back in.

"Okay Connor, it's time. Are you ready?" She asks in a sweet voice. I nod, knowing that I don't really have a say. A couple other doctors walk in, and I get wheeled into an operating room, feeling very alone.

A/N: Hey guys! So, if you couldn't tell, this is supposed to be like a remake of the first Connor scene in the last episode of season 2!! This is going to be a three part story from Connor's POV about the last episode!! I thought it would be kind of cool to see through Connor's eyes for all of the events that go on in his storyline in the final episode. Please comment any suggestions that you have, they really do help. I hope you enjoyed this, and I'll post part 2 of 3 very soon!!


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