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This is the way I think everything would've happened if Jude got shot instead of Connor.

"Connor, come here," Daria whispered to her boyfriend. Daria, Taylor, Connor,  and Jude had just TPed a classmate's house, and now they were all at Taylor's, sneaking some alcohol. Connor didn't really have romantic feelings for Daria, but his dad allowed him to hang out with Jude, becasue he was dating her. He'd do anything to get to spend time with his best friend. When the boys found the girls, they saw Taylor opening up a bottle of whisky. They all stood in a circle, and Taylor handed the whisky bottle to Connor. He took a big sip, then handed the bottle off to Jude. Even though he was hesitant at first, he still took a sip.

"Who's there?" a voice yelled from upstairs. They looked over in the direction that the voice came from, and saw a light turn on. Startled, Jude dropped the whisky bottle on the floor, causing it to shatter.

"That's my dad! Run!" Taylor whispered. Daria ran out first, with Taylor following her. Connor was third, and Jude was right behind him. Taylor's dad ran downstairs, carrying a gun. Even though the darkness blinded him, he fired his gun. The next sound that he heard was a thud in his living room. He cautiously walked down the stairs, then turned the light on. He was more than shocked to see Taylor and her friends standing in front of him. The thing that really  surprised him, was seeing that his bullet had hit one of the boys in the foot.

"Taylor, what on earth is going on here? Daria, call an ambulance for this boy!" Taylor's dad yelled.

"Dad, we snuck in. I'm so sorry!" Taylor replied in a nervous tone. Connor quickly walked over to Jude, and sat next to him on the floor. He wrapped his arm around him, feeling scared for his best friend.

"Jude, it's going to be okay. I'm going to be with you every step of the way, I promise," Connor said in a shaky voice. Jude just nodded, trying not to cry. A couple minutes later, the ambulance arrived. Connor and Taylor's father rode in the ambulance with Jude. Taylor and Daria wanted to come as well, but were told to stay behind for now. Taylor's dad, Steven, called Stef and Lena, to explain what happened, as well as apologize profusely. Stef and Lena were both freaked out by this, but promised Steven that they'd meet up at the hospital as soon as possible. Connor texted his dad, explaining what happened, and asking if he could meet up with everybody at the hospital. Even though he was furious, Adam promised to be at the hospital as soon as he could. Once the ambulance pulled up to the hospital, Jude was rushed inside, and Connor followed Steven in. Steven talked to a few people, then sat down with Connor.

"So, why did you guys sneak in at all?" Steven asked. Right before Connor was going to speak, Stef and Lena rushed over to them.

"We got here as fast as we could. Where's Jude?" Stef asked.

"He's in room two seventy-five. The doctors are looking at him right now, and no one else is allowed in. Look, I can't express how badly I feel that this happened," Taylor's dad explained.

"Obviously we're not happy about this, but we understand that it was self defense. They shouldn't have been doing, well, I don't know. What happened tonight, Connor?" Lena asked.

"Is it possible that I could wait to tell this story until after my dad gets here? I really only want to tell it, and relive it, once," Connor replied. Lena nodded before her and Stef sat down. After five silent minutes passed, Connor's father arrived, looking very angry.

"Connor, what the hell is going on?" Adam asked before sitting down with everyone else. Connor took a deep breath.

"A few days ago, Daria told me That her and Taylor were going to go TP some girl's house, and she invited me to come along, and I agreed to. A day after that, Jude and I were talking, and I said that he should come with us, because we could finally hang out somewhere aside from school. We haven't hung out a lot recently for a few reasons," Connor glared at Adam, "Anyway, he said yes. We TPed the house, then Taylor suggested that we go to her house, and get drunk, and make out with each other, and we all said that we wanted to. When we got there, we found a bottle of whisky, and we all took a sip. Then, Taylor's dad heard us. Jude dropped the bottle,  and we all ran towards the door. We heard a gun get fired, but we didn't look back. The bullet bounced off of a table, and started going to the floor, then it hit Jude's foot. Then, Taylor's dad found us, and now we're here," Connor explained.

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