The End of the Beginning P2

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Connor's POV

"Connor, you have a visitor," Dr. Anderson says as she walks into my hospital room. I had my surgery a couple of days ago. I've not seen Jude since the night of the accident. I've also not been able to text him, because my dad took my phone away. I really just want to see Jude; I feel like he's the only person that I know will make me feel comfortable right now.

"Who's here?" I ask, coming out of my thoughts.

"A girl named Taylor, I believe," Dr. Anderson replies. She leaves the room, leaving me by myself. Maybe Taylor can tell me about Jude, and what he's been up to the past few days. I am sort of curious as to why she's here, though. We aren't really that close. Then again, Daria hasn't seen me since the night that I got shot, and she's technically my girlfriend. I hear a knock at my door, making me sit up. Taylor walks through the door, then shuts it behind her.

"Hey Connor. How are you doing?" she asks me in a very compassionate voice.

"Well, I've been better," I honestly say.

"Yeah, that's one of the reasons that I'm here. My dad and I are both really sorry that this happened. My dad is talking to yours right now," Taylor explains.

"Accidents happen. We shouldn't have snuck out or drank, anyway," I reply.

"You're being very calm about this. I wonder what your dad is going to say," Taylor wonders out loud.

"He'll probably be a jerk about it," I reply.

"Yeah. I mean, you did get shot," Taylor said, trailing off at the end.

"Well, it isn't just that," I start. Taylor gives me a confused look. "I told my dad that I'm gay. I also told him that the reason I snuck out was so I could see Jude. Actually, speaking of Jude, what's up with him? I've not seen him since the night I got shot," I reply.

"He said that you told your dad that the sneaking out and drinking was all his idea. I asked him if he tried talking to you, and he said that you won't answer his texts. I told him I'd talk to you about it," Taylor explains.

"My dad said all of that? I never said that it was Jude's idea. I wish I could tell him that, but my dad took my phone away," I say, feeling defeated.

"Hold on," Taylor says, pulling her phone out of her pocket. She presses a few buttons, then hands it to me. She has a conversation with Jude up on the screen.

"Good idea! What should I say?" I ask.

"I don't know, start with 'hi' maybe?" she replies. I type 'hi' then hit send. A few seconds later, the phone vibrates, and I see that Jude wrote, "How is he?" I text back, "Im fine." I realize that might sound a bit odd, so I send "It's me." next. Jude sends a message saying, "Connor?" I text back, "Yup." Then I add, "Taylor gave me hr phone." The next message that comes in is, "How is yr foot?" I reply "Hurts like a bitch." to sort of lighten the mood. The next thing he sends is "Y did you tell your dad it was my idea to sneak out?"

"I can't believe it," I say, thinking out loud.

"What?" Taylor asks.

"I can't believe that Jude and his moms think I told my dad that it was all his idea," I say.

"Tell him that!" Taylor says, pointing to her phone. I text back, "What? I didn't." A few seconds later, Jude's next text is, "Really? R U okay?" I take a deep breath, then type, "I told my dad Im gay." and hit send. I wait a few seconds, but don't get another reply.

"Here," I say, handing Taylor her phone.

"Done already?" she asks.

"Yeah," I say, then smile a small smile. "We're all good,"

A/N: Hey guys! So this was part two of my three part fic that I wrote. Part three will be posted very soon. My last day of school is tomorrow (6/5). That means that updates will become more frequent! I made a Jonnor fan account on Instagram. If you guys have Instagram, the handle is jonnorismylife My Tumblr username is the same handle, if you want to follow that, as well. I just wanted to point out, the text messages have improper grammar, because I got a picture of the texts that they send each other in the show, and copied it word for word. Thank you all so much for reading, and I'll see you guys next time!!


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