You're My Everything

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Connor's POV

"I'm not gay, okay?" my boyfriend of three weeks, Jude Adams-Foster, says before turning around.

"Jude," I say before he starts to walk away. He makes his way through the big crowd here at Anchor Beach. "Jude!" I yell.

"Where do you think he's going?" Daria asks.

"I have no idea," I reply, starting to feel a bit nervous.

"Connor, I'm so sorry, I had no idea-" Taylor says before I cut her off.

"It's okay. You didn't know. Honestly, I can see why you'd think it was me who didn't want to be out," I say. Taylor still has a look of guilt in her eyes. I make eye contact with her, and try to communicate that I'm really not mad. She eventually gives me a small smile. "I guess that I should go look for him,"

"We'll help," Daria says.

"Are you guys sure?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's the least we can do. Besides, you're on crutches, you may need help looking in certain places," Taylor adds.

"Okay, let's start. I want to look inside Anchor Beach first. I mean, no one's in there, so he may have thought that was the perfect place for him to have some alone time," I say.

"Okay, let's go," Daria says. We start to walk up to the entrance of Anchor Beach. After a slow walk up there, due to my crutches, we finally make it inside.

"Where should we look first?" Taylor asks.

"I don't know. Let's just roam these halls for now, I guess," I say. We go to all of the classrooms, Lena's office, the lunch area, and the gym, and find Jude in none of these places. "Come on, let's try the second floor,"

"Are you sure?" Daria asks, looking at my boot.

"Of course I'm sure!" I say, coming off a bit more rude than I'd intended. I can see the hurt in Daria's eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm just really nervous. I really want to find him, and ask him about," I trial off at the end.

"About what?" Taylor asks, walking closer to me.

"About what he said before running off," I reply. I feel my stomach knot up.

"Connor, he probably didn't even know what he was saying. Maybe he said that, because part of him thinks that if he denys it, no one will believe what I said to our classmates," Taylor says, putting her arm around me.

"Yeah, but why would he not want to tell people about us? I mean, I told my dad about me being gay for him. That was honestly the scariest thing I've ever done in my life," I admit.

"Are you sure that telling your dad that you're gay was really for him? You told him about your sexuality so he can start to accept you, not Jude," Daria points out.

"Still, why does he care so much? His moms are gay, and one time, he came to school wearing blue nail polish because he wanted to, even though kids picked on him. Do you think that maybe he doesn't like me in that way?" I ask, starting to feel insecure.

"Connor, I think he really does like you in that way, but the only person who can really answer that question the right way is Jude," Taylor says. I take a deep breath.

"Let's keep looking. I want to go on the second floor," I say.

"Okay. Can you get up the stairs?" Daria asks.

"I think so," I reply. I end up crawling up the stairs, while Taylor carries my crutches up. Daria helps me up, and Taylor helps me get settled on my crutches. We look all over the second floor, and again, have no luck.

"Where else do you want to look?" Taylor asks.

"I think we should look on the beach," I reply.

"Okay. What time is it?" Taylor asks.

"Six twenty-three," Daria replies, looking at her watch.

"We've been in this school for an hour and a half? What if Jude already left?" I ask, feeling nervous again.4

"I don't think he left. He probably knows that you're looking for him. He wouldn't leave," Taylor says.

"Okay, I guess you're right. Let's go." I say. I get down the stairs the same way that I got up them. We exit the school, and head in the direction of the beach.

"Where should we start?" Daria asks.

"Let's just follow the circle that this beach makes around the school," I suggest. We get onto the sandy part, and start walking. After a few minutes, I put the base of my crutch down the wrong way, and barely catch myself before falling over.

"Are you alright?" Taylor asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's keep going," I reply. Every minute that we're looking, I get more and more anxious.

"We've almost gone all of the way around," Taylor points out.

"I don't care. I'll go around it again if I have to. I really want to find him," I reply. Suddenly, it gets much darker.

"Connor, it's starting to get dark. Are you sure that he's here?" Daria asks me.

"Yeah. I'm not giving up until we find him," I reply. I look to my right, and see a bright blue blob on top of some low rocks. I look closer, and make out Jude's facial features. "Guys, I think that I found him!" A rush of excitement goes through me. It feels like the same one that I got when Jude came into my hospital room three weeks ago.

"Where?" Daria asks with obvious excitement in her voice. I point to Jude.

"Connor, maybe Daria and I should go up there, and get him to come down here to talk to you," Taylor suggests.

"I'll be fine. You guys can go ahead and go. Thanks for helping me, I owe you guys one," I reply.

"No problem. Good luck," Taylor says.

"Thanks," I say with a small smile.

"See you later," Daria says as her and Taylor walk away. I take a deep breath, and climb up the small rock that Jude is on top of. Eventually, I finally get up to where Jude is.

"I've been looking all over for you," I say, causing him to look over at me. "You know, you could've made it a little easier on me, I am on crutches," I sit down next to Jude, and lean my crutches up against the rock. He stays silent. "So, I don't get it. What do you mean you're not gay?" Nothing. "Do you not like me?" Jude immediately looks over to me.

"No, of course I like you," he says, looking me in the eyes with his brown ones.

"Do you not like me like that?" I ask, scared that he'll say yes.

"No, I do, I just," He stops taking for a second. "My whole life, I've always been labeled as something. "The New Kid", or "The Foster Kid", or "The Kid With The Dead Mom", and I'm sick of it. I mean, why can't I just be Jude?" He takes a deep breath. "I just want to be Jude for a while," Another gut-wrenching question pops into my head.

"Does that mean that you don't want to be my boyfriend?" My stomach knots up for what seems like the hundredth time today.

"No," he replies, making it feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.

"Okay, good, because I thought-"

"No," Jude says, cutting me off. "I promise," Jude grabs my hand, and laces our fingers together, letting me know that he truly means what he just said.

A/N: Hey guys! So, I got this prompt from someone on my Tumblr, and I finally had time to write it! Obviously, this takes place in the first episode of the third season. This one was a bit longer than my previous fics, but I really wanted to write this to the best that it could be. If you want to follow my Tumblr, my account is called jonnorismylife My Instagram is the same thing. If you guys have any fics/one shots that you want written, PM me, or comment them on this chapter, and I'll write them. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this, and I'll see you all next time!


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