Chapter 2. Welcome Home, Sebastian

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Matilda opened the door to allow Cassy in. As was usual with Cassy, her hair was in a state of disarray, which was poorly hidden under a blood red fedora. She wore her favoured house coloured scarf high around her face, her cheeks looking flushed, and wind pinched. Her breathing was laboured, and Professor Weasley deduced that she had travelled to Feldcroft in a hurry. The look of mixed relief and concern she bore, betrayed the notion that something was amiss.

Cassy observed Ominis's shaken state and looked worriedly at Matilda,
"I see Ominis took the news about as well as we'd anticipated?"
Professor Weasley nodded, "indeed, can I make you some tea Cassy? You look positively frozen!"
Cassy shook her head, "no Professor, this is an unanticipated official visit. I have some urgent news to pass on from Azkaban and the ministry. Spavin has somehow managed to rush all the papers through and while I had hoped that we still had at least a few more weeks to accommodate his arrival, Sebastian is due to be released at midnight tonight! As we speak, Mr. Ollivander has been hurried to the ministry with his inventory to determine a new wand. As soon as the wand has been administered, Sebastian will be clothed, fed, then apparated directly here!"

"Merlin's beard!" Ominis blurted out. Throwing the blanket off him, he flurried his wand in the air. The door opened and all the dust and cobwebs which had gathered around the house during Ann's funeral arrangements disappeared in a cloud through the entryway. Of the two beds in the house, both sheets and blankets were lifted, shaken, and shimmered into a fresh spread which rested neatly on the beds. The single plate from Ominis's breakfast that morning started to wash itself. One ragged tea towel dryed it up instantly and tidied it away. The fanned broom resting in the corner, hauntingly moved forward independently, and began to sweep the floor clean. Fretting, and picking up his pacing, Ominis turned toward Cassy, "have you had chance to see him? Do you happen to know his current frame of mind? Merlin! Should I even be here at all?" His normally pristine image was in complete disarray. His neat hair was sticking up at odd angles where he'd run his hands through it. His shirt now had marks from the tea he had spat out earlier, he was biting at his nails and his eyes appeared to be trying in vain to focus on various points around the house.
Hurrying forward, both Cassy and Professor Weasley caught hold of the panicking Ominis and settled him back in the chair. After several minutes of trying, they both eventually managed to calm him down to the point where he could hold a mug of tea without spilling it on the floor, his hands still shook violently, though.

Professor Weasley observed the situation and pondered out loud,
"this change of circumstances worries me greatly Cassy. What on earth was Spavin thinking, not informing Sebastian of the current situation here?" She sat down heavily on the chair opposite Ominis and furrowed her brow in deep thought and concentration.
Cassy knelt beside Ominis and slipped her hand in to his. She had always had an appreciation for his genteel manners. It had taken a little time to rebuild his trust at the end of their fifth year, however Ominis had remained staunch and committed in his friendship with her. She had successfully introduced him to her fellow classmates who he'd barely spoken to before Sebastian was expelled. Natty, in particular, had proven to be an incredibly empathetic confident while Ominis worked through the grief of losing his closest of friends. Together, both Natty and Cassy had helped their shy and reserved friend to not lose his faith in his fellow witches and wizards and maintain hope that soon things would turn around for the good. The friendship between the three had remained steadfast throughout the rest of their school days. Even now, with Natty and Cassy both in the auror department at the ministry and Ominis spending most of his time caring for Ann; their friendship had continued.

Ominis had been by Sebastian's side when Professor Black, unceremoniously, snapped his wand and handed it to a ministry official. He had apparated to the top of the Charm's tower to watch as the ministry carriage flew off to Azkaban, Sebastian peering tearfully out the rear window to wave back to his friend, hands shackled. Sebastian had lost all his fight and had peacefully withdrawn to the carriage from the headmaster's office, after giving Ominis, what everyone presumed was, one final hug.

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