Chapter 20. A Fresh Start

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Cassy, Sebastian and Ominis left Sharp and Professor Weasley with August and Missy the cat; and perched on the wall in the transfiguration courtyard. Each breathed in the fresh air around them and sat in reflective silence. Cassy was still mithering over Missy's fate, her thoughts not eased any by the sight of the Norris parents being guided to Professor Weasley's office by Professor Hecat. She nodded politely to the group, before entering the classroom and shutting the door behind them.

Ominis was still frowning, "did we win, today?"
Cassy shrugged, "it's difficult to say. If by win you mean rescue the children safely, then mostly, yes – I guess. I don't think we'll ever truly win until Marvolo is locked away in Azkaban."
Sebastian appraised them both, before clearing his throat, "when was the last time we ever, truly, relaxed in each other's company?"
Cassy looked up puzzled, "how do you mean? We relaxed at your cottage in Feldcroft together..."
Sebastian shook his head, "no, I mean, relaxed! Not focusing our energy on who's committing crimes; or planning out schemes to catch Marvolo and his followers. You tell me, when was the last time, we had a butterbeer at the three broomsticks and discussed the good old days?" He smiled, encouragingly.
"The good old days?" Cassy snorted, "the last time you and I went to the Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer, we were harassed by Rookwood and Harlow after a troll attacked us in Hogsmeade!"
Ominis scratched his head, "truthfully, I can barely recall the last time I spoke to Sirona at the Three Broomsticks."
"That's settled then," Sebastian beamed, "let's head to Hogsmeade and just be normal for a while!"
Cassy shook her head, "it's not that simple Sebastian. According to the ministry's files, you're still on probation. You cannot go into Hogsmeade as yourself. Regardless of your actions today."
"Why on earth not?" Sharp had stepped outside to join them; "I think under the supervision of two aurors and a Hogwarts professor, the populace of the Three Barrels would feel more than safe. Come along now, I'll join you for a strong brandy before I return to the auror division. I need to provide my team with a full report of today's events."

With that said, the group made their way to Hogsmeade. Sharp insisted that Sebastian walked with him, so Ominis and Cassy fell back.
"I'm sorry to pull you away from Miss Weaver, Sebastian; however, there's a matter I would quite like to discuss with you." Sharp spoke under his breath.
"Of course sir," Sebastian responded, intrigued.
"It's to do with the tsantsa case." Sharp lowered his voice as they passed a couple of witches who were headed to the black lake. The two women were deep in conversation but paused their discussion and stared at Sebastian as they walked by. Sharp rolled his eyes and continued.
"How much did Cassy divulge to you about my case?" He asked.
Sebastian frowned as he tried to recall the conversation they'd all had at his cottage. It seemed like a decade ago rather than just a few short weeks.
"She didn't really share much about your case sir. Rather that there is a lucrative business to be made on the black market selling shrunken heads. The heads in question tend to be muggle and the purer the muggle the better. Cassy had some concerns that Marvolo was aiming to kill the muggle borns and use their heads as part of this... business." Sebastian shuddered.
Sharp nodded grimly, "she was partly right, and quite astute in her surmising. Thankfully, it is exceptionally difficult and time consuming to conduct such treatment on a child's skull, they're so fragile. No, tsantsa is only conducted on adult skulls in the dark magic black market, the bone is thicker, stronger, and sturdier. We still need to determine Marvolo's motives behind the kidnapping of these children, but I can safely say it was not in conjunction with the smuggling trade."
Sebastian sighed out in relief, "thank Merlin for that! I've not been able to shake the nightmarish images from Cassy's worries."
Sharp smiled grimly, "I'd hold my praises to Merlin if I were you. My case reports indicate that Marvolo is working in conjunction with the smuggling trade, however his motivations and victim selections still remain hidden from us. We were so close to a breakthrough, however, when Cassy brought this current case to light... well, when children are involved, one needs to assess their priorities."
Sebastian grinned, "you're just a softy at heart sir, aren't you?" He quickly cleared his throat and wiped the smirk from his face at Sharp's quick glare. They continued in silence for some time, before Sebastian asked;
"Why tell me this, sir? Surely, it's highly classified and confidential?"
Sharp nodded, "indeed it is, for all those I assign to my team."
Sebastian's jaw dropped, "you're assigning me to your investigative team?"
"Hush!" Sharp snapped, "I'll need to clear it with Minister Spavin, however your actions during these past few weeks have proven you to be a reliable and respectable civilian. You are an especially gifted duellist, you certainly have a gift of the gab..."
Sebastian blushed, unsure as to whether this was a compliment or not.
"You are also a gifted legilimens, albeit with some more practice and training needed to hone your skill and ensure that it isn't used as a weapon against you. I asked Natty to bring the Minister up to speed and I have no doubt in my mind that while he might be showing his age, at least some of his senses should see reason; and agree to your release and waiver of your childhood crimes."
"Sir, I... I don't know what to say..." Sebastian was speechless. He was going to be an auror! It was a career he had always dreamt of having and had lost hope of ever achieving such an opportunity after his arrest.
"Keep it between us and... well, yes – I suppose, between me, Cassy and Natty for now. I would advise against informing Ominis for the moment, I'm inclined to think his part in this whole sorry, state of affairs, is not yet over. However, the less he knows of his brother's full crimes right now, the better."
Sebastian nodded, feeling his heart swell with joy and acceptance for the first time in a long while. 

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