Chapter 14. Revealing Truths

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Sharp remained still. He rested against the entrance way and stared cautiously at Sebastian, who was still in his Melisandre disguise.
"I'm sure while we all appreciate Madam Bones taking time away from her bar tending duties to assist us with the matter at hand, perhaps it might be more prudent for her to head back to work to clear up the spilled tankards of butterbeer?" He smiled pleasantly; however, the expression was somewhat forced.
"Sir!" Natty stood up straight and defiant by Sebastian's side, "with all due respect, I must disagree with you. I feel that... Madam Bones... would be an additional support to what we may be facing, and believe me when I say, I have not met a duellist who could match Cassy in stamina and skill! I therefore insist on having her by our side!" The look that Natty gave Sharp was so fierce, that even his normally reserved manner faltered. After a moment's thought, he sighed and invited the group to follow him.

As they left the Undercroft, Sharp marched ahead leaving the others to try and match his pace. As he strode on, he encouraged Cassy to update them on matters. Rather breathless with trying to keep pace with her senior, Cassy explained; "as you all know, my introduction to Hogwarts was not as straight forward and simple as it should have been."
Sebastian snorted, "somewhat of an understatement..."
Cassy sighed hollowly, "My ability to observe and wield ancient magic, made me a hindrance to Ranrok and his allies; as well as a crucial key to preventing his full rise to power..."
Ominis stopped, a look of pure confusion etched in his brow; "excuse me? You have an ability to observe and wield ancient magic?"

"Ah!" Sebastian hit his forehead hard, "I thought you knew!"
Ominis shook his head slowly, "I think I would recall such a skill being detailed between friends. Do we know what this ancient magic entails?" He took a step backward, a mix of confusion and concern dancing across his face.
"Ominis, it's not so easy to explain," Cassy sighed, "suffice it to say, I have insisted on using this capability for good! In between helping Natty in absolving Rookwood and Harlow's part in those schemes; and trying to find a cure for Ann alongside Sebastian, I spent much of my first year at Hogwarts, learning all I could about ancient magic with the aid of dear Professor Fig."
Ominis started to walk again toward the group, "so it's a good form of magic then?"
Cassy bit her lip, "yes, and no... It's magic in its purest form Ominis. Its intent depends heavily upon its wielder."
Ominis reflected on this for a moment, "well, I suppose it's such a rare gift that those who have the capability would surely have received the proper training to wield if responsibly."

Cassy bowed her head. Ominis had always been staunchly against the improper use of magic all his life. How could he perceive something as alien as this as something more than an unknown or improper kind of magic? She could sense Ominis' mistrust in her, growing by the minute.

Sebastian rested a comforting arm on her shoulder.
Leaning in closer, he whispered, "Ominis is more open to understanding this than you think." Cassy glanced at him, Sebastian tapped his temple and winked encouragingly.

Cassy sighed and briefly recounted much of her adventures during her fifth year. Ominis listened quietly and attentively. Even Sharp had slowed his pace to take on board much of what was being divulged.
"With everything I had learned, I discovered that Ranrok could not only observe ancient magic too, but he could wield it, and manipulate into goblin silver." She paused to catch her breath.

"Poppy told me about the dragon that attacked your carriage on route to the school that day," Natty panted alongside her; "she said that while you were assisting her quest to put a stop to the poaching trade, you both stumbled upon a dragon fighting arena. She mentioned you found a large collar, large enough for an adult dragon! Made of goblin silver. You said the dragon that had attacked you en route to Hogwarts, wore one identical to it!"
"Merlin's beard!" Ominis gasped, his wand violently flashing red.
"He bastardised the purest of magic!" Sebastian growled, "and Rookwood was in on it all! It was that same magic that he used to curse Ann!"
"Exactly!" Cassy looked over at Sebastian, who smiled weakly at her, through his determined expression. "Ranrok had located sources of this ancient magic in underground repositories across the Highlands."
"That explains all the Goblin mines which were erected around that time!" Natty gasped.
"mmhmm," Cassy nodded, "the largest repository though, was established in the bowels of Hogwarts by Professor Isadora Morganach. She had manipulated the ancient magic to extract emotional pain from those around her, even on her own students!"
"How disgustingly barbaric!" Ominis expelled, "how could she get away with such an atrocity?!"

The Sallow Saga - Vol. 1 - In the Shadows of a Legacy [a HL fanfiction]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें