Chapter 19. Missy Norris

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As the group paused by the main entrance, a chorus of cheers echoed around the Great Hall. Feet stamped and applause filled the room as the professors and students celebrated the end of the battle, even the rescued muggle born students were swept up in the joviality. Many were lifted and swirled in the air by the older students, who had emerged victorious from the Undercroft with Professors Hecat and Garlick.

Slowly the group made their way to the entrance of the hall and a hush descended on the audience as their attention was drawn to the small young girl in Sebastian's hands. Professor Garlick let out a loud sob and slumped down to the ground in sorrow. Amidst the packed hall, a young boy cautiously stepped forward, ashen faced.
"Missy? Missy?!" hurrying forward he raced to his twin sister, clutching at her fragile, cold hand as it hung limply from Sebastian's care.
"I'm so sorry..." Sebastian choked, as he knelt to rest Missy on the ground.
"What happened to her?" the boy sobbed, "who did this?" his face was twisted in a mix of anger and pain.

Sebastian tried to answer but shook his head. Cassy knelt beside them and stroked Missy's mousy brown hair.
"August, Missy saved us all. She refused to let the school fall to a powerful evil. We tried to protect her, we tried to get her to safety, but she didn't think twice about her actions. She insisted on protecting us, instead. She's a hero, August!" Cassy struggled to speak as her sadness was overwhelming. She held Missy's other hand tightly, wishing for a sign of life to show itself.

August leaned over and kissed his sister's forehead.
"She was always so stubborn!" he delicately chastised her, "it should have been me protecting her! What am I going to tell our parents?" He looked up terrified, then spotted the dark mass over Cassy's shoulder.
"That stuff came out of Missy! What is it? Did it kill her?" August stood up hastily, pointing at the Obscurus.

Professor Weasley hurried over and calmed August Norris, before turning to the sorrowful group in front of her. Swallowing back her grief for the young child, she stood tall as she conjured up a stretcher and delicately levitated Missy's prone form on to it, before conjuring a white sheet, which she softly rested over the young girl's body. Not once did she remove her hand from August's shoulder.
Professor Weasley looked at Sharp, "please take the obscurus to my office, in the transfiguration classroom. Cassy, Sebastian, please go with Sharp – I will meet you there in a moment." she called over her shoulder to Ominis, who quietly approached them, and reached out for Cassy's hand. As she rested her hand in his, Ominis held it tightly. Her skin was cold from the shock, in contrast with the warmth from his own.
"Professor, if I may, could I join them?" his voice cracked somewhat as he sensed the grief from his friends.
"Of course, dear." She whispered.
Looking around at the assembled students she ordered;
"Prefects will ensure that all students are to return to their common rooms immediately. There you will stay until you receive an update from your head of house!"

Sharp and Sebastian carried the stretcher between them to Professor Weasley's office. Cassy and Ominis followed slowly behind, Ominis aiding with Cassy's balance. Her legs were numb. She'd never felt so drained. As she reflected on all the events that had taken place around her that afternoon, she wondered if this was how Sharp had felt after the loss of his partner.

As they entered Professor Weasley's office, Sharp and Sebastian carefully rested Missy's stretcher on her desk.
"It seems so unceremonious!" choked Cassy, as she looked at the covered form.
Sharp quietly stepped closer to her and conjured a chair and a strong mug of tea for each of them.
"I know it might seem impossible right now Cassy," he delicately said, as he crouched beside her, "but you need to keep it together right now, for Missy and August's sake. There will be time enough to grieve later, for now though, we need to remain as astute as before."
"How, sir?" Cassy sighed, "how can I keep it together when I watched a child sacrifice herself, thinking that it was what I had intended for her to do?!" She ran her hands through her hair.
"What in Merlin's name do you mean?" Sharp asked, surprised.
Carefully and amidst her sobbing, Cassy explained her final conversation with Missy.
"So, you think that because you told her about Ann's ability to bravely fight the tainted magic inside her; that Missy thought you intended for her to fight that shadow fiend on her own?!" Sharp shook his head.
"Oh, Cassy." Sebastian sighed, he conjured a chair for himself and sat down beside her. Holding her close, he rubbed her shoulders in comfort.
Sharp didn't move, rather he rested a comforting hand on her knee.
Sharp reassured her; "Cassy, while you and Sebastian were having your brain waves, Missy and I spoke too. She was adamant that she did not want to see anyone else suffer at the hands of Marvolo's followers. She looked down and disappointed when I insisted her part in the fight was over and that she needed to rest! No, Cassy – her death is not on your hands. Whether she'd intended for it to be her final fight, or not; Missy made her decision based on her commitment to help and protect. It was certainly not to demonstrate bravery or prove herself. She'd already done that, as far as I'm concerned." Sharp sniffed and wiped at his eyes. Cassy, Sebastian and Ominis nodded in agreement. Ominis held his mug of tea tightly, his whole being was tense, his lips pursed. Finally, he snapped.

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