Chapter 10. A Possessive Plan

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Cassy shuddered, being possessed caused her body to feel like it was being forcibly stretched to accommodate her supernatural host. When she took a few steps forward, the feeling was not too dissimilar to be walking on black ice. Her heart beat its normal, steady rhythm, yet there was the faintest memory of a secondary murmur. While she could just about handle the physical abnormalities, she had not been prepared for the internal stream of dialogue. In hindsight, maybe inviting Jackdaw to join on this venture had not been the greatest idea. The young wizard had a continuous monologue of all the things he had longed to do while living. She could sense the urges and impulses he had to make the most of his time in a physical sense once more, to taste food and drink for example, or to flirt with many young witches; it took a wealth of mental stress for Cassy to bring Jackdaw's mind back to the task at hand. Looking toward Natty, Cassy was relieved to see that she wasn't the only one struggling to adapt. Natty took a few unsteady steps forward and her arms reached out instinctively to grab a surface for support. Her head swayed regularly, and she gagged each time she had to turn her neck.

What surprised them both however, were their voices. As Natty staggered toward the classroom doorway and slumped against in a seemingly drunken like state, Cassy swayed ungainly toward her.
"Goodness, are you okay, Natty?" she asked, and gasped. It was Richard's voice that had left her mouth. His mannerisms had naturally settled into her speech.
"Yes! Yes! Quite alright, thank you Miss Weav... I-uh mean Cassandra, no! Cassy!" Natty covered her mouth with a horrified expression.
Cassy felt her mouth grin from ear to ear, "oh what fun this is going to be!"
Natty shook her head, then wretched at the movement.
"Enough, you two! Remember who is in charge here. You are to remain quiet and composed, until we are at the mansion." She smiled as a couple of first years walked by, looking particularly confused at being addressed as such. Waving them away, Natty slowly and deliberately turned around to face Professor Weasley, who was standing beside the portrait of Professor Fitzgerald. Both bore a look of mild concern mixed with suppressed humour.

Professor Weasley spoke first.
"I assure you both, while you might sound different in your own minds, your voices are still your own. I would like to address your current guests, if I may?"
Both Natty and Cassy seemed to emit a hue around their being as both Nearly Headless Nick and Richard Jackdaw moved to a more dominant position in their respective host.
Professor Weasley cast a stern glare on both.
"You are aware of how important this cause is! There are potentially children's lives at risk, as we speak. You are to be nothing but dutiful, clear minded, helpful; and above all, you will not serve as a hindrance to either of these women. Once the task has been completed, you are to vacate your host with care and completeness; I will not tolerate either one of your presences to remain close to the school if I hear you have developed a penchant for possession. Do I make myself perfectly clear?"
Both Nick and Jackdaw nodded in unison and returned to the recesses of their host's figures.
As Cassy and Natty returned to a somewhat more controlled state, Professor Fitzgerald cleared her throat.
"All we require now, is confirmation from Ominis, that he is in the company of his brother."
No sooner had she spoken, a whisp like trail entered the room and flew up to loiter by the rafters of the ceiling. It lingered for a moment as a fog like mist before taking on the form of a large fruit bat, hanging upside down.
Natty gasped, "a patronus!"
As they looked on at the beauty of the ethereal creature, it opened its mouth wide and Ominis' voice came forward.
"I am approaching the Hog's Head, I can see a substantial number of my brother's security surrounding the door. Suffice it to say, I believe the coast will be clear at his property – please stay safe!" With that, the bat opened its wide wingspan, swooped down toward them, out of the doorway and disappeared in the sunlight.

Cassy and Natty, held on to each other's arms. Professor Weasley rested a comforting hand on each of their shoulders. She smiled proudly at the two brave witches in front of her.
"I will ensure my schedule remains clear, so that you may return here directly, and I can assist with the expulsions of your corporeal guests."
The ladies thanked their ex-professor before taking a deep breath. Within a blink of the eye, they had apparated to the Gaunt family mansion.

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