Chapter 6. Owl Post

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Natty conjured up a chair and helped navigate Ominis to it. She waved her wand over the teapot which began to fill with water before Sebastian interrupted the action. He smiled apologetically at her look of confusion, before walking toward a locked cupboard in the kitchen.
"I think this turn of events requires something somewhat stronger than tea and coffee, Natty." Unlocking the cupboard door, he pulled out a bottle of Ogden's Old Firewhiskey. Returning to the table, he conjured up four tumblers and proceeded to pour a healthy amount into each, before picking up his glass and raising it.
"I know this is an inappropriate time, but I just wanted to raise my glass to all of you. For everything you have done and are continuing to do. I wish it were under better circumstances Ominis, but I am so happy to see you again!" He smiled dotingly at his old friend, who in turn picked up his glass and raised it.
"I think I vouch for Cassy as well, Sebastian, when I say things were never the same, without you..." he smiled weakly, as they clinked their glasses together gently.
Natty frowned, "Seb' it is only two thirty in the afternoon. I am on duty!" she relaxed her stern expression however when Cassy stood up, raising her glass too.
"I agree Natty, it is early in the day. I wouldn't dare come between a celebration of friendship, however. Regardless of its timing." She grinned as her glass chimed delicately with those of the men's.
Natty sighed, swirling the amber orange liquid in her glass, it smoked invitingly. She looked at her three friends, all wearing sheepish expressions. It had been so long since she'd seen either Ominis (or Cassy for that matter), so genuinely happy.
"I bought this drink under the impression that it would be opened to celebrate your completed rehabilitation, Sebastian..." she smirked at his blush.
"I believe the celebration of freedom and friends reunited though, vastly outweighs a signed document. To all of you, for ever lasting friendship." They raised their glasses together, before they each took a swig from the smoking contents.

The room quickly filled with a mix of coughing and choking. Ominis held on to his throat.
"Merlin's beard! It burns!" he gasped.
Cassy also struggled to catch her breath as the firewhiskey burned a trail of fury down her gullet; "how old was that bottle Natty?!" she panted.
Sebastian and Natty sat down calmly, and looked at their two friends either side of them, before smirking at one another; their glasses empty from having gulped the contents back as a whole – as one is supposed to do with firewhiskey.
Sebastian leaned back nonchalantly in his seat, "Uncle Solomon always said – Ogden's Old is the best tonic to blast out the blues, so long as you knock it back in one. Sip it slowly, you may as well cast incendio on yourself and choke on the flames. Anyone for another?" he asked, picking up the bottle.
Natty held up her glass, "your uncle allowed you to drink Ogden's Old Firewhiskey?" she asked, in shock.
"Godric's heart! No," laughed Sebastian; "but how's he to stop two rebellious twins from taking a swig when he leaves a bottle on the side by accident... before going out shopping and leaving them to their own devices?" He winked mischievously and shook his head with suppressed amusement at Ominis and Cassy, who were both panting and breathing out smoke in the process.

Once Cassy and Ominis had recovered, they all set about establishing a plan of action to address Marvolo Gaunt. Natty turned to Ominis and placed a friendly hand on his arm. She sighed, reluctant to lower the air in the room.
"Ominis, I think it only right that we know who and what we might be going up against here. Do you have anything to share which might help us determine the best way in which we might stop your brother from plaguing you and Sebastian?"
Ominis sat quietly for a while, his fingers tapping a steady rhythm on the table as he felt the effects of the firewhiskey generating a sense of confidence he'd not felt before. Sitting up straight in his chair, his knee nudged the table leg hard, jolting the glasses on top. Sebastian's wand, which had been resting peacefully on the surface, rolled over and touched the side of Ominis' hand. Tilting his head, puzzled, Ominis hovered his hand over the wand.
"May I?" He asked cautiously.
"Of course," Sebastian smiled, picking up his wand he placed it carefully in Omnis's hand.

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