Chapter 3. The Legilimens

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Three months had passed since that meeting at the Sallow's cottage in Feldcroft. April Springtime was in full bloom in the hamlet, bringing the countryside to life with its mix of vegetation. While his emotions remained raw, Sebastian had acclimatized to his more accommodating environment with ease. Granted, having Natty sleep in his sister's old bed for the first month, had created some tensions. However, after the second month, he had been trusted to have a sense of independence as she moved into a nearby cottage. Natty continued to stop by every few minutes but Sebastian had grown to accept it as a daily routine. If anything, what had frustrated him the most was the lack of dark wizard training dummies.

During Ranrok's rise to power, the Feldcroft hamlet, overseen reluctantly by his uncle Solomon, had instated a training field. Residents could practice their duelling prowess should it ever be needed. Upon Sebastian's release, the ministry had thought it best not to tempt fate and had insisted on removing any temptation which might encourage his "darker persuasions."

Another thing which had struck Sebastian as a tad odd, was the change of neighbours. While he and Ann had been somewhat reclusive in their stay with Solomon, the neighbours had served as familiar, friendly faces to converse with on occasion. Some had lived in Feldcroft all their lives. Now, everyone seemed to be of a similar age, nor were they as engaging with each other. Everything seemed somewhat, forced. They would be cagey around him, as though fearful he might suddenly reveal himself to be a vicious animagi and lash out at them. It was to be expected he supposed, but still.

What hurt the most was that Ominis seemed to be ignoring all of his owls. By all accounts, his old friend had been living here. Sleeping in his old bed. Eating, drinking, living with Ann for five whole years. Caring for her, supposedly. What hurt could one owl cause?

Solomon's old clock chimed twelve, and right on time, there was a knock on the door. Lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling, Sebastian sighed;
"here we go..." he muttered; and waving his wand he uttered; "alohomora."
Before he had time to sit up, Natty had breezed leisurely into the cottage. As always, she was a whirlwind of energy and life.
"You have had a late start today, Sebastian! I was surprised to see you still sound asleep through your window at ten o'clock." She beamed, teasingly. She busied herself at the old table, unloading bags full of food and supplies.
"Peering through the window as I slept, Natty?" Sebastian shook his head and rolled his eyes, before flopping back down to stare at the ceiling.
"You know, there is a name for people who do that..." he raised his eyebrow.
Natty turned to face him, placed her hands on her hips and appraised him, "Mm, there is here at least. Natty, the concerned law enforcer! Were you really asleep?"
Sebastian feigned a yawn and a big stretch, "whatever do you mean Natty?"
"I mean," she sighed, exasperatedly; "you know the rules. You are to be awake from nine o'clock, answer your door to my morning call around, accompany me as I patrol the hamlet for an hour; before I leave you to your own matters. After then, you are to be present for our midday check in where I..." Natty's rant was interrupted as the bag of fruit and veg' she had purchased, split, and tumbled across the floor; and orange rolled across the hall and bumped into Sebastian's hand.
Sebastian snorted and mumbled, "bust my dirigible plumbs" as a finisher to her lecture. He began a half hearted game of catch with the orange, throwing it in the air, just high enough so that it brushed the ceiling above him; before catching it before it exploded on his face.
"What was that?!" Natty asked, as she hurriedly waved her wand and gathered up the fallen fruits from the floor.
Sebastian sighed, "I said adjust my irritable... glums?"
Natty stopped arranging the groceries and looked at Sebastian. He wasn't making eye contact, but she could see he was in one of his lower moods.

Little wonder, she supposed. Natty could not begin to imagine what he must be going through. While part of her argued that he had only brought this treatment on himself, she understood that at least some of his actions had come from good intentions;
"still no word from Ominis, I take it?" she asked, cautiously.
"No." Sebastian shrugged, "I don't know what I was expecting really, it certainly wasn't resounding silence though. Any news from Cassy? You must both work together in the auror department."
Natty frowned briefly, "how do you know that?"
Sebastian blinked a few times before getting off his bed and, heading over to the table, placing the orange in the fruit bowl, "oh, you know, I heard someone in the hamlet mention that Cassy was part of the division and just... assumed?"

The Sallow Saga - Vol. 1 - In the Shadows of a Legacy [a HL fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now