Chapter 21. A Sense of Peace

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As they winded their way back to Feldcroft, Cassy had to admit, a few hours spent in the Three Broomsticks had been exactly what everyone needed. Sharp had been on form, sharing stories of his historical cases with enough vigour that many of Sirona's clientele had joined them, regardless of Sebastian's company. In fact, Sirona had been so happy to see Sebastian that she'd poured pints for the group, on the house! As in Hogwarts, news travelled fast around Hogsmeade and many of the local residents had dropped by to receive further updates and to hear an account of everything from those who had been at the school.

Even Gareth Weasley, who'd taken up an apprenticeship at J. Pippin's Potions, hurried over to catch up with the group, although they all agreed it was his subtle way of sharing his perfected fizzing whizzbee sherberts recipe with the everyone.
"Who's Queenbee?" Cassy had asked, as she looked at the angry redhaired illustration on the sweet's packaging.
"Oh that? That's just an idea I had for the name of a whole confectionary brand. All worker bees swarm to the Queenbee after all." He grinned, triumphantly.
"True, but who's this image based on?" Sebastian puzzled over the portrait. It showed a red headed woman with a pursed mouth and puffed out cheeks. Not the most flattering of images.
"Well, erm..." Gareth's smile flickered somewhat.
Sharp looked at Gareth mischievously, "you know, I distinctly recall Professor Weasley having a similar expression on her face whenever she lectured you about your experimentations in my class."
"Well, I, hm..." Gareth quickly gathered his sweets, "lovely to see you all again, don't be strangers now! Cheerio" With that he'd quickly bolted from the inn. The group roaring with laughter behind him.
Sharp had then ordered a few tumblers of firewhiskey, which Sebastian had happily accepted (Ominis and Cassy had opted for pumpkin juice instead) and they all raised a glass in memory of Missy.

The moon was just starting to rise as they all stepped outside the tavern. Sirona had insisted that they swing by at least once a month, to avoid becoming strangers; hugging each of them in turn before returning to her customers. After they'd bid farewell to their friends, much of the crowd had come to the swift conclusion that Sebastian Sallow was a credit to Hogwarts and had turned over a fresh new leaf.

"Well, it has been an honour!" Sharp smiled kindly, a small trail of smoke still lingering around his mouth from the whiskey; "I daren't leave it too late before heading back to the ministry. Thank you all for your help over these last few days! You are all a credit to the school and your houses."
Ominis giggled, "I rather think you might have overdone it with the firewhiskey sir!"
"Nonsense Ominis," Sharp winked, slyly and tapped the side of his nose; "it'll take more than a single glass of firewhiskey to see me frolicking with the mooncalves. No, I genuinely mean it, I know I speak on behalf of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, when I say thank you, for everything!"

As they turned to walk away, a thought entered Cassy's mind.
"Sir?" She turned to speak to Sharp, but he'd already apparated.
"What's wrong?" Sebastian asked, as she turned back, and they started making their way to the gates of Hogsmeade.
"I just wondered what was going to happen to Professor Black. After Sharp threatened to have him arrested for his inadvertent part played in some of this, I can't imagine he would be in a good place." Cassy mused.
Ominis sighed, "Professor Weasley offered me an update on that front. Apparently, he was more than a little shaken when the faculty stormed into his office, after they'd successfully seen off the last of Marvolo's followers in the grounds. They demanded a full explanation of his actions."
Sebastian chuckled, "Oh, I would have loved to see the smugness wiped off that pompous git's face. Do you think he'll be sacked?"
"Regrettably, no;" Ominis sighed. "The black's status in the wizarding world is on a par with many of the old magical family names. That and Black has wealth on his side and some friends in high places. He'll be dragged over the coals no doubt, and he has been humbled somewhat – but he won't be sacked. That said, his regret seems to focus on his association with the Gaunts, we've yet to know how he'll respond to the loss of Missy Norris, under his watch as Headmaster especially!"

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