Chapter 15. A Hope for the Future

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Sebastian gasped as his body was forced to change back to his original form. As the transformation continued, he bent double as the pain from his internal organs disappearing and reappearing overwhelmed him. Ominis hurried to his friend's side.
"Breathe through the pain Sebastian, it will be over soon!" he reassured him.
Tempeste cackled maliciously at the sight before her; "no truer words spoken," raising her wand, her eyes stared fixedly at Sebastian on all fours, in agony. Sebastian glared defiantly at her, as Ominis reached forward to stand before any spell cast at his friend.
"EXPELLIARMUS!" roared Natty as she rushed forward.
"Natty!" Before Cassy could stop her, Natty had leapt across the hall and transformed into a gazelle, her animagus form. With a violent charge, she bucked Tempeste backward, headfirst into the wall behind her, knocking her unconscious.

In the confused silence that stemmed from this sudden event, Sebastian slowly stood up, mouth gaping wide at Natty who had gradually reverted to her human form. She rubbed her head, somewhat dazed, and smiled sheepishly at the group around her. Ominis looked around wildly.
"I don't suppose someone would care to explain what's happening?" He huffed, frustratedly.
"I'm still trying to work it out myself..." Sebastian answered slowly, "it would appear we have a parcelmouth, an ancient magic wielding genius, an animagus, an auror – and an ex-..."
Sharp cut across him, "a legilimens and impeccable duellist combined." He smiled wryly at Sebastian's puzzled face, "Mr Sallow, you threw yourself in front of that curse, to save me from being tortured. You didn't think twice on how it would affect you. I admit, I was deeply disappointed to learn of your crimes in your fifth year and was firmly behind Professor Black's decision to have you expelled and arrested. As you know, I had a number of reservations concerning your release in turn, not aided by your poor attempt to read my mind in Feldcroft..."
Sebastian lowered his head in shame, as Ominis massaged his temple, muttering "oh Sebastian!"
"That said..." Sharp cleared his throat and rested a friendly hand on Sebastian's shoulder, "I now see those events for what they were. The actions of a young boy, desperate to save the one he loves – who got somewhat lost along the way. You have my thanks and my support with your future endeavours. For now, though, I suggest we tidy up this mess and make our way to the caverns below."

It didn't take long for them to gather the group of (mostly unconscious) Marvolo followers. Sharp attended to the wounds of the wizard who had been on the receiving end of Ominis' curse, before binding him and gathering him together with the others. Natty, reluctantly agreed to transport their captives to the Ministry.

In the meantime, Cassy conjured a fresh outfit for Sebastian and a screen for him to change behind. As Natty and Sharp established plans, Sebastian and Cassy encouraged Ominis to take a seat and allow himself a moment to absorb everything he had learned in so short a space of time. In turn, they took on the task of ensuring the damage to the Great Hall was repaired to a safe standard.
As Cassy focused her attention on reassembling one of the long dining tables, Sebastian cautiously approached her.
"You know, we've barely had a chance to discuss what happened the other night..." he muttered close to her ear, to avoid anyone overhearing.
"Sebastian, I really don't think this the right time and place to discuss such matters." Cassy hurriedly responded. She cast a quick look in his direction and noted the crestfallen expression on his face. They stood in silence for a little while. Finally, Sebastian sighed.
"I understand what happened was instinctive, that it shouldn't have happened, that you only did what you thought would help in such a situation! I will stop pressing the matter, I see now that there was no more to it than a sudden surprise to pause and restart my breathing... but, Cassy – since I first met you, duelled with you, laughed with you, cried with you – I haven't been able to keep you from my thoughts..."
"Sebastian, please..." Cassy hushed, as Ominis stood up and started to approach them.
"Not until I've said my bit. Cassy, I fell for you as a schoolboy and now as a free man, I want nothing more than to be with you! There's a feeling of safety and security I have always felt around you and maybe it's selfish of me to want such a thing, knowing my background and your profession, but please, let me know that I'm not being crazy and that you feel something toward me too?" he was stood so close to her side, that his hand brushed against hers. Cassy swallowed hard, her heart beating a whole new rhythm, her cheeks flushed and a feeling of hope, anticipation, and yearning swelling inside her. She opened her mouth to respond, but Ominis spoke up first, making them both jump.
"If I might interject on this hushed affair." He smiled coyly, "Cassy, Sebastian drove the Slytherin common room insane with his continuous reports on you. What you were doing, how you were getting along in class. The poor attempts at flirting alone were appalling for me to hear, let alone for others to witness! It was the only time I was thankful for being visually challenged."
Cassy stopped her casting and looked between the two men, "you knew all this time Ominis, that Sebastian felt this way?"
Ominis' cheeks flushed, "in my defence, I thought the oaf had made it perfectly clear in his mannerisms toward you. After all, when did you ever see him take such an invested interest in anyone else?"
Cassy stammered and jumped as Sharp shouted across the hall, "not to mention that it was a misjudged attempt at rescuing you, which resulted in his time in Azkaban!"
Natty approached the angered followers of Marvolo Gaunt, ensuring that each of them were stripped of their wands.
"I will take this group to the ministry now." She nodded to Sharp, before turning back to her three friends, "Cassy, I have seen the way you look at him, and the way he looks at you. Do not deprive yourselves of happiness when there is so much darkness around us." With those parting words, she apparated directly to the ministry to send each foe on for immediate questioning. Sharp sent a message ahead of her via his Patronus, a fierce looking wolf, detailing the crimes of the assorted followers.
Cassy looked fondly at Sebastian, "I would be lying if I hadn't been attracted to you from the offset too Sebastian. I cannot afford to lose you to Azkaban again though, by creating a biased account of affairs here. Surely, you can appreciate that! When you are officially free, there will be nothing holding us back!" She smiled warmly at him; Sebastian positively beamed back at her. He grabbed her hand, kissed it, then joined Sharp by the doorway to the great hall.

Ominis shook his head with a rueful smile, "I mentioned before that my other senses are somewhat more attuned in compensation for my blindness. Whether it is through magic or what, I am unsure, but whenever he talks of you, I feel so much joy, happiness, and wonder. When you speak of him, it has usually had an edge of uncertainty, trepidation, and caution. There has always been an underlying tone of, dare I say, lo...".
"Okay, Ominis!" Cassy interrupted him, "I think we're done in the great hall; shall we join Sharp and Seb'?"

Ominis snorted, "if you insist, friend."
Together, they regrouped with Sharp and Sebastian and left the hall behind them. The door to the main entrance was closed fast, but opening it a crack, they observed that the fight for Hogwarts was still raging outside. While the faculty members were easily standing their own, much of the external army had been taken aback by the Lord of the Shore charging amongst them, their jinxes rebounding of his thickly armoured hide. Cassy was certain he perceived this as a game, recalling the times she'd played with him, and the dark wizard dummy in her vivarium. For such a gargantuan brute, he was graphorn calf at heart. Gaining some confidence in how things were progressing in their favour outside, they headed for the repository grounds.

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