Chapter 5. Friends Reunited

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Sebastian and Cassy returned to the hamlet in silence. Both their minds were racing with the information gleaned from the stranger. Natty ushered them both in to the Sallow's cottage as soon as she saw them.
"Hurry up, both of you. We must review what we have just learnt!" the urgency of her voice was unsettling.

They gathered around the table in silence, each unsure of who should start the discussion. The tension mounted in the room as they looked from one to the other, hesitantly.
Finally, Cassy erupted; "How in the world did you know it was me, Sebastian?! Do you have any idea how hard it was to put this plan into action? All the secret agreements in the ministry to arrange for a year's supply of Polyjuice potion! How?! Just, how?!"
Natty gawped, "he knows?" she turned to Sebastian, who was grinning mischievously from ear to ear; "answer her question Seb', because I would also like to know!"

Sebastian invited them both to sit down as he explained everything from his time researching legilimency in the restricted section at Hogwarts, to the traumatic experiences gleaned at Azkaban. Both witches sat in attentive silence, absorbing all he told them. Cassy even reached out her hand to hold his when he described his cell mate's descent into madness. He appreciated the gesture and noted that she did not release her hold on his hand, until he had finished talking.

After he'd stopped, all three relaxed and began to breathe once more, as they each took their time to take on board everything he'd shared. After a while, Natty began to giggle.
"So that is how you knew Cassy and I were both working in the auror department! Oh, Sebastian! You are a sly lion!"
Cassy sighed, "I feel like I have wasted so many of my tastebuds to that awful potion, for nothing!"
Sebastian laughed, he was surprised at how alien the feeling of happiness was to him now.
"Trust me Cassy, it was only really today that I knew it was you. Before now, I'd had suspicions, but nothing set in stone. It wasn't until..." he paused. He didn't know how much he dared to divulge with Natty around.
"Well, let's just say I recognised your style of thoughts."
"Hm," Natty shook her head, "I suppose there is no use seeing you sat there as such Cassy. I took the liberty to gather your own clothes while you took that awful man away. Feel free to change behind the curtain and return to your natural appearance. I'm sure we'd all feel more inclined to be ready to discuss today's events off the record."

As Cassy disappeared behind the curtain, Sebastian sat back and looked around the cottage. For the first time since he'd arrived there with his sister, all those years ago; this was the closest it had ever felt like home. He'd missed his investigative adventures with class friends. In the back of his mind however, the worry of his closest friend Ominis began to build. Very soon, his smile and relaxed state had faded altogether as he recalled the stories he'd heard of Marvolo Gaunt.

Cassy returned to her seat and observed the worry lines across Sebastian's brow. She gently nudged his knee with hers under the table, offering him an encouraging smile. It was a relief to be in her natural state once more! She had struggled every day, to maintain her guise when all she wanted to do was to reassure Sebastian that everything was okay now; that he could start his life afresh and she'd be there, with him, every step of the way – for his own safety, of course!

Natty sat forward in her seat; "we need to arrange a plan of action to determine what this Marvolo Gaunt wants. I presume he is a relative of sorts, to Ominis?"
Both Cassy and Sebastian nodded tensely.
Sebastian sighed, "you could say that. Marvolo is Ominis' brother. By blood only, not by bond. They're not close." He paused, "I don't know how much I dare divulge. Ominis is quite private about his family and background."
He looked at Cassy apologetically. She understood. Sebastian had shared stories of Ominis' childhood with her, while they were at Hogwarts together, in her first year no less. He had betrayed his friend's trust then, and Ominis had made it known to both of them how hurt he'd felt upon learning the truth. Cassy sighed.
"Marvolo and the rest of his family are all ancestors of Salazar Slytherin. They are everything that Ominis is not. They are of the belief that those with no magical capabilities are no better than dirt, that muggle born witches and wizards should be prevented from attending Hogwarts! They..." she shivered, "they would torture muggles with the cruciatus curse, for fun."
Natty gaped, "Merlin's beard..." she gasped.
"That's not all..." Sebastian sighed, "they tried to encourage Ominis to join in with their twisted games. When he refused, they cast the curse on him, until he was forced to do anything to stop the pain."
Natty stood up abruptly, "tell me this is not true, Cassy!" She stared wide eyed at her partner.
Cassy lowered her head, sighing; "I'm afraid it's all true Natty. Ominis has been staunchly against any use of the dark arts since that event. It was why he felt so torn when... "she looked shyly toward Sebastian, who simply shook his head.
"You both did what you felt was right. I hold no resentment toward either of you. I only wish I had listened to your cautions more. I just got so lost..." he leaned forward and put his face in his hands.

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