Chapter 22. Marvolo Gaunt

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Sebastian slipped out of Cassy's cottage. It was silent around him, the stars now twinkled bright in the sky, and he could make out Orion's belt clearly; Mars shone bright and orange in the inky darkness too. Under the moonlight, he hurried back to his cottage, his mind almost drunk with thoughts of Cassy. He was surprised to see that Natty had left his cottage door unlocked; 'no doubt saw Cassy's light come on and thought I would head straight home' he thought to himself, with a smile.

His happiness soon turned to lead when he opened his door and received a heavy blow to the gut. Two large men had stood either side of the entrance, waiting for him. They dragged him to the dining table and sat him down, winded and gasping for breath, one of them snatched his wand before he could reach it; and twirled it playfully in his hands. They watched him smugly.
"Who are you? What do you want?" Sebastian wheezed, glaring at the two giants, who filled the living quarters.
"They don't want anything, boy!" Snapped a cold, cruel and rasping voice. The owner of which, casually sauntered through the front door, jauntily swinging his wand.
"Well, well, well; the infamous Sebastian Sallow. I must say, I'm a little disappointed. Where's that fighting spirit that little Ommi would drone on, and on, and on about? You made quite the impression on him, at school...". He wickedly sneered, before pulling up a chair, and swinging his legs on to the dining table. Mud dripped from the bottom of his boots and left a dirty puddle below them.
"What do you want?" Sebastian glowered at the stranger.
"Just a chat..." he lifted a small blade from his belt and began to pick at his nails with it, "really, this whole hamlet is filthy."
Sebastian waited, glaring angrily at the stranger. The man seemed oblivious to the fact that everything from his neatly combed dark brown hair, to his slightly lazy eye, to his filthy riding boots dripping mud onto Sebastian's dining table, was unwelcome.

The man waved his henchmen away, "I'll be quite alright gentlemen, just a lad's talk. Oh! And I'll just take that if you don't mind?" He deftly took Sebastian's wand back; "I'll meet you outside, boys." He called behind him as they stooped slow to step out the door before slamming it shut.

The stranger continued to pick at his nails with the knife, tutting at the muck as he flicked it across the room. Sebastian felt his old teenage angst broil up inside him, finally he spat out;
"you said you wanted to chat, let's chat! Who are you?"
The man sighed, dropped his legs from the table and stabbed the knife deep into the tabletop.
"Come now Mr Sallow, you're a smart lad – let's drop the pretences, you know very well who I am." He leered closer to Sebastian, before getting up. He looked around the cottage with a disinterested face.
"I must say, the way little Ommi described this place, I anticipated something so much grander than this... hovel." Sighing, the man turned around, "just in case however, Marvolo Gaunt – charmed, I'm sure." He made a mocking bow.
Sebastian made to stand up, but Marvolo quickly raised his wand and pointed it directly at him, tutting. His wand was more like a long-drawn-out thorn. Sebastian internally shuddered at the image of Ominis being tortured mercilessly by it.
"What do you want?" Sebastian growled again, repeating himself.
Marvolo swiped away some of the dust from the countertop in the kitchen and leant nonchalantly against the wall.
"You and your little friends, not to mention my baby brother, have cost me nothing but frustration and time. Your little girly friend and her annoying auror companion stole a valuable bargaining chip of mine. You then blew up my bought caverns beneath that infernal school; and cost me a small army of followers. I've simply come to repay the favour." He spoke calmly, but there was an acidic undertone to his voice which betrayed his anger. He grinned cruelly as a single heavy knock sounded at the door.
"I'll answer, shall I?" he sneered callously at Sebastian.

Marvolo opened the door, and one of the thugs thrust Cassy into the room. She staggered, before falling heavily forwards; Sebastian's stomach knotted itself, as he feared the worst.
Marvolo levitated her into an upright position, her toes brushing the floorboards. He stroked her cheek, mockingly. The simple movement caused Sebastian to leap from his chair.
"Don't you dare touch her!" He snapped.

Marvolo calmly shushed him, "she is quite a pretty little thing, I suppose." He mused. He looked back at Sebastian, "they usually say big things come in small packages, and she has been a large thorn in my side Mr Sallow. Completely harmless now though, with no memories." He shrugged, innocently.
"What have you done to her?" Sebastian's voice was barely a whisper as he felt his heart burst with pain and anger.
"Just a little memory wipe. One clean slate, if you will. Don't worry – she still knows she's magical." Marvolo cooed fondly as he jokingly poked her nose with his wand. All joviality left his face when he turned to Sebastian. His eyes turned to slits of coal and his expression was cold and viscious;
"She just won't remember any of her time spent with you, her little animagus partner, that oaf of an auror Sharp and certainly my dear little brother!" He spat, maliciously. "Oh, and don't think for one second you can bring all those memories back. I've been working on this little charm of mine. She must recall them herself, any interference on your end Mr legilimens and her entire memory will be erased for good! No more Hogwarts, no more magic, no more disgusting frivolity in the bedroom!" He laughed cruelly. He waved his wand and Cassy slumped heavily to her knees and rag dolled back. Sebastian hurried to her limp form and held her close.
Before closing the door behind him, Marvolo looked back at Sebastian with a malicious sneer.
"Really Sebastian, you should have locked her door behind you; anyone could have come along after you..." and with a cold and wicked laugh, he pulled the door to, before apparating away. 

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