~chapter 7~

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it was now morning and Irillea had woken up but to her something felt off and she looked down to see she had paws, Irillea started to get scared and she looked in the mirror to see that she had become a wolf.
Irillea: (screams) what happened to me?! then Irillea heard footsteps running fast and she hid so no one would see what had happened to her, as soon as her door opened she heard Link and Zelda's voices but Irillea hid.
Amatarasu: Irillea i know your here i can smell your scent. Irillea came out Link and Zelda were shocked by what had happened to her she had become a wolf.
Zelda: Irillea how could this have happened to you? Irillea barked but they couldn't understand her only Amatarasu could understand her.
Amatarasu: she has no idea but maybe this has must've been due to her families spirit animal, i remember cause the goddesses blessed thee village with the ability to turn into animals. after slaying creatures of darkness and protecting their light it was their gift to the entire village.
Link: that explained why the mark appeared on Irillea's arm. Zelda was the mark there before when you two were growing up?
Zelda: no it never was but i remember her parents telling me that the marks only appear, once you've turned sixteen and she had reached that age a year ago. Irillea jumped on the bed and laid down remembering her parents telling her about it but never thought it would happen to her.

Link: i know your not happy about it but i maybe able to turn into a wolf myself, but that won't stop me from loving you i know deep down you feel the same way. i don't care if you are a wolf now i still love you the way you are. Irillea wagged her tail and looked in the mirror to see what he saw.

Irillea closed her eyes and then suddenly a light covered her entire body then she had turned back to herself, and smiled at Link as he hugged her close to him from behind

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Irillea closed her eyes and then suddenly a light covered her entire body then she had turned back to herself, and smiled at Link as he hugged her close to him from behind.
Link: your now in control of your new ability just focus on either form you want and then, you shall be it we have to get ready for a fight soon. Irillea nodded new she had to get the armor her Father left her and remembered where Zelda showed her where the armor was, and once she found it she put it on and put her hair in a braid then grabbed the helmet and walked outside to see everyone was fighting Moblins.
Irillea: i have to get down there Amatarasu time to show them what you can do girl, i know you can do it Mother Amatarasu. Amatarasu nodded and ran beside Irillea after she had gotten both swords and placed them in the holsters, and walked outside after she had put on the helmet and went to fight the Moblins then Irillea crossed blades with Dark Link.
Dark Link: so it's true one hunter still remains and it's a cute girl. Irillea growled as she kicked him away from her and continued to fight.

Irillea: you know nothing about my people they were taken away from me, the same with my parents! after fighting Link and Zelda walked up to Irillea and she took off her helmet as she shook her hair out, and walked up to Link and Zelda.
Zelda: you knocked him out?
Irillea: i did but maybe you should lock him up the other two got away but no matter, i was lucky Father left this armor for me.
Link: you do look different wearing it.

Irillea: Father was a Monster Hunter and it's in my blood so i guess you both know where i get it, from i am just like them

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Irillea: Father was a Monster Hunter and it's in my blood so i guess you both know where i get it, from i am just like them. but as for Amatarasu she is a little different more than you guys think, but for now let's get the wounded and injured tended too they need help. Link and Zelda both agreed and help the wounded up from the ground and went to get their wounds tended too, Irillea helped take care of some wounded soldiers and took off her armored gloves. then helped the rest of the soldiers and decided to take a break once Irillea saw all the guards and soldiers were taken care of Irillea went to her room, to get her armor off and once she did. Irillea decided to get a bath after fighting Irillea dove under the water and held her breath for a bit until she got out of the water, and shook the water out of her hair.
Amatarasu: here you need this robe. Irillea put the robe on and went to her vanity and grabbed her hair brush as Irillea began to brush her hair, then heard a knock on the door and Irillea went to answer only to see Link was there.
Irillea: oh hey Link is there something you need?

Link: i was wondering where you went after we helped all the soldiers.
Irillea: i was covered in dirt so i had to get cleaned up after that battle i never expected to fight your shadow, he looked just like you which is a little scary to be honest.
Link: i know Dark Link he worked with Gannon but now he's locked up and he won't hurt, the girl i love the most. Irillea looked at her boyfriend with love in her eyes they both kissed each other and Amatarasu left the room so she could give the love birds, some space and they both pulled away then Irillea went behind the divider and got her clothes on.
Irillea: well at least i don't wear dresses but that's just Zelda i can't exactly fight in those things.

*time skip*

Link and Irillea were on their way back to Ordon and they had decided to come back, and it was a bit of a ride back to the village and brought the horses over to get some water.
Irillea: the girls are exhausted i will bring you both something to eat i promise. Irillea brought back some oats and apples for the girls then fed them and felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around to see it was just Link.
Link: jumpy?
Irillea: shut up i'm not letting my guard down not after what happened to me last time. i can't let that happen again.
Link: it will not ever again. right before anything else could be said they both went to fight and Link had a strange idea he put his belt around Irillea, and she saw got the idea they both fought as a team and defeated the Moblins.
Irillea: their gone now Link can you get your belt off of me please?
Link: only if you kiss me.
Irillea: what oh you can be so immature sometimes but how you can be so damn cute. Irillea rolled her as she kissed Link as he kissed her back then pulled away from each other, while staring at each other with love in their eyes. and went inside Irillea's home so Link doesn't have to walk home.

*couple years later*

Link was wondering what to do for Irillea since they had been together for an entire two years, and he had to come up with a plan to ask the girl he loves. he went to Castle town and asked Zelda for help and Zelda knew Irillea more than he did, once he arrived Zelda began to help Link out and she found the perfect ring for Irillea Link smiled at the thought of seeing Irillea smile when she saw the ring. once it was paid for Link thanked Zelda and she nodded then Link rode back to Ordon and had a package from Zelda, that she asked him to give to Irillea. it was a long ride back and knew Irillea would be home and he saw her riding on Midnight coming home from another monster hunt, and she climbed off and gave some money she earned from the hunt to Bo in case he needed it.
Bo: thank you Irillea how was the trip?
Irillea: oh god i'm tired right now i just want to sleep i was guarding the lord of the village, luckily i managed to stay away from his wondering hands. (shivers) i hate men like that i am a hunter not some kind plaything, (scoffs) i swear he was lucky i didn't let the monster get him cause that would've made me happy a bit.
Bo: well Link is home and i think he's safe. Irillea walked over to Link and kissed him as he kissed her back.
Link: you smell different like monster guts.
Irillea: well i did end up in a monsters stomach so don't start with me i need a long bath, cause i'm tired and i have been traveling for months. and Midnight has had it with the monsters for a bit.

Link: alright how about we head to the springs later tonight just me and you, also Zelda asked me to drop off a package for you it was made for tonight and what ever other night you want to wear it for.
Irillea: alright see you tonight.

*later that night*

Irillea had gotten changed into the dress Zelda sent her and went to the springs as Epona walked over, Irillea climbed on and let Epona take her to the spring.

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