~chapter 9~

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everyone was in the throne room getting ready for battle and Irillea was the most ready for it, she was the most prepared cause this was for all her people.
Link: Irillea you alright?
Irillea: no i'm not Link i want to know truly killed everyone in my village i had finally gotten vengeance for my parents, but not my people i just want to know who really did this. then i might finally be at peace until then i am not ready to let go of the past, cause everyone i have left is what keeps me going. Link held Irillea's hand as he gave it a gentle squeeze and she did the same back then went to get her armor then came back carrying her helmet and she sat it down on the table.
Irillea: alright Marth has there been any disturbance around the border of your kingdom?
Marth: no but i think there was something off i saw once.

Zelda: and that is?
Ike: a little girl was taken we think she's being held prisoner up in a dark castle.
Irillea: what did she look like?
Lucina: blonde hair and blue eyes just like Link. Link froze when he heard that.

(a/n: i'm putting Aryll in here cause i thought it would be fun, also i was watching Wind Waker)

Link: you saw my little sister i haven't seen her since i was a kid i have to get her back.
Irillea: not alone you won't we're a team now Ike where is Aryll so we can find her?
Ike: somewhere northwest and twenty miles southeast.
Irillea: alright then i say we head out in the morning that way our journey begins and we can find Aryll, bring enough gear and food we are going to have a long trip. there might be someone else alive from my village hopefully perhaps a child if she's trapped i intend to save her.

*mini time skip*

everyone was out on their trip and Irillea was ready for battle she remember her parents talking about a younger, sibling she had when she was little but they had sent the child somewhere she could be safe. Irillea learned the name of her younger sibling and it was Lyra Irillea held her necklace and saw it glowing, she knew Lyra was alive but didn't know where. as they were all riding everyone set up camp and Irillea was working on a strategy to get the girls out, her eyes glared at the castle and knew this would not be easy. but due to her wolf senses Irillea smelled something and saw a shadowy figure it looked like Link but deep down she knew it wasn't him. Irillea grabbed her sword and followed the scent then saw a dark version of Link.
DL: so we finally meet Irillea.
Irillea: you must be Dark Link i heard a lot about now tell me where are the children you took?
DL: their at the castle safe i found the hunter brat just outside the castle i found her looking for food, and she was trespassing. just hearing that made Irillea growl and she took out her sword then swung it towards Dark Link as he blocked it with his own, they both fought and Irillea turned into her wolf form and so did Dark Link they both fought that way until Link himself came in. he helped Irillea fight then they both won the fight and ran towards the castle Amatarasu ran behind them everyone followed behind and made it into the castle, Irillea and Amatarasu sniffed the ground searching for a scent of the girls then howled when they found it.

Lucina: find the scent?
Irillea: we did now i think we can track them down. they all made it down to the dungeon and Irillea turned back and saw the girls, they were both huddled up to each other Irillea got the keys she found and used them to open the door. the girls both got scared and Irillea took off her helmet and kneeled down in front of the girls.
Irillea: it's alright i'm not gonna hurt you my names Irillea are you two Aryll and Lyra?
Lyra: we are but we're really scared right now.
Irillea: it's alright now come on let's get you out of here. they both took Irillea's hands and walked out of the castle.

*at camp*

Irillea had given the girls something eat and told them about what happened but Lyra was happy to be with her big sister, and Aryll with her big brother.
Irillea: girls we want to tell you something.
Aryll: what Irillea? Link and Irillea both held each others hands ad the girls were shocked by it.
Link: Lyra i married your big sister so now we're one big happy family Irillea i want to show you the place where Aryll and i were born, i'm sure my grandmother would love too meet you.
Irillea: alright but in a few days wouldn't want to give your grandmother a heart attack when she see's how much you've grown.
Link: don't remind me.

*on Outset Island*

the ship stopped at the dock and everyone walked off then heard a voice.
Grandma: Link my goodness look at you all grown up (sees Irillea) oh and who is this lovely young lady?
Link: Grandma this is Irillea my wife and she's a monster hunter.
Grandma: oh my goodness welcome to the family Irillea i never thought i would have another granddaughter let alone three of them.
Irillea: thank you Grandma i am happy to be apart of a family again this is my little sister Lyra she's about the same age as Aryll once was, but i promise to keep both my little sisters safe. they all went inside and had some dinner they all laughed and had a great time it was now night both Irillea and Link went for a run in the woods then sat at the top of the mountain as wolves, just looking at the sky they both nuzzled each other and wondered what had drew them together in the first place.
Link: i'm so glad i met you Irillea.
Irillea: so am i Link we were meant for each other even if we both can turn into wolves, but Midna told me so much about you and i knew i just had to meet you. but i'm glad i did cause now i'm even more happier to have a family again thanks to you Link, i'm happy Lyra is safe and now Aryll is too we're one big happy family.

Link: i know and i will keep the family safe.
Irillea: not alone you not we work together as a team it's the promise we made when we got married, and it's not going to be broken ever not even in a hundred years. i will always be with you Link always and forever in our hearts. they both went back to join everyone and went to bed.

*next day*

it was now morning and Irillea was still sleeping but she woke once she felt Amatarasu licking her face.
Irillea: ugh Amatarasu leave me alone i'm really tired right now.
Aryll: but what about breakfast big sister? Irillea looked at Aryll and got up then put her boots on the same with her bracelets, and belt Irillea went outside and stretched her arms out a bit then went to walk around a bit, and thought she could get used to the island life but thought Link's Grandma could join them back home.
Irillea: i wonder what everyone's back home? Irillea walked over to the sea and smelled the sea air and wondered if Zelda would've loved to come to the island and went to sit on a rock while watching the waves.
Irillea: i could get used to this place but i love it back in Hyrule it's my home and i will always be the way i am, i promise you that Mother and Father our legacy shall continue i promise.

*tiny time skip*

Link and Irillea were training it's one thing they loved to do together Irillea knew she had the upper hand or so she thought, Irillea tripped but Link caught her in time.
Link: you alright?
Irillea: yeah i'm fine thanks Link i swear your getting better than me guess i need to step up my game, or maybe you knew your way with a sword when you were a kid.
Link: how else was i suppose to save my sister back then but i'm glad she's safe the same with Lyra even you. Irillea blushed and kissed Link on his cheek then put her sword away and sat down by the girls Link did the same and they all watched the waves, roll up against each other onto the shore they were one big happy family. and nothing was going to take it away from them ever both Link and Irillea will protect their sisters and fight to keep the family safe from harm, they both made a promise and it was going to stay no matter what.

Irillea: alright girls come on inside i think it's gonna storm we need to make sure everyone else is safe too, but Lyra you and Aryll head inside with Grandma and stay safe we'll be back. after making sure everyone was alright they both went back to the house and closed up all the windows, and had enough fire wood for the fire place.
Irillea: we never faced storms like this back in Hyrule before.
Grandma: oh i wish i could join you kids there i want to be with my family more.
Link: why not join us Grandma we have plenty of room in our home.
Irillea: he's right it's a big house so please join us in Hyrule.
Grandma: alright i shall join my family.

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