~chapter 10~

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things were busy in Ordon village and Irillea was busy taking care of the horses as she cleaned out their stable.
Irillea: alright girls your stable is all cleaned up at least we moved the house to a bigger location, so now we have plenty of space for you two to run around. even for the girls since their still kids but it's going to be a wonderful night for a run since everyone knows it's me and Link as wolves. Irillea went to finish up her chores and heard feet running only to see it was Link.
Irillea: Link what's wrong?
Link: the princess she has asked if you could come to the castle and stay in Hyrule she needs our help we can help protect our family.
Irillea: what but we're perfectly happy here but if it's for the best I better get the wagon ready we have alot to pack. Irillea got the wagon and hooked up the horses then everyone climbed in as Irillea was driving the wagon.

*six years later*

Link was training and Irillea was watching as she smiled at him Irillea's new outfit consisted of a black long sleeve top her bracelets still remained as did her necklaces but Irillea's hair had gotten longer and she kept it in a braid, Irillea wore black pants with a brown leather belt and heeled knee high boots Irillea had her ring on her finger still but it was under fingerless gloves. Irillea's sword remained on her side since she was now Zelda's personal guard and kept her little sisters safe Irillea went to the throne room and stood next to her sister.
Irillea: it seems everything is calm right now Zelda.
Zelda: it would seem so but I have a bad feeling about something.
Irillea: it does but at least Aryll and Lyra stayed behind with Grandma since she asked me to call her that she's treated me as a granddaughter, but right now I think the enemy could be up to something since we've seen no trace of Dark Link he must've given up.
Zelda: don't be so sure there have been signs of Ganon's return he must be up to something.
Irillea: time will only tell but right now i've gotta head home and check on everyone.
Impa: be careful Irillea. Irillea smiled at Impa and checked on the family to see how they were doing then heard a noise and went to fight she saw it was monsters and fought them but Irillea got knocked out and Zelda was captured Link and Impa searched for them.

*with Irillea and Zelda*

Zelda: Irillea Irillea wake up.
Irillea: ow my head Zelda where are we?
Zelda: I don't know but we've got to get out of here.
Irillea: let's look for a way out I can't be in here my wolf side has been a bit feral lately and I can't control it at the moment. a moment later footsteps were walking to the cell and it appeared to be Dark Link.
Irillea: I knew you were up to something.
DL: impressive Irillea your more wolf than I thought.
Irillea: why capture us?
DL: because I know Link would be looking for his wife but the princess she's the key to the kingdom it will be mine.
Irillea: your insane let me out of here right now and we can settle face to face. unless your scared to face me.
DL: alright your on if I win you remain my prisoner.
Irillea: but if I win then you let us both go how about a little dog fight. the girls were let out and Irillea handed her sword to Zelda as she put it on her waist then Irillea got ready to fight as she took off her necklace's Zelda kept, a good grasp on them Irillea looked up at the moon and remembered what her parents taught her. Irillea turned into her wolf form and growled at Dark Link as they circled each other then started attacking each other Irillea swung her paw then jumped onto Dark Link as she was biting him, Dark Link fought back by biting Irillea back but what he didn't know was that Irillea was stronger during the full moon she had bit Dark Link on his neck and snapped it. Irillea placed her paws on Dark Link's body and howled at the moon Zelda walked over and stood next to Irillea.

Zelda: let's go home where we belong.
Irillea: agreed I can talk still while i'm a wolf (turns back to self) now let's go and I trained Amatarasu to find me anywhere she's a big wolf. we are bonded through my moonstone. Irillea held her necklace and Amatarasu there they had met up with an alias Lana she helped heal Irillea since she was wounded.
Lana: your lucky to be alive Irillea these wounds don't look so good.
Irillea: I was fighting Dark Link as a wolf he bit me a couple times but I got him good he's dead now, and we no longer have to worry about him.
Lana: glad your alright but you should rest it's been a long night. Irillea nodded and went to lay down thanks to Lana the girls had a place to stay.

*next day*

the girls had thanked Lana and were on their way and saw the castle just ahead of them they both walked towards the castle.
Link: Irillea Zelda your alright!
Zelda: we are thanks too Irillea they all walked in and Impa walked over with the little guardian.
Irillea: it seems the little one is really fond of you Zelda although I don't know why but it is cute though it also seems to like me as well. but I bet Purah and Robbie has something down at the lab be back soon. Irillea kissed Link on his cheek then Irillea climbed onto Midnight and rode to the lab and saw what was going on which was weird since the defeat of calamity Ganon.
Irillea: wow you guys have been busy since we defeated Calamity Ganon and I gotta be honest I'm getting a bit bored.
Purah: don't blame you but you got a message Urbosa has been wanting to see you and Lyra since you know.
Irillea: I better get Lyra and get going bye guys.
Robbie: bye Irillea be safe on your trip. Irillea got Midnight ready both Irillea and Lyra climbed onto Midnight and rode off to see Urbosa.

*tiny time skip*

the sisters had both made it and walked inside and kneeled before Urbosa.
Urbosa: welcome little wolves you've both got so big Lyra you were just a baby the last I saw you and Irillea you've become, a proud young woman and I see your with someone.
Irillea: I am and i'm married to Link he's made me happy for the past six years.
Urbosa: I'm glad he has now we must hurry the Zoras could be in danger. Irillea and Lyra nodded as they went with Urbosa and went to help the Zoras which worked and Lyra was helping the prince Irillea was fighting Astor and she got him he fell to the ground and Irillea ran to Lyra as she held her sister close.
Irillea: you did well my brave little sister Mother and father would be so proud of you, just as I am now come lets go we should return home.

*at the castle*

the sisters walked into the castle and saw King Rhoam he smiled at the sisters.
Rhoam: welcome back girls how was your trip?
Irillea: it was well your majesty but Lyra go get some rest it's been a long ride for us please excuse me your majesty I must go find Link, and make sure he's doing alright. Irillea went to go find Link and she found him training with the other knights.
Link: I see your back.
Irillea: sure am and you were training hard my knight but at least we're here.
Knight: Irillea the king wishes to see you.
Irillea: i'm coming. I will see you later Link. Irillea went to the throne room and kneeled before the king.
Rhoam: Irillea you know the truth of your parents correct?
Irillea: yes sire but if this is about Prince Sidon he has grown since I last saw him and the others. but what is it that you need of me?
Rhoam: it's time you take your place as princess of your home land.
Irillea: what home land it's gone destroyed nothing can restore it i'm sorry your majesty but nothing, can restore my home i'm the last of the monster hunters so is my sister. I may be the princess of my land but nothing can bring htem back not even my parents now excuse me I need to be alone. Irillea left the throne room and she needed time to think.
Impa: Irillea are you alright?
Irillea: not really Impa I was once the princess of my home I still am but nothing can restore it my home village is gone, slaughtered by monsters nothing can bring it back. not even the spirits of light could help.
Impa: I'm sure we can find a way to restore your home.
Irillea: nothing can Impa get some horses it's time I show you the truth of what happened to my village get Robbie and Purah they deserve to see as well, even Mipha and Sidon everyone deserves to know the truth.

*at the monster hunter village*

everyone had arrived and it surprised them to see it in ruins.
Riju: what happened here?
Irillea: it was destroyed by monsters when I was a little girl I was only six years old when it happened an ambassador saw me, when I was younger and wanted me as his bride but my parents refused since I was their only daughter that was until Lyra was born. then one day monsters came and took everything from me!

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