~chapter 8~

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after Epona had stopped Irillea climbed off of her back and saw Link wearing the tunic that was given to him by the light spirits, and saw how much the springs had changed then she walked up to Link as he turned around and saw how different she looked.
Link: wow i guess Zelda had that made for you?
Irillea: she did you like it?
Link: beautiful to be honest you always were beautiful. even if you are wearing a dress.

Irillea: (blushes) thanks Link but what is the reason you wanted to come here, i mean we hardly ever come here accept when you when you got turned into a wolf

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Irillea: (blushes) thanks Link but what is the reason you wanted to come here, i mean we hardly ever come here accept when you when you got turned into a wolf.
Link: i just thought we could have some alone time together since we've both been busy, and well the spirit springs is the most quiet place i could think of. Irillea smiled as she shook her head but then felt Link holding her hands as she looked at him with love in her eyes.
Link: Irillea i have something to ask you.
Irillea: what is it Link? Link got down on one knee and Irillea was confused by what was going on, then Link looked at Irillea and she had no idea what was going on.
Link: Irillea i have thought long and hard about this but Irillea, will you marry me?
Irillea: Link yes yes yes! Link stood up and Irillea hugged him they both kissed and Irillea saw the ring Link was holding, then he put the ring on her finger as she was still teary eyed.

Irillea: sometimes i swear you can be a nut ball. but i love you for that Link more than anything.

*two months later*

Irillea was at the castle with Zelda as she was getting ready for the big day and Irillea was a bit nervous, cause she never thought the day would come for her to be with the one she loves.
Zelda: look at you Irillea you almost look like a princess.

Irillea: if only my parents were here to see this their little girl all grown up and getting married, and becoming a famous hunter but now here i am about to be with the one i love

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Irillea: if only my parents were here to see this their little girl all grown up and getting married, and becoming a famous hunter but now here i am about to be with the one i love.
Zelda: they would be proud now let's go before we are late. they both climbed into the carriage and left for the ceremony the carriage had arrived at the ceremony and climbed out, Zelda would do the honors since Irillea was a sister to Irillea and once they made it down the aisle Link saw his bride looking beautiful.
Zelda: take care of her Link we have guests coming to the castle in Hyrule, so i would for both of you to be there.
Link: count on it.
Bo: we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Link and Irillea they had been through so much together, and now here they are becoming one happy couple. do you Link take Irillea to be your beloved wedded wife through sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?
Link: i do.
Bo: and do you Irillea take Link to be your beloved wedded husband through sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?
Irillea: i do. they both exchanged rings and then Bo got ready to make it official.

Bo: i now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride. Irillea and Link both leaned in and kissed each other everyone cheered for the newly weds once they pulled away from each other Link and Irillea both leaned their foreheads together, Link called for Epona and she came over Link helped Irillea on first then he climbed on and rode off with Irillea. and went back to their home Irillea had moved her things to Link's home since they are married now, Irillea was more happier than she could be.

*three months later*

Link and Irillea had rode into town and made it to the castle they both climbed off of their horses and walked inside the castle, after walking to the throne room Irillea stood next to her sister as she had been feeling a little nervous.
Irillea: tell me Zelda who is coming?
Zelda: a prince from another kingdom to form an alliance with us but not through marriage i can assure you that, he and his friends are coming here to form the alliance. just then the horns went off and Irillea stood tall with her arms crossed and she knew this would be interesting.
Marth: Queen Zelda a pleasure to finally meet i am Prince Marth from Agratha, with me are my friends Ike and Lucina. 
Zelda: welcome i had asked the hero of Hyrule Link to join us here along with my sister Irillea.
Lucina: the famous monster hunter?
Irillea: the very same but to let you boys know i'm already taken i would hate to hurt you both, but i know my husband would say the same thing.
Ike: oh and who is your husband?

Irillea: Link of course he saw something in me most men wouldn't a fighting spirit and a well acknowledged hunter, the other men saw me as nothing but a prize to be won but i showed them by slaying a monster attacking a village. and now they know not to mess with me now about the alliance.
Marth: right we need help your majesty an entity and monsters are threatening to wipe us all out.
Zelda: then i shall have to see this problem myself Link Irillea come with me i will need your help.
Irillea: of course sister but i shall pack up my armor you never know if it might end up a war with the monsters, i know what to do if we have to go in to war with them.

(a/n: sorry for the short chapter)

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