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O.J & Olly: Life Goes On (Book 3)


"Pops, it's nothing else I can say. O.J is going to deal how he always deal—on his own. Antwonn embarrassed him beyond words but like I told him would he rather be married to someone still pining for his returned from the dead lover...Antwonn parents called and said Zavian was there after 7 years and boom he hopped on a plane. He came back only to runaway at the alter. So like I told my brother it's better this way" Olly told his Pops on FaceTime as he propped his phone up in the kitchen. Rico wiped his face and replied, "I told him come on down to the ranch. They were engaged for two years and then BOOM...no wedding. It's fucked up."

"It truly is, but O.J is gonna talk his truth when he wants. Now Pops I have to go. I have 4 children waiting for me to start the movie..."

"4? You have 5." Pops asked confused as Olly laughed, "Frankie and I brought Benny that car for his 17th birthday and well lets just say he is never outside of it. He went to mini golf with some friends."

"And Frankie?" He asked probing for Olly to tell him more. Olly looked into the phone and replied, "He returns home from Canada this weekend. And before you bring up him jumping around for state officials being their head of their security...he is done with that."

"Oh yeah? So what is he going to do now?" Pops asked me as I replied, "well since you are probing I guess I can tell you first. We were gonna Group FaceTime everyone"

"What happened?" Deejay said butting into the conversation as Olly stared at both of his father's and exhaled.

"We are moving over the summer." Olyver stated vaguely as they both snapped, "What?! Where?!"

"Northern California. Frankie got this job as the new Sheriff in some small town outside of Demi City." Olyver confessed as Deejay snapped, "and so this is why you sent me that private school for Benny?"

"Yeah he likes it. We visited last month and Autumn, the twins, and Beau are young so it won't be much of a hassle. I can open up my own medical practice and we can set some forever roots." Olly explained as Rico replied, "So it's giving you already found a place?"

"6 bedrooms, 3.5 baths. It's so cute, big and has a huge yard. Now I'm gonna leave it to O.J to tell you two that he is coming with me."

A door slammed and he heard Frankie say, "Baby, I am home!"

"Oh My God! It's Frankie! I'll call you two back. Love you guys." Olly said before quickly hanging up and walking out of the kitchen. He stared down the foyer as he saw Autumn with the twins on her heels running to their dad. Beau was crying in his playpen to get out. Having Seven Year old Autumn, 5 year old Twins, and 2 year old Beau keeps me busy and luckily for them money isn't an issue. However, Frankie hates this spur of the moment jobs he gets. He was really bummed out he didn't get to be the Vice President's Security detail.

Frankie doesn't want them to rely on Olyver's trust fund from Rico&Deejay, or the money X left him. And especially not Olly's shares of Cartina Airlines. He wants to be the man of the family and provide for them and who am Olyver to tell him no.

"I thought you had a few more days." Olly said as Frankie pulled him in for a kiss as Frankie replied, "I did but I then got an email for an offer on the house. All cash and desired move in date in 3 weeks...so we may be heading to Cali much sooner. So it maybe time to tell the clan." Frankie explained as Olyver smiled very nervously because he knew these convos would be too much for his heart.

Later that night, Olyver grabbed a bottle of wine from the cellar and two glasses. He walked back upstairs and out on the front porch. He saw Frankie shirtless staring out at the FOR SALE sign in the yard. He walked over and stated, "Beau is finally sleep. Autumn thinks she slick when she goes under the cover to continue to watch YouTube."

Frankie chuckled and replied, "And the twins?"

"Out like a light." Olyver said as he leaned his head on Frankie's muscular arm as he took a deep breath.

"So we really doing this?" Olyver asked.

"Yes. It's going to be good. Saint Charles is a growing community and if you focus on opening your own practice and I'm the Sheriff...we can really set up our kids. Benny gets to go to that school that he cannot shut up about" Frankie said as Olly looked up at him and smiled too big. Frankie stopped his train of thought and asked, "What's up?"

"Oh Nothing. I just love you so much." Olyver said as he handed him the glass and he poured up half way.

"Cheers to our new beginnings, Worm" Frankie said as Olyver responded, "Cheers." They saw headlights pulling into the driveway and they turned around to see it was Benny finally making it home. Suddenly, Benny opened the driver door and stomped thru the lawn as Frankie snapped, "Son you better be lucky this isn't our lawn anymore—you know I'll have you cutting the grass tomorrow."

"You two need to get him out of my backseat!" Benny snapped.

"Huh? Who are you talking about?" Olly asked as Benny snapped, "Uncle O.J. He called me to pick him up. I get to the bar and he is getting tossed out on his"

"Watch it!" Olyver warned him before he cursed.

"Butt. Good news he finally cried all the way here before going to sleep about Antwonn leaving him at the alter. He wanted me to drive to the Airport and we catch a flight to fight Zavian"

"Zavian?" Frankie asked confused as Olly placed his glass down and replied, "Antwon's ex who he thought was dead but wasn't and who he was still in love with. Let me go and get my brother."

Olyver rushed off the porch and over towards the backseat. He opened the door and O.J groaned as he tried to turn over. Olyver tapped him and snapped, "O.J, let's go!"

"Hmmmmm" he groaned as Olyver tapped him again and replied, "Don't make me call Teddy on your ass."

"DO-NOT CALL MY SON." O.J shouted coming up as he reeked  of liquor. Olyver nose turned up as he covered it, "Oh My God! You smell like you been swimming in liquor."

"Might as well had been...I can't be home. Everything reminds me of Antwonn. He txted me earlier today can I ship his things to Hollywood..."

"Well how are you gonna ship things that we"

"BURNEDDDD AT THE MANOR" they said in unison before they burst out laughing as O.J stretched his hand out and Olly pulled him out.

Meanwhile on the porch Benny whispered, "He was really in love...If that's how heartbreak is gonna have me I don't wanna experience love."

"Oh you are 17...trust me it's coming...the first one leaves you hurting bad." Frankie told his son as Benny chuckled, "Yet you found yours again." They stared at Olly and Frankie added, "I mean your Dad is everything. A lot of people aren't that lucky. Oh and by the way someone made an offer on the house. So the moving timeline is moved up..."

"WHEN DO WE LEAVE!? I NEED A CHANGE IN ENERGY!!" O.J shouted at his brother as Olly was revealing to him at the same time. He put his hands up to the sky before falling face flat in the lawn.

"Frankie, plz come help me."

"Coming Worm." Frankie said putting his wine glass down.

Benny pulled his phone out and scrolled thru his contacts and pressed a name. He typed a message out quickly.

"I'll be moving to Saint Charles earlier than expected. See you in a few weeks. I thought I'll be there right before school starts. But it seems like a change of plans." He pressed send and smiled big as he watched his dad's pick up his Uncle. 

Coming Sooner than you think.

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