Chapter 4

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I rushed to the cafe to pick up Macau. When I got there, I saw Macau sitting on a bench. I guess he was sleeping. I pressed the horn so Macau could hear me. But he didn't even move an inch. I feel so bad, he is probably so tired from studying and all the waiting. I feel so guilty.

I got out of the car, and walked toward him. When I got closer I saw bruises All over his face again. I froze and stared at his face for a long time. Then I touched the corner of his lips, he flinched because of the pain. "Hia, Finally, I am tired, let's go home," Macau said, rubbing his eyes. "We're not going until you tell me who did that to you" I demanded.

"Hia it's nothing, it doesn't even hurt" Macau Comforted while trying to put a smile on his face. "I don't care whatsoever, I didn't even ask if it hurts,I said who did that to you!!!!" I couldn't control my anger anymore, I don't like it when he doesn't tell me the truth.

"Is it the same guys as last time?" I asked, looking at Macau. Macau only looked down and didn't say a word. "ANSWER ME!''. '' he flinched.

I grabbed his wrist and held it so tight. "Owww, Hia it hurts!!!" "MACAU IF YOU DON'T ANSWER ME I WILL-" Everyone was staring at us. I Let go and walked toward the car, and Macau just followed with tears all over his face.

"GET IN THE CAR" I said while opening the door for him. "WERE TALKING HERE".

"Hia can't we just go home? Am sleepy" Macau said with a trembling voice. I stopped and looked at his face. "Are you scared?". Tears kept falling from his eyes. "Macau, I'm sorry, but I don't want to see you like this again," I said while pulling Macau closer for a hug. I never yelled at Macau ever like this.

"Hia just wants to know what you are going through, you don't have to be afraid to tell me anything" I consoled him. Macau nods. "You can tell me about it whenever you feel comfortable".

I wore my seatbelt and made sure Macau was wearing his. Now I feel more guilty toward him.


We got home and saw Pete sitting on the couch. I walked toward him, and Macau went to his room to wash up. "Pete, why are you not asleep yet?" I said pulling him into a hug, he looked so tired, everyone did. "Where is Venice?" I asked. "When did you care about him?" Pete said, looking at my face. "I never said i did, i just want to know if he is asleep, because if he isn't, then you wouldn't sleep either, you look so tired" i said. "I am, I feel like I'm about to collapse, '' Pete murmured, hugging me tighter than before.

I smiled.

I took Pete to our room, the second he laid on bed he fell into deep sleep. I sat next to him, then started to play with his hair. I was careful so he wouldn't wake up.

*knock knock

"Come in". Macau walked in with the first aid package in his hands. "Hia, can you help me treat my bruises" Macau said in a low voice. I nodded.

We went to the living room because we didn't want to wake Pete up.

"Macau, am sorry it will sting a little" I said with a faint smile. "Owww, Hia that hurts!" Macau said flinching every time the cotton touched his face.

"I was thinking......." I stoped for a while, "What were you thinking Hia?" Macau raised one eyebrow.

"You know, it's Venice's birthday in two days, and-" "I FORGOT" Macau interrupted. I blinked twice before speaking again. "Ya so can you help me arrange something for him".

"Hia you always come to me when you don't know what to do". Macau said then smiled.

"Hey, you need to help me, Pete is not supposed to remember" I said putting the stuff away. "HUH, how does that work?" Macau looked at me blankly. "Shhhhhhhhh, lower your voice, what do you mean" I spoke in a really low voice. "I meant how do you want Pete to forget, and why, it's Venice's birthday not Pete's"

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