Chapter 7

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I went downstairs and saw Pete feeding Venice. "Here comes the airplane" Venice opened his mouth really wide and Pete slid the spoon in.

"Vegas" Pete called "come here i made Breakfast, where is Macau?". 

"I don't know, probably he is still sleeping" I said. Then Pete told me to wake him up so I walked all the way up the stairs again.

I stood in front of his door and saw a sign that said knock before you enter, so I knocked, but I got no responses so I just walked in. Macau was covering his head with a blanket. "get up," I said while approaching his bed. I shaked him, but he didn't move, so I pulled the blanket and was stunned. I saw a bunch of pillows.

"MACAU" I yelled, "WHERE ARE YOU, YOU'RE IN BIG TROUBLE". Macau walked out of the bathroom drying his hair with a towel. "Are you okay Hia?" I looked at him in relief. "Nevermind" Pete ran up the stairs after hearing me yell.

"Vegas are you okay?" Pete said as he ran into the room. "Nothing," I told them with embarrassment . "Alright guys come downstairs, let's eat" Pete led the way downstairs.

Venice was sitting on his high chair, his face was so messy. "Come here Venice" Pete said as he carried him to the bathroom. Macau looked at me.

"Hia can you take-" he was about to finish his sentence but I interrupted. "Yes I can". Macau smiled.

"Vegas......" Pete called "I think Venice is kind of board of staying at house, can we take him somewhere so that he can have fun?"

"Pete, I have to go to the company today," I replied. "But it's the weekend," he said with a sad tone. I took a deep breath "fine, where do you want to go?", Pete smiled "anywhere is fine" he said as he placed Venice on the carpet to play with his toys. He then came to me and gave me a peck.

Macau looked at us "I want to come too!!!!"

"Then come," I told him. "I can't, today is the weekend, which means more customers, which means more money" Macau kept whining. "FINE, i will take you another time" I shoved his spoon full of rice in his mouth so he can shut up.

After breakfast I drove Macau to the Cafe and dropped him in front of the door where I met Rome. "better take care of my brother or you're dead" I pointed my finger at his face and he nodded without hesitation.

I walked back to the car and saw that Pete moved to the back seat. "HEY, come back" I demanded. "No, Venice wants me to sit with him.". I rolled my eyes.

Anyways, first we drove to a grocery store to buy some snacks in case we get hungry. And Venice would be grabbing everything and throwing it in the cart. So i did it again, i snatched him from Pete's hand and put him in the baby seat in the cart, but this time i tied him to the seat with his own jacket. It was funny, but I got in trouble and was ordered to untie him, but I didn't, so he kept crying.

"Vegas, stop messing with him" Pete told me as he grabbed something from the shelf. I untied him, but then he kicked me in the stomach, being honest, it hurts.

"You've grown so much" Pete said as he ruffled Venice's hair. Venice giggled. "Alright Vegas am done, you go check out, i need to use the bathroom, take care of Venice." Pete then walked in the opposite direction. "Wait Pete i-" I looked at Venice's face, he was laughing.

"Great, now I have to look after you". Venice's mood changed, he glared at me just like the way Pete glares at me. "Ok sorry" I rolled my eyes. He then grabbed a bag of chips then threw it in the cart. "Oh hell no" I picked it up and put it where it belonged. Then Venice grabbed the chips again, but this time he ripped it open. That left me in shock.

"VENIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE, you ungrateful child!!!!!!!Pete brought all these snack, why did you insist on getting this one!!!!!!!!" I took the chips from him. "Well guess what Venice, I am eating this one." Then I scanned the ripped bag of chips.


"Am back" we met Pete in front of the store. I was eating the chips in front Venice who was crying. "You deserve this" I told him. "What's this all about." Pete asked me. "Nothing" I replied with a smile.

Venice gave Pete grabby hands, so Pete carried him. "Come one let's go to the car'" Pete led the way.

We rode the car and then stopped next to a nearby playground because Venice insisted to.

Pete left the car first and told me to carry Venice, so I did. Venice's eyes were sparkling as he was staring at all the slides. I realized that I was smiling at him, so I slapped myself with my other hand.

I followed Pete to the playground. "Vegas can you do me a favor?" Pete turned to me and asked. "What?".

"You know Venice can't walk, so can you play with him......" Pete waited for my answer. I took one glance at his face and couldn't say no.


Venice was giggling as we went down the slide. All the other kids were looking at us. Pete went to the car to bring a snack for Venice. I was mad but tried to keep a smile because I didn't want the other kids to run away.

Pete came back and gave Venice a grabby hand but Venice held on to my shirt not wanting to let go. "HEY, LET GO" I demanded. Venice wanted to play rather than eat.

"It's okay Venice, you will eat then come back to play again" Pete gave him a smile. Venice shook his head from left to right. "VENICE, COME DOWN NOW!!!! You barely ate breakfast, you need to eat something!". Pete got angry.

Venice looked at me, he was giving me the puppy eyes, the ones that Pete give me when he want something. Venice was hinting for me to help him, so I didn't, I handed him to Pete. Then I slid down the slide. "You deserve this" I said with a little laugh. Venice glared at me.

"Which one do you want" Pete said with a sweet voice. I looked at him. AHHHHHHH, he always melts my heart. "Pete..." I called


"Can you feed me"

Pete shoved a handful of chips in my mouth. "Are you full yet" he said. I looked at the way he fed Venice, it was soft, so I started to pout.


After eating, I suggested to go somewhere else. Pete looked at Venice to see his opinion, but Venice eyes started to tear. Before he could yell, I covered his mouth with my hand. "Shut up" I whispered. "Do you really like these swings and slides that are full with other kids cooties"

I glanced at Pete who was glaring at me. "You have cooties" he said. "No I don't" i replied. "Yes you do"

Venice looked at us with blank eyes, then he crawled toward the car. Pete ran after him. I sighed then followed.

Hello guys, I feel bad that my chapters are short
But that's okay. I hope you like this chapter

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