Chapter 23

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Percy stumbled with his crutch. He quickly righted his stance as he continued to do his daily lap through the hallway.

"You're okay?" His father asked wheeling his IV bag full of saline behind him.

Percy nodded. It has been a full two weeks since the car crash and Percy was back on the crutch trying to get used to the new prosthetic. The new prosthetic latched on to the new metal pipe sticking from his stump.

"Slow down, Percy. Let Triton and Amphitrite catch up." Poseidon instructed stopping to glance at the pair behind them.

Amphitrite wheeled Triton's IV bag while Triton walked slowly with a walker. A nurse accompanied them making sure neither of them fell and cause further harm. Percy slowed down to wait for the others to catch up.

"Just a couple of more feet, then you get to lay back down." The nurse encouraged.

Percy continued to hobble back to their room once Triton got caught up. Percy crawled back into bed as his father placed the IV pole back by his bed.

Percy fumbled with the lever that released the prosthetic from the metal pipe attached to his stump. After being free from the prosthetic he set it by his bed.

"This will get easier in time. The more we get you two moving the sooner you'll get to go home." The nurse advised after making sure they were settled.

Percy leaned back in his bed exhausted. It was a short lap but he was already exhausted. It reminded him of his hospital stay in California and sometimes he confuses the two as both experiences are too similar.

His father often asked Percy if he knew what state he is in. If it wasn't for Amphitrite and Triton being here, he wasn't sure if he could differentiate which state he is in, or what month it is.

Poseidon flipped through the channels on the television trying to find something to suffice as background noise.

Percy watched as his father flipped through the channels while having the doctors words replay in his mind. The doctors said they should be released by the end of the week as they were becoming more stable and independent.

Percy felt it to be too good to be true. He spent three months in the hospital in California from his first car crash. To spend only two weeks for another car crash seemed too little of time for it to be real.

Reflecting back on everything, Percy knew he's recovering faster than he was in California. He wasn't walking two weeks after the accident in California as he is now. It gave him hope that he wouldn't spend as much time bedridden in the hospital.

Percy eyes landed on the television. His father stopped it on a channel that was Playing Finding Nemo. Percy was too exhausted to try to make any commentary on his father's choices.


Both Poseidon and Amphitrite were not in his hospital room as they were both getting some rest at home and to freshen up.

They haven't even been gone for fifteen minutes before there was a knock at the door.

Percy frowned. The doctors just came in to check on them when their parents were here, it shouldn't be any medical staff. It's the middle of the day during the work week, so it shouldn't be any visitors either.

The door opened and Thalia peaked her head through the door before coming in followed by Jason, Piper, Grover, Annabeth, and Leo. They began to crowed over Percy's bed.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" Percy asked the group.

"We wanted to visit, and it's hard to do so after school when everyone is visiting." Thalia answered.

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