Pinned Against The Wall

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Camila gets slammed hard against the brick wall in the dark alleyway as a hand clasps over her mouth to prevent her from yelping out.

"Hello, darling," Shawn smiles.

Camila wraps her hand around his wrist and digs her fingernails into the inside of it.

"I'll uncover your mouth if you swear you won't scream," Shawn says.

Camila nods immediately and Shawn uncovers her mouth but his hand grips her jaw.

"You seem to be doing well for yourself. You have the richest woman in the Americas and Europe wrapped around your little finger," Shawn says.

"I'm not with her because of her money," Camila says.

"Your not? You practically sold yourself like a fucking prostitute, slut to her," Shawn says.

She knows she shouldn't but Camila starts to laugh. "Please, the money would be seen as a perk to most people but I accepted her because unlike you, she caused a desire in me by just looking at me. You never caused a desire in me, why do you think I never wanted to fuck you? Katherine must have fucking gotten a head injury if she prefers you over her," Camila says.

"And do you think I care? Katherine is and will always be the only woman I love. But I can't let you humiliate me more than you already have," Shawn says.

"What do you mean?" Camila's eyebrows furrow.

"It will cause a big scandal if the kids are revealed to be mine instead of Lauren's," Shawn says.

"More than Katherine revealing the affair?" Camila asks.

"I don't think Lauren wants an image to be created on her if people find out that she has been fooled into believing that two kids who aren't even hers, were hers. Katherine doesn't want to do that to her believe it or not. She cares about her too much," Shawn says.

"And how will this benefit you?" Camila asks.

"You're gonna tell the world that this baby is mine," Shawn says.

Camila feels her blood start to boil in rage as she pushes him back, causing his nails to scratch the side of her jaw.

"I'm not telling the world that," Camila says.

Shawn growls and grip her jaw again, slamming her against the wall hard, causing Camila to whimper in pain as it shoots all over her head and body.

"Shawn, don't hurt the poor baby."

Camila looks over and sees Katherine gracefully step out of the shadows.

"Great, your here too," Camila rolls her eyes.

Katherine tilts her head to the side as she just watches Camila for a few seconds. "I have to admit... I appreciate you for making her happy. For being with her while she's hurting," Katherine says.

"She wouldn't be hurting if you had the guts to tell her long ago that your heart belonged to Shawn," Camila says.

Katherine looks down at the ground and frowns. "I admit it was in my wrong for making her love me when I have always loved Shawn. I know Lauren would have fought to help me keep my fortune and be with whom I love but I saw it as no use to fight with my parents. The scandal it would have caused if people found out that we were only wedded to keep our fortunes," She says.

"Bigger than the one now? I don't believe so," Camila says.

"I suppose so. But I'm giving you and Lauren a chance to not make it even bigger. It will hurt the Jauregui name. Lauren will have no inheritor, well, not in the years to come since Ray is fifteen and he still has a long way to go before even inheriting her fortune, her company," Katherine says.

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